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View Full Version : I don't know what to do about this

08-18-2006, 01:36 PM
My friend, Kami & her daughter who were staying with me & left to Arizona had a dog whom they kept at her fathers house because he doesn't get along with other dogs. Well the dog got loose (he fathers fault) *about* 5 days before they were going to leave. I helped them & we searched every nook & cranny, every corner, every shelter no sight of him what so ever. Now they have been trying to move down there for almost 3 months so they could not delay it any more. They had to leave without their dog. Well low & behold I found their dog, he's at the shelter just down the street from me. I keep trying to call her but no answer. I have already talked to the shelter, so they know what's going on. They are holding him for me until I can get over there to look at him, which will be at about 6:00 tonight. I see his picture on their website. I described him to the shelter & they really think he is my friends dog.
I am not sure what Kami will do, they already owe me money, the airlines don't ship animals in this weather & he can not stay at my house.

I'd LOVE to at least foster him, ven if I can't get him back to her as he is at a kill shelter but he is not always dog friendly & I can't chance that. He is a SWEET dog, deserves a GREAT home! Great with kids, people, other animals, just not always with other dogs. He has played with my dogs many times before but then once he just attacked with no warning. Other than that he is AWESOME. I love this dog, I'd keep him if I could.
What do I do? The shelter is only willing to hold him until tonight, when I can get there to look at him to make sure he is my friends dog, (even though the shelter & I are both almost positive he is). I will have to give them an anser by then. I don't know what to do.

08-18-2006, 01:43 PM
Do you have a crate you can keep him in? Have it in a different room until your friend can get a transport for him? There are plenty of transports out there for animals to an alternitive to flying. The cost is fair and there is always someone going somewhere. I have had to seperate male from female for 30 days straight to avoid confrontations and it can be done. Hope this helps.


Laura's Babies
08-18-2006, 01:45 PM
Do you think you could find someone to foster the dog until you can get it to your friend? Do you think she wants the dog back enough to put the money out for him?

Your friend could be working, out running errans ot just tied up and unable to answer her phone.. Can't the shelter give you more time to get in touch with her... I think it odd that they only gave you a few hours when there is a possiability a pet could be reunited with it's owners.

08-18-2006, 01:51 PM
Do you think you could find someone to foster the dog until you can get it to your friend? Do you think she wants the dog back enough to put the money out for him?

Your friend could be working, out running errans ot just tied up and unable to answer her phone.. Can't the shelter give you more time to get in touch with her... I think it odd that they only gave you a few hours when there is a possiability a pet could be reunited with it's owners.

I have called everyone I know that would even remotely think of caring for a dog short term, and no one in my area is able to for one reason or another.

My friend has a cell phone so I don't know why she isn't answering it.

And no, the shelter would barely keep him there until 6ish tonight, the soonest I can get there.
I am not happy with this shelter either, they are supposed to keep the dog for 5 days before he is up for adoption to the public, he's only been there for 4 days, but just brought out today for adoption to the public, one day too early.

Maj collies, I do have a crate but I already have 4 dogs of my own & I live in a trailer. It will be hard to confine them all when it's time to potty, eat, etc. This is the same dog who attacked my beloved Kaige a while back. I can NOT risk that again, even if they did play together quite a few times before that incident. Not to mention I am completely drained from helping everyone else out. I was looking for a break. lol But no, here goes my heavy heart again, willing & ready to jump in & help. lol

08-18-2006, 01:52 PM
Perhaps you could take him for one night, and restrict his access to your pups, to prolong his "time available" at the shelter? Does the "kill clock" get reset to zero if a dog leaves?

08-18-2006, 02:00 PM
Could you lock him the bathroom or something for the night?

Have you tried calling rescues in the area to see if there were any foster homes available? If your friend is not willing to come get the dog, you would then have a foster family from a rescue that could adopt him out.

08-18-2006, 02:53 PM
Well I talked to Kami finally, the owner of the dog. She said if I can take him for just one night she will find something to do with him. It will be a pain and he will have to stay in a small crate (aussie size) but it's better than possibly being PTS. I told her I can NOT keep him for a long period of time. Lets hope she finds something to do with him.

Ginger's Mom
08-18-2006, 03:01 PM
I was trying to post a reply in Dog General and it kept saying invalid link, now I know why. :) In any case, if you find that it will be longer than one night, I was going to second what BC Mom said and suggest contacting area rescues to see if they had a foster home that could squeeze in one more dog for a short period of time. I also found this link (http://www.howardsplace.net/nydogscats.html) that seems to be a fairly good start for finding rescues in various areas in NY.

But, in any case, good luck, I hope everything works out well.

08-18-2006, 03:08 PM
Thanks for the link Joyce. I'll keep in mind should she not follow through with her actions.

If yous can keep me in your thoughts for a peaceful night I would appreciate it. He's gonna be a handful, he's always so happy and he's so big. lol

08-23-2006, 01:24 PM
I am so sorry for not updating sooner.
I went to go pick him up Friday after work and was told I had to wait until Monday. If they have no proof that the dog is current with it's rabies vaccine &/or proof that it is licensed with the town they can not release them until they have both. So nothing could be done until at least Monday. I felt so bad leaving him there but I did spend a bit of time giving him some lovin's. In a way it worked out though, he had a safe place to stay which eliminated the need of excess stress at my house.
Last I talked to her she was arranging for her MIL to care for the dog. I have not had a chance to stop by the shelter since Monday, he was still there then but I am not sure if he is still there. She is supposed to call me sometime today with an update. I have not heard from her yet but as soon as I do I will let yous know