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View Full Version : What would you do?

08-21-2006, 07:54 PM
Well, today I heard someone talking about one of my friends. I thought they were friends, but apparently not. The person said my friend was a know-it-all and she thinks she's better than everyone else. Uh, no. My friend does not think that, (at least IMO).. So I was trying to decide whether to tell her or not.. I don't want to cause any conflict, but I think my friend has a right to know.
What would you do?
I know this should be easy, but it's frustrating me to death :/

08-21-2006, 08:26 PM
I wouldn't tell her. It's only going to hurt her feelings to find that out, and sometimes people can say things they don't mean. It's not a nice thing to say, but teenagers (or anyone really) say some stupid things sometimes. I now work with emotionally disturbed teenage girls and if I let half the things they said get to me I would have quit my first day.

08-21-2006, 08:29 PM
This happens SO much now a days. Bri, your right. Your friend DOES have a right to know, that this girl is talking about her. Tell your friend that this person is talking about her, but tell her not to say it was you who told her. Then you won't need to be involved with the whole conflict. Maybe these two people can talk it out and move on, or just maybe they were not ment to be friends. Do you know if their both in a fight about something? If that's the case, stay out of it. If not, tell your friend about this person talking about her. That's what I would do, and I HAVE done it before.

08-21-2006, 08:32 PM
I don't think they're in a fight, and the one who talked about my friend acts all nice, "you're such a great friend person!" around her.. I can't believe she said that right in front of me because I'm pretty sure she knows I'm friends with my friend. :confused: