View Full Version : Dry Food: Is He Ready???

08-22-2006, 09:10 AM
Well, Brodie hasn't thrown up one time . . . not once . . . since July 31st!!!

We put him on preds & Hill's Z/D. We've tapered him down on the preds, he's not taking as much - like 5mg every other day. The doc said that if the preds work quickly, that will most likely tell us that he has IBD. And from everything I've read, it fits.

I am thinking about going ahead and trying him on the dry Z/D.

Do you think he's ready??? He hasn't had dry food in months. I hope he'll eat it! He's been spoiled to wet food for so long now!

And I worry because he hasn't been able to hold down dry food in over a year . . . of course, he was barely holding down wet food, before we went on the preds. And then again, he's never tried the dry z/d. The z/d is for this condition.

This is the longest I've ever seen him go without puking anything at all . . . hasn't even puked a hairball! It's been amazing!

Do you all think he's ready???

08-22-2006, 09:33 AM
I would try some sample packs from the Pet Food Store, just to make sure and that you dont ahve to buya whole bag.
You, that way can try different companies and different formulas.

08-22-2006, 10:26 AM
I would try some sample packs from the Pet Food Store, just to make sure and that you dont ahve to buya whole bag.
You, that way can try different companies and different formulas.

Unfortunately, that's not an option. At this point, I do know that the only thing that he can keep down is Hills Z/D. The smallest bag they can get for me at the vet is a $40 bag :eek: . . . so I am praying that he can eat it!!! If not, I will cry!

08-22-2006, 10:43 AM
I'd go ahead and buy the bag. But only put a few crunchies in his bowl. If he eats them and keeps them down, give him another handful of crunchies the next day. As long as he's keeping it down, you can keep increasing it until it's back to his pre-puking quantity. If it doesn't work now, just put the bag away and try in another month or so.

08-22-2006, 12:11 PM
Are you planning to remove him fully from the prednisone? If you are you might want to do that first and keep him on the wet food. If he can keep that down then switch him over to the dry food.

Good luck!

Tanner (one of my guys) has IBD but I decided to switch him over to a raw diet instead of the prescription food. (I have 7 cats and I would have had to change everyone over and that is $$$). But since he changed I hve found no more diarrhea or "puke piles" :rolleyes: So I understand your happiness.

08-22-2006, 04:12 PM
According to what I've read, cats with IBD can go off of the preds slowly & then only need it for flare-ups. I'm not really sure what to do. He has a re-check with the vet on Sept 5th. I might try a little on the preds & then see what she says to do then. I've got both wet & dry . . . I can't even get him to try the dry until next monday anyway. I had to have them order it. :rolleyes:

08-22-2006, 08:19 PM
I guess I would try it gradually too. It sounds very encouraging though, that you have found what is ailing him.... the IBD! I hope things continue to improve for your little Brodie!

Kim :)

08-22-2006, 09:42 PM
Hi Kim! :) Good to hear from ya!

Yeah, we're pretty certain it's IBD . . . I've been reading up on it, and everything seems to fit. And everything that I've read about the Z/D also seems to sound like it will take care of it too. It's all about the proteins & how they're broken down - how they affect his bowels . . . more complicated than I ever thought . . . I just thought it was hairballs! Poor guy! Hopefully we'll get it under control soon.

08-22-2006, 10:45 PM
Hmmm...my vet had sample packs of the prescription foods. And your vet doesn't?

Ask for one anyway - they might have one open that they are using for some feline clients. and can give you just a bit.

Good luck!

How wonderful that Brodie has had a peaceful month tummy-wise!

08-23-2006, 07:38 AM
If you can get him off the prednisone I would certainly recommend that. There are some longterm effects associated with that drug that aren't very good. Even if you have to keep him on wet food with no prednisone versus dry food and on prednisone, I would try and get him off it if possible.

08-23-2006, 08:07 AM
Hmmm...my vet had sample packs of the prescription foods. And your vet doesn't?
I have asked about sample packs of the food and unfortunately I can't get them from my vet. I guess it's not used enough around here for her to fool with. Too bad for me. If he can't eat it, I guess Josie will be getting the best for awhile!

If you can get him off the prednisone I would certainly recommend that. There are some longterm effects associated with that drug that aren't very good. Even if you have to keep him on wet food with no prednisone versus dry food and on prednisone, I would try and get him off it if possible.

We are going to try & I understand that he may only need it when he flares up. I hate that both of my cats would have to be on preds - Josie is already being pumped full of the stuff. No telling what the results of her pred usage will be. But for Brodie, this was a last resort . . . we tried everything else possible. It was the last possible thing to do, besides surgery, and so far it has worked & given us some idea of the problem we're actually dealing with. And at least now we know it's not blockage. :)