View Full Version : a couple questions about sheltering and rescuing

08-20-2006, 05:37 AM
hey guys, i've been reading a lot on people's stuff where they talk about having a rescue shelter and stuff.

as some of you may know, angelique i have a dream to open up one ourselves. my plan is to get a huge farm, kinda on the country side or something, and have a place where people can take their animals if they can't keep them, or if they say find them on the side of the road (my aunt worked for the humane society, and this sadly happened a lot), or whatever other reason, just a general safe place for animals to be. angelique will be the veteranarian part of it, the one who takes care of the sick and wounded, and takes care of them as well. when we do achieve this goal, we want to make it to where people can adopt animals. and even if they don't, that's ok, i will keep them myself, and take care of them.

this has always been a life long dream of mine and hers, to save as many lives as we possibly can, and make a difference. seeing how quite a few of you do this yourselves, not only does it warm my heart, but it really inspires me, and motivates me to keep this dream alive :D

so i guess what my question is, other than the fact of you know, schooling for the veteranarian part, is there any kind of other college or liscence(s) you need to get to do this? is there any kind of training to do it? what would be required for me (us) to do, in order to get this off the ground (other than the givens, getting the property, etc)?

any kind of help/suggestions would be much appreciated, as well as tips and ideas once we do get this going. and of course, stories of rescuing, etc would be awesome too!! :D

thanks guys!! :D

Laura's Babies
08-20-2006, 09:22 AM
It is a dream of all of ours I think to do the same thing. I know you will need and get plenty of LOVE. I don't know about any of the rest of it, I am sure you will learn as you go. Good luck with your dream.

08-20-2006, 09:33 AM
What a selfless loving dream you have! I don't know much about that, but i've been toying with the idea of one day buying some land and starting a dog park. I wonder, if your farm would have the room for it, if you could maybe do that too, and just charge like a dollar or two for people to use it, and you could use the proceeds to help with the shelter. Plus, you'd get a lot more word of mouth about the shelter from all the dog park visitors. It was just a thought. Hope everything works out. Keep us posted. :D

08-20-2006, 09:37 AM
What a wonderful thought, and that would help a lot of the Homeless ad Helpless and Hungry.
If you are young enough, maybe a course at a Community College as a Veterinary Assistant to help heal wounds, and buy the medications they may need, at cost.
Good Luck , and Prayers are coming to you, from us all.

08-20-2006, 10:52 AM
What a great idea. It sounds like you have the welfare of the animals covered. I guess I would suggest taking some business classes in school. Not very exciting, but it could give you info on how to deal with people and finances. Because, for it to be successful and for the animals to have treatment, it's going to take money. So, that means you have to deal with people and banks, etc. Maybe a class in running a small business? It would help you write a business plan on how you're going to make it all work. Even if your animal sanctuary is a non-profit, learning about fund raising, donations, grants, special programs for spay and neuter could be helpful.

08-20-2006, 12:00 PM
Pasado's Safe Haven offers workshops a few times a year, and they are in Washington State, so fairly close to you. Here's their web address:


And here is information about their next workshop:

"Next workshop:
April 21 & 22, 2007
What Is It?
A chance to learn how to begin a sanctuary - from very small to very large - from people who've "been there". Learn from our mistakes and successes to minimize wasting time, money, and effort . And learn it on-site at Pasado's Safe Haven, a sanctuary built from scratch. "

You will have the chance to be with people who have the same goals as you for two days as well as learning from people who built a renowned santuary, as they say, from scratch. They are often involved in law suits against people who have abused animals and so no longer give out their actual address. I really wanted to take their next tour but all these incoming cats have taken up that fund.

08-20-2006, 12:05 PM
Good luck to you. I am still in the process of getting my NFP status and a building. It all takes time. But it can happen! It is good to see you are trying to help the animals!! God bless you!! :)

08-21-2006, 03:40 AM
What a selfless loving dream you have! I don't know much about that, but i've been toying with the idea of one day buying some land and starting a dog park. I wonder, if your farm would have the room for it, if you could maybe do that too, and just charge like a dollar or two for people to use it, and you could use the proceeds to help with the shelter. Plus, you'd get a lot more word of mouth about the shelter from all the dog park visitors. It was just a thought. Hope everything works out. Keep us posted. :D

Hey!! wow, i never thought of that!! a dog park would be great!! (not to mention, walking dogs all the time would be a GREAT excuse to get out and exercise!! :D )

thats what i want to do is buy a giant piece of land, and make the whole thing mine, and my animals :D

08-21-2006, 04:05 AM
every day, i find more and more reasons to make this dream come true. i just wish there were more people like all of us pet lovers here that actually DID do it...it's ok tho, because i know those of us who try, even the littlest thing, make such a huge difference, whether it's in one life, or one million :D

there is no lacking in this female when it comes to love for animals..if anything i love them TOO MUCH! that would be my worry. even if i save thousands of lives, losing just one would rip me apart. and i know it's bound to happen, so i am taking steps to, i dont know, prepare myself? but can you ever be totally prepared for the death of an animal? i've always wanted to know how some of you veteranarians can become use to it. not saying you don't care, mind you, but how do you cope?? i can't even kill a bug...

sorry, got a little off track...thank you guys for all your ideas and support!!

Lizzie-i got a little confused navigating that website, where do i look to apply for the workshop?? i am web-illiterate, lol!!

kuhio98, catmandu, & tracy-i am already in college so taking a business class here and there, or a veteranry class shouldnt be a problem at all. i know here, OSU has one of the most competitive veteranary programs out there. but would it be just a couple of classes, or would i need a whole DEGREE to do this?

is it wrong to feel like this shouldn't be just a self-less dream? does anyone else feel as if something like this shouldnt be uncommon as it is?

BAH! oh well enough of my mutterings and ramblings. thank you guys SO MUCH again for your thoughts. keep in mind i am preparing myself little by little, step by step, and am in college right now (thusly, broke as heck :rolleyes: ), so buying a piece of land will take awhile. as of now, i will be starting a volunteer position at the humane society here, and as soon as i lose the roommates, i will start taking in and rescuing more and more, until i have saved up enough to buy some acreage in the mountains (whats great about this area, is being on lots of acreage in the mountains isnt too far away from everything to help!! :D )

i will keep everyone posted, and if there are any other suggestions/tips/ideas/random rememberings, PLEASE, feel free to let me know!!! :D :D :D

thanks, guys!

08-21-2006, 04:50 AM
At the Pasado home page, click on Sanctuary 101 in the left hand bar.

08-22-2006, 03:19 AM
OHHHH...ok...i feel like a genius. :cool: