View Full Version : A New Tiny Addition

08-22-2006, 02:27 AM
Today while I was at work I recieved a phone call from a friend of mine. Her co-worker found a kitten in the alley by her house. She said the kitten was about four weeks or that is what she thought. She had been bottle feeding it for a week but her kids are going back to school and there will be nobody to care for it for like 9 hours a day...so here is where I come in. I called the lady, Donna, and asked her if the baby's eyes were open. She said that they opened about 5 days ago and the kit just scoots, not really crawling. I told her the baby was about two weeks old and that I have two nursing mommas that may except the newbie. So Donna brings it to our home/rescue and my fiance takes over till I get home. He introduced the kit to Dottie. She is the one who is nursing four. She was nursing five, but one passed away Sunday morning. Instantly, Dottie starts to clean the baby's bottom and take control...but the baby will not nurse on her. So I am bottle feeding the baby and letting Dottie do the cleaning and potty stimulations. I am hoping the baby takes to Dottie. I noticed the baby's rear legs are a bit swollen and have no hair and when I was stimulating potty, the kit bled from the rear. I am thinking that the swelling and hair loss is from the kitten scooting on the ground outside in the heat...who knows how long it was outside alone. I don't know why it is bleeding, maybe worms. I am taking it to an emergency vet in the morning...my vet has no openings. I don't have the money, I was saving for the Lil' Dirty Dozen's vet needs, but this is much more important right now. I will keep you posted. I just hope the little kit makes it. More little thing. :(

08-22-2006, 05:48 AM
Please try to keep us informed of this little baby's situation. Although you really have your hands full right now obviously!
I will pray hard you find a financial solution.

08-22-2006, 08:33 AM
How wonderful of Dottie to mother the new baby.

I hope the little one's problems are easily solved, and maybe she will nurse when she feels more comfortable.

Poor little mite!


08-22-2006, 08:41 AM
I'm praying for the little ones.

08-22-2006, 08:53 AM
Thank you everybody. Off to the vet we go!!

08-22-2006, 09:16 AM
Oh my.... poor little one. What a rough way to start life, but thank goodness she was able to get in your care! Keep us posted on her!

Laura's Babies
08-22-2006, 09:20 AM
Hope you come back to report with GOOD news!!

08-22-2006, 09:32 AM
Special prayers for the wee one!!

08-22-2006, 09:35 AM
All The Found Cats, Porch Cats and Angels are praying that that Little Baby can overcome her rough start in life, and become a Big Beautiful Cat.

08-22-2006, 10:54 AM
I'm posting in cat general as well, thinking that is where you will give us the up date on this sweetheart!!!!

All my best wishes for that kitten to pull through!!!!

08-22-2006, 12:21 PM
I really hope everything goes okay!!! Such a wee one deserves a chance at happiness

08-22-2006, 12:29 PM
Come on now, little kitty.You can get past this. You already have many friends on PT praying that you get better soon so you can enjoy all the love and caring that goes with being a PT kitty even if it's only your temporary home. We'd love to see some pictures of you just as soon as you feel up to it.

08-22-2006, 03:22 PM
I hope that the vet will be able to help this poor little baby kitten.:( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his/her way.

08-22-2006, 04:41 PM
I've been checking this thread all day, hoping that the kitten is going to be okay and that Tracy lets us know soon. How wonderful that she agreed to take on this extra tiny kitten when she is already way overloaded. I must admit that I was hoping the shelters would request a lower adoption fee for Beans and Bethel (not that they should, but some do) so I could send what I saved to Tracy, but it's not to be. I was very pleased to see that her fiance was helping out with the kitten since work like this can put a real strain on a relationaship, but they sound like a good team.

08-22-2006, 06:10 PM
Hang in there tiny one!


08-22-2006, 08:36 PM
So, I took the baby (whom I have named Itty Bitty for now) and two of our other babies (Dottie's babies who have severe eye infections) to the vet at Animal Welfare. I sat and waited for about two hours, but finally I was seen. The two five week olds are underweight, Dottie is not taking good care of them. I have to give them baby food five to six times a day and put eye ointment on them three times a day. As for Itty Bitty...it is a boy. He is three weeks old and weighs 6 oz. Which is just right they said. They lady that found him, did well. I have to bottle feed him every three to five hours or whenever he cries for food. Dottie still stimulates the poop...so the Dr. said to keep letting her do that. His legs are raw, but the doctor is not worried, he said it may be due to crawling around outside as I thought. He said just to keep an eye on them for a couple of weeks if they get worse, bring him back. The Dr. also dewormed all three of the babies. He said that may be why Itty Bitty is bleeding from the bottom. Now, all we need to do is pray he makes it and put all our effort into this baby. The bill wasn't too bad, but it was funds towards the 12 Olney kittens...now I have to postpone altering...but it was well worth it. I will post pictures in a day or two of Itty Bitty.

