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08-22-2006, 12:53 AM
Do you live in a place differently than the one your heart is attached to? Even if it has been a long time since you've been there? Talk about it!

I love Oregon. western oregon, that is.... I was born in California (Barstow) but lived part of my life in Eugene/Springfield, Oregon (the rest in Pendleton which is in eastern oregon). I love it there, the people, the environment, everything. I am in *HEART* with that place. I want to move back there but money is preventing that, for right now.

I also love Portland and Seattle, although I've only visited those places. They are wonderful and make me want to poke things! :D

I am homesick! :o

08-22-2006, 01:34 AM
I always wanted to live in Portland (Australia) and now I do!

I did get very homesick years ago when I was a lot younger but now I adapt pretty easily to where I am, not that I plan on ever moving again.

You just have to make the most of what you have, I hope you do get to go back one day. :)

08-22-2006, 07:39 AM
I used to live in Thunder Bay. But I moved away when I was 3. :( My mom says it was way nicer there. But my dad got a job here. One of the most important and significant changes was the air. Our families health dropped because of the dirty air. In Thunder Bay ( those who do not know it geographically ) The air comes from the plaines/praries so it is much, MUCH cleaner than the air here, which comes from Toronto. Urg.

08-22-2006, 09:22 AM
It took me a long time to consider Alaska home. My dad was in the Air Force so we lived in California, Scotland, Pakistan, German, Turkey, Mississippi, Taiwan and then moved here. So, I guess I never really got attached to one place long enough to get homesick for it. But, I'm with you on western Oregon. One of my favorite places to visit is Rockaway Beach, Oregon. I could really see myself living there someday.

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-22-2006, 09:33 AM
No , not at all! In the 80-ties, we lived in the US during almost 2 years! I missed my family, but homesick?? NO!

08-22-2006, 09:44 AM
When I was younger I lived in Las Vegas for about a year. I loved Vegas, but all my family was here in Colorado I got so homesick for them and my mountains. Its hard being away from your family.

I have an Aunt that lives in Seal Rock, Oregon. It looks so beautiful there. I want to go visit her so bad. Oregon is one palce I would love to see.

08-22-2006, 01:46 PM
Ahh, yes, the beaches of Oregon! Truly magnificent. They go on for miles (walkable, that is. Of course the whole coast is miles and miles long. :p). The largest sea lion caves in the world, blah blah blah. Next time you go through, try out Leroy's Blue Whale Restaurant in Yachats (Yaw-hots), Oregon. It is magnificent. It is about an hour away from Newport or Waldport (I think). I miss home! :o (I also spent a nice chunk of my childhood visiting family in Reedsport and Gardiner.)

Vegas was magnificent when I went there in July. The airport was so huge. When I went to the airport, the day of my departure, it was about 5 30 in the morning and some of the casino lights were on and I was on the freeway heading to the airport from N. Las Vegas. Very awesome. Everyone wanted to take me out on a wild tour the previous night but I was like "no no, too tired" :p

Thunder Bay, where is that?

I had relatives who lived in Alaska but not for very long. I don't know if I could handle so much solitude.

Troy and I are considering moving to Denver. He has been there a couple of times visiting friends and really loves it. However, we might have to nix those plans as we want to get a pittie one day and absolutely *REFUSE* to move without our babies. (Let alone move into a new apartment and not be able to take our witties or pup)

08-22-2006, 02:50 PM
We live about 270 miles from Denver. Its on the eastern slope, were on the western slope. Denver is nice for a city but they have one of the worst BSL bans ever. I will never forget when it showed all the people on the news giving up their pitties. I was crying my eyes out. :(

My son lives in Aurora. They also did a ban on the pit bills as well as a bunch of other breeds. You were allowed to keep your dogs if you already owned them but no new ones are allowed in Aurora.

