View Full Version : Cookie

C.C.'s Mom
05-27-2002, 01:42 AM
Here are some nice pictures that my husband took in April


(Yes, she has been digging... She hides her toys and sticks there)

There are many more to come of course (I better warn you all!) :eek:

05-27-2002, 02:05 AM
Cookie is absolutely STUNNING as always. Can NEVER have too many pictures of her. Can't wait for more!

05-27-2002, 02:38 AM
Oh what a beautiful dog!!

05-27-2002, 02:59 AM
She is so pretty! I think she looks so proud in the second pic; as if saying "Look mommy; I've been digging up your garden! Aren't I a good girl?" :)

Can't wait to see more!

C.C.'s Mom
05-27-2002, 03:46 AM

And here's one more. The two best friends, Cookie and Eddy. Always looking at the same object (don't know what). I don't know what it is with those two.

(Oh yeah, we had to put some kind of 'gate' between terrace and garden to protect Cookie from digging up the garden once again. She's very unhappy about this of course, being World's Digger Numero Uno)

05-27-2002, 04:10 AM
That's a great picture! Cookie and Eddy sure seem like very special friends... heartwarming :)

05-27-2002, 06:22 AM
Great pictures! I particularly love the one of Cookie with Eddy. They do look like they're best friends :D

Dixieland Dancer
05-27-2002, 06:25 AM
OH MY! What a beautiful girl Cookie has grown up to be!

She is one lucky girl to have such a special mom and a wonderful friend like Eddy! :D I enjoyed seeing her again. More please!!!! :rolleyes:

05-27-2002, 09:27 AM
Cookie is so beautiful!!!! Love they pic of her and Eddy!

05-27-2002, 11:05 AM
more! more! ;)

05-27-2002, 11:10 AM
Cookie is a CUTIE!! There's something about a dog in a bandana that just makes me smile... :D

As for her digging in the garden, well, from a dog's point of view what else is a garden for?? YOU dig in the garden for fun, so why shouldn't she? ;) *grin*

05-27-2002, 11:47 AM
Cookie has grown up to be a Beautiful young lady !!!:)

I loved the pictures, especially the one with Eddy & Cookie
looking longingly through the fence.:D My dog Buddy was
a "Major Digger" also when he was younger. He loved to
hide sticks or tennis balls in his "hidey holes". I couldn't
get him to give up digging altogether. We compromised
with him getting two or three places where he could dig
to his heart's content. They were places around the edge
of the yard so I didn't have to worry about stepping into
one of them by mistake.:D Some dogs just LOVE to dig,
but eventually they grow out of it. It just makes them so
:D :D :D

Sam's My Baby
05-27-2002, 12:35 PM
She is so adorable! Any more pics?! :);) :D

05-27-2002, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by C.C.'s Mom
She's very unhappy about this of course, being World's Digger Numero Uno)

I don't know about that! Roxey is one pretty good digger herself!

C.C.'s Mom
05-28-2002, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by kobieeli
Cookie is a CUTIE!! There's something about a dog in a bandana that just makes me smile... :D

As for her digging in the garden, well, from a dog's point of view what else is a garden for?? YOU dig in the garden for fun, so why shouldn't she? ;) *grin*

:) I was doing some gardening last week, planting flowers and pulling out weed. I wondered why Cookie was so silent and peacuful so I turned around. I saw her pulling out everything I planted and some older plants too. I just couldn't be angry with her, looking so innocent with her mouth covered with mud.

C.C.'s Mom
05-28-2002, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by ellensy
more! more! ;)

I'm working on it! Took a film to the drugstore last night.

05-28-2002, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by C.C.'s Mom

I'm working on it! Took a film to the drugstore last night.

Thanks! :D