View Full Version : I'm not allowed to leave

08-20-2006, 06:37 PM
I have two cats and they are just over a year old. I went away for a weekend and when I came back the girls shunned me for one day, they wouldn't play or take treats from me only my roommate. I love my cats (they are my kids) but how can I still have a social life and not worry about my cats thinking that I am not abondoning them. HELP!!!!!!

08-20-2006, 07:24 PM
Oh heavens....shunning is totally normal for some cats! They just get a bit snotty about things!

Other cats become total velcro kitties when their people come home. Just different personalities.

Not to worry!

(I am sure treats will always help! :) They told me to say that!)

08-20-2006, 07:35 PM
Yep ~ Totally normal cat behavior. They love you so much and when you're not there to wait on them hand and foot, they feel the need to let you know! Don't worry, when they're through punishing you, they'll be back to their normal behavior.

I once had a kitty that would purr purr purr then remember she was mad at me and take a swipe then purr purr purr then take another swipe. Don't worry, all will be fine.

08-21-2006, 01:05 AM
If your roommate feeds them too the cats might think that they are hers as well as yours.

08-21-2006, 09:24 AM
My husband has been working in another city and only comes to visit for a short time. My cat lets him know he's "in the doghouse" and about the time the cat decides to forgive him it's almost time for him to go!
Showing that they are mad to be left alone is their way of showing you they care. They will get over it!