View Full Version : Kaige's mini photo shoot this morning

08-21-2006, 02:55 PM
I was a little early for work this morning so we stopped by the state owned field for a little outing & photo shoot. It sure was a beautiful morning.
My boy, enjoying the fresh air & sunshine

Checking out what is around him


The parking lot (don't ask me why but I like this pic)

Me trying to be artsy with the shadows, yes I know I need more practice. lol


He can't even stay still & mind his own business when he does his business lol

Again, trying to work with the sun & shadows, I like the way the right half of his face turned out lol

I've got a few more pics on the way

08-21-2006, 02:56 PM
I think this is the first pic ever, where his you can see any type of nubb on him what so ever


He's not impressed at all that we had to walk back to the van

I love this pic, it may be my new favorite pic of him


08-21-2006, 03:02 PM

uuuuuhhh........LOVE IT!!! .......the green, ..........the blue, ....... THE KAIGE!!!

08-21-2006, 03:04 PM
Very nice pictures!!!! Isn't Digital Photography amazing?

08-21-2006, 03:04 PM
Very nice pictures!!!! Isn't Digital Photography amazing?

Oh yes it is, you can delete all the misshaps (or show your mistakes). lol

08-21-2006, 03:20 PM
Wow Sue, those are really good pictures. Kaige is to beautiful for his own good. I love that boy. Since coming to PT I have seen so many different breeds of dogs I would love to own. The Aussie is one of them. :D

08-21-2006, 03:23 PM
Your pictures are very nice!!!! You did get some wonderful sun and shadow photos as well.

08-21-2006, 03:28 PM
Wow Sue, those are really good pictures. Kaige is to beautiful for his own good. I love that boy. Since coming to PT I have seen so many different breeds of dogs I would love to own. The Aussie is one of them. :D
Thank you Donna. You know I have always been fond of Aussies. Before actually owning one I always thought I would just own one so I would have time & room to own the other breeds of dogs that I hope to own before I die. But after having one in my life, honest to god, I could NOT imagine my life without an Aussie, EVER. They are so very smart, loving, affectionate, attentive, extremely amusing especially when you need it the most. I could go on & on, but this breed has it all. I always knew I would love the breed but not enough to ALWAYS own one. I have to have my Aussie. lol

08-21-2006, 04:50 PM

Love this one!

08-21-2006, 10:17 PM
He is sooooooo handsome!!! :D :D :D

08-21-2006, 10:35 PM
I love this one! Can I have the full size? I'd like to edit out the map thingie and make it my wallpaper :p


It must have been a really pretty day. I love the colors in the photos of the sky against the green trees and grass. Very pretty!

Kaige looks very handsome, as always! :)

08-22-2006, 08:05 AM
Beautiful pictures! I LOVE this one,even though he's pooping.:
The scenery looks like neat background. :)

08-22-2006, 09:05 AM

08-22-2006, 10:01 AM
I love this one! Can I have the full size? I'd like to edit out the map thingie and make it my wallpaper :p


It must have been a really pretty day. I love the colors in the photos of the sky against the green trees and grass. Very pretty!

Kaige looks very handsome, as always! :)
Sent ya a pm! :D

08-22-2006, 10:24 AM
he's so cute! :) I love the last picture. :)

08-22-2006, 11:08 AM
Kaige you are sooo handsome! Think mommy would mind if I came by and snatched you? shhh don't tell ;)

08-22-2006, 10:38 PM
Kaige is SO handsome! I love his eyes and his coloring. The last pic is spectacular!

08-22-2006, 10:48 PM
Can't add anything more than I have before. Kaige is the Man! He's awesome beyond words. Lucky lucky you!!

08-23-2006, 10:23 AM
I love you, Kaige! Such a handsome boy. I had to pick up the latest Dog Fancy magazine because it had a Aussie on it. I love the breed. :)

08-23-2006, 11:46 AM
I love you, Kaige! Such a handsome boy. I had to pick up the latest Dog Fancy magazine because it had a Aussie on it. I love the breed. :)

I saw that just the other day and I wanted it so bad. Hopefully I'll be able to afford a copy before next months issue comes out. :p