View Full Version : Updated websited, Dirty Dozen added!!

08-21-2006, 02:59 AM
Hey everybody. I spent a long time doing it, but it is done. The remaining ten of the "Lil' Dirty Dozen" are on my website. Feel free to take a peek! Please to everybody that has not helped us out, we are in desperate need of donations to get these kitties vaccinated, tested, and altered.

We are also trying to raise money to get one of our kitten's leg completely amputated. (Tulsa, the kitty with the partially amputated rear leg) The vet bill will be well over our budget. So, if you can, please help us out..even a $1.00 USD is helping these felines. Thank you. Without the help of you guys....these kitties would not stand a chance.

I do understand if you can not donate, but you can also help us by visiting our website and passing the information on to anybody and everybody you know!! Word of mouth is just as big of a donation as monetary donations are!!

If you would lke to know more about any feline we have available, or any canine as well, please email us at: [email protected].

Thank you everybody from the bottom of my heart...and the kitties paws!! :)