Did you know you arent even allowed to pass through Denver if you have a pit bull? If they catch you they will take your dog, fine you over $900.00 for each dog and possible jail time. :mad: How stupid is that? Denver went way to far IMHO.

08-22-2006, 03:13 PM
I'm with you. I too have lived in Eugene/Springfield, twice in the last 8 years or so. If I had the money you bet your bottom dollar I'd be back there before the blink of an eye. You are so correct when you say
I love it there, the people, the environment, everything. I am in *HEART* with that place. it is so different than many other places that I have lived & visited (believe me, that's a LOT of places) and the western part of Oregon tops them all! I get tingly all over just thinking about living there again. I honestly hope that someday I can afford to move back out there, and I will NEVER move again. I miss it so very very very very much.

08-22-2006, 09:22 PM
Troy and I are considering moving to Denver. He has been there a couple of times visiting friends and really loves it. However, we might have to nix those plans as we want to get a pittie one day and absolutely *REFUSE* to move without our babies. (Let alone move into a new apartment and not be able to take our witties or pup)
I love Denver!!! My husband & I just moved here about 2 months ago. It's really a nice city, with a lot of opportunities. We moved from Iowa, and it was really tough to find a good job there, even though both of us have Bachelor's degrees. We both found good paying jobs within a month here, and Eric makes almost twice as much as he used to. :eek: It's really nice because the cost of living isn't too bad either.

It's really a shame about the BSL, but despite that it's actually known as one of the country's most dog-friendly cities. I'm not sure if you can have pitbulls in the burbs besides Aurora or not, but if you have a pitbull you might want to consider another city in Colorado. It's gorgeous and the weather is fabulous!

Oh yeah, in regards to your original question, I do miss certain places I like, but mostly I miss the people.

08-23-2006, 01:16 AM
I've never lived there physically, but my heart lives in the Scotts Valley area of California. It's only about 20 minutes away from where I live, but it's so different. Trees, forests, the beach so nearby...*sigh* if only it weren't so expensive to live here...

08-23-2006, 01:38 AM
I'm with you. I too have lived in Eugene/Springfield, twice in the last 8 years or so. If I had the money you bet your bottom dollar I'd be back there before the blink of an eye. You are so correct when you say it is so different than many other places that I have lived & visited (believe me, that's a LOT of places) and the western part of Oregon tops them all! I get tingly all over just thinking about living there again. I honestly hope that someday I can afford to move back out there, and I will NEVER move again. I miss it so very very very very much.

Heh, you described my feelings exactly! :D

I mean, who couldn't miss the ten cent LTD fare when the fair came to town? Or, the good art? OR THE GIANT DUCKS ALL AROUND TOWN?! Or the fairs and fests? Or biking up the buttes? Or nutria? etc etc etc?

Eugene is the birthplace for my love of pita sandwiches.

I miss Oregon. If we move back, and you move back, we should all gather and chat in one place! :D

08-23-2006, 12:49 PM
Heh, you described my feelings exactly! :D

I mean, who couldn't miss the ten cent LTD fare when the fair came to town? Or, the good art? OR THE GIANT DUCKS ALL AROUND TOWN?! Or the fairs and fests? Or biking up the buttes? Or nutria? etc etc etc?

Eugene is the birthplace for my love of pita sandwiches.

I miss Oregon. If we move back, and you move back, we should all gather and chat in one place! :D

Oh I know, I the sunset/rise at the butte is to die for, burrito boy & burrito amigos (yummy), breakfast at Keystone Cafe (my favorite place to eat), the rose garden, the farmers market, the micro-brews, I could go on & on.

Yes, we will have to gather when we get back out that way!

08-23-2006, 01:42 PM
I had relatives who lived in Alaska but not for very long. I don't know if I could handle so much solitude. The population of Anchorage is 300,000. Not much solitude if you ask me. :) http://www.acsyellowpages.com/webcam.htm
http://camera.touchngo.com/http://camera.touchngo.com/ (http://camera.touchngo.com/)