Laura's Babies
08-22-2006, 09:25 PM
We had a little orange one at the shelter I helped out at that I called "Wee Bit" because it was so tiny. Itty Bitty is just as cute a name but like Wee Bit, I am sure he will outgrow that name as Wee Bit did. Can't wait to see pictures of the little one!

08-22-2006, 10:49 PM
Oh, man...Reader's Digest better draw my numbers in their sweepstakes so I can help out a few kitties here!

But I didn't want to buy any books, so I am hooped.... :(

Maybe not. I can't do any more right now...The Olney babes, Bellefonte PA babies...

But I will again as soon as I can!

08-22-2006, 10:54 PM
Catty1, I've been with Reader's Digest since 1984 and I'M still waiting to win the big one. :rolleyes:

Tracy, Itty Bitty will definitely be in my prayers, along with the other two and that they have a full and speedy recovery.

Bless you for all the wonderful work that you do. :)

08-22-2006, 11:19 PM
Tracy - I'm very relieved to read your post and that all the tiny kittens will pull through with your extra care. You are going to be even busier - when will you sleep? Are your children old enough to help you with some of the cat related tasks? Like others here, I keep hoping that money will grow on the trees in my garden (I have about 50, so that's plenty of money!) and I can send some to you. Perhaps I'll be very silly and buy a lottery ticket on Friday since it's payday. I'll get one of those cards where you put in your own numbers and get the cats to choose them. Tails, paws or noses, whatever works. :D

08-23-2006, 01:32 AM
Oh, man...Reader's Digest better draw my numbers in their sweepstakes so I can help out a few kitties here!

But I didn't want to buy any books, so I am hooped.... :(

Maybe not. I can't do any more right now...The Olney babes, Bellefonte PA babies...

But I will again as soon as I can!

I understand...you have done so much already! Don't sweat it! We do what we can...and that is all we can do. I will work it out...one way or another. Thank you for all your help getting the Dirty Dozen! They are a handful...but well worth it.

08-23-2006, 01:34 AM
Catty1, I've been with Reader's Digest since 1984 and I'M still waiting to win the big one. :rolleyes:

Tracy, Itty Bitty will definitely be in my prayers, along with the other two and that they have a full and speedy recovery.

Bless you for all the wonderful work that you do. :)

Aren't we all waiting for them to call our name! Thank you for the prayers about the babies...I am worried about one imparticular. She is a tiny orange baby (one of Dottie's) that is the most under weight and weak. I hope she pulls through. Thank you again rg_girlca!

08-23-2006, 01:41 AM
Tracy - I'm very relieved to read your post and that all the tiny kittens will pull through with your extra care. You are going to be even busier - when will you sleep? Are your children old enough to help you with some of the cat related tasks? Like others here, I keep hoping that money will grow on the trees in my garden (I have about 50, so that's plenty of money!) and I can send some to you. Perhaps I'll be very silly and buy a lottery ticket on Friday since it's payday. I'll get one of those cards where you put in your own numbers and get the cats to choose them. Tails, paws or noses, whatever works. :D

You are so cute Lizzie!! I hope the kitties noses are dry or they will smear the ink!!

My boys are 6 and 7...so they are a little bit standofish about the whole kitty thing. They will feed the ones that eat dry...they say "the wet stuff smells gross!" They will hold the babies, help me bathe them....but they will not lay one hand on a litter scooper! They won't dare touch a pooper scooper for the dog messes...even through bribery of more allowance...they say "NO WAY MOM!" Other then that they try their best. I stay up till about 3 am everyday to catch up on the cleaning and feedings and watering....etc, etc, etc.... I work M, Tu, We from 1:30 til 9....so those are my really late nights. I work Fr and Sat nights (til 3 am), so those nights are out... Lots of lack of sleep, but oh so worth it. I am not complaining at all...though I know it sounds that way. I love my rescues....from small to big and young to old...they are my babies till they find fur-ever homes..even after!

I would like to have one of those money trees though so my babies are set for life!! :D