View Full Version : A doggie Visitor!!!*Update*

critter crazy
08-22-2006, 08:33 AM
Last night I was cleaning up, when my husband came home from work, and yelled for me. It was one of those "what have you done now" kind of yells! So i ran to the front door, look out and there is this Big Black dog on the front porch!!So I came out and asked hubby where the dog came from, he said he thought I knew! So a dog has wandered to our house and we have no Idea who it belongs to! (hubby thought i had brought it home!:) ) It wasnt me this time!! he he he he! So I introduced myself to the dog, and he was very sweet! He became attached to me very quickly, he follwed me everywhere! I gave him a bucket of water, as he seemed very hot. Hubby told me I should try to find his home. So I put a collar and leash on him(he had no collar on)and began walking down our road, we live out i the country and the houses are spread out quite a bit, we have never had a stray dog, come around like this before. So we walked a few miles around asking people if they have seen this dog before, and no one had. So he stayed with us last night, and he is such a sweetheart. He loves my son, and gets along great with our dog Duke! I cant believe that he is a stray as he is in good condition and is so sweet! but he had no collar on, seems to know no basic commands(dosent know sit, stay, laydown),and he is still intact. He dosent seem to be a very old dog. but he is big! He looks like a lab mix, maybe pit/lab or rotti/lab. I think i am just gonna call the local shelters and just ask if anyyone has been looking for a dog. I dont want to take him to the pound unless absolutely nessessary! well enoug of that here are some pics of our visitor!

08-22-2006, 09:13 AM
Why don't these lost dogs come to my house?

I'm glad you are trying to find the rightful owner first, instead of taking that sweetheart to the pound, or, the shelter.

Maybe you can post a picture in your area newspaper, or, print some flyers and post them at a neaby store that most of your neighbors frequent.

Anyway, Thank-You for sharing that beautiful dog today, and, let us know if you do find his owner.

critter crazy
08-22-2006, 09:18 AM
Why don't these lost dogs come to my house?

I'm glad you are trying to find the rightful owner first, instead of taking that sweetheart to the pound, or, the shelter.

Maybe you can post a picture in your area newspaper, or, print some flyers and post them at a neaby store that most of your neighbors frequent.

Anyway, Thank-You for sharing that beautiful dog today, and, let us know if you do find his owner.

I will do everything i can to find his owners, but if they cannot be found he will stay here with us! He is too sweet to take to the shelter, and his size alone would be held against him at the shelter, as well as his possible breed.

08-22-2006, 09:35 AM
Wow! he Is a big labbie!
Good Luck! I hope you find his owners and they fix him and put a collar on him!!!

08-22-2006, 09:53 AM
What a handsome rottie mix! I hope he finds his home, or at least a forever home.

critter crazy
08-22-2006, 09:54 AM
Well I found his owner!!! His name is Cloney and he is a pure English Black lab Show dog! He is four years old. His owner just came and took him home, he was being dogsat, when he ran off! She was very greatful to have her dog back. He didnt have a collar but is microchipped, the dog shelter gave me her number. I am very happy he has found his home. However my son is in tears!

08-22-2006, 10:15 AM
I am glad you found his owners! he probably got out because he isn't neutered. I hope he decides to neuter him.

critter crazy
08-22-2006, 10:27 AM
I am glad you found his owners! he probably got out because he isn't neutered. I hope he decides to neuter him.

Being that he is a show dog, i highly doubt he will be neutered.

08-22-2006, 10:39 AM
Being that he is a show dog, i highly doubt he will be neutered.

sorry..I didn't know he was a show dog.

08-22-2006, 10:49 AM
So glad that the owner got her show dog back, thanks to you!!!
however, your poor son , he feel in love with a black lab!!!!! :(

Is he school aged? I hope so!!!!

You showed a wonderful example for him, just the same!!!!! ;)

critter crazy
08-22-2006, 10:56 AM
So glad that the owner got her show dog back, thanks to you!!!
however, your poor son , he feel in love with a black lab!!!!! :(

Is he school aged? I hope so!!!!

You showed a wonderful example for him, just the same!!!!! ;)

Oh yes, he will be going into the first grade in two weeks! He is musch better now, i explained that if we lost our dog, we would want someone to bring him back! :)

08-22-2006, 11:17 AM
Bless his little heart, and , yours too!!!!!! ;)

08-22-2006, 11:27 AM
That is great news!!! I thought I saw some brown on the feet/legs, hence the reason for saying he was a rottie mix, but I went to look again & couldn't find the brown. Guess that's what I get for playing on the puter when the sun rays are hitting my screen. lol

08-22-2006, 01:42 PM
Awww! :)

08-22-2006, 11:38 PM
Yay, I'm glad he got back to his family. :) I'll bet he really enjoyed his stay with you. :)

08-23-2006, 03:33 PM
That's wonderful - you found his owners! I was going to say that from his pics, he looks like a purebred lab to me, but what do I know? He is huge. There's a yellow lab bred in England that comes to our dogpark, who is also much larger than our American labs.
;) Hmmm, do we see a black lab puppy in your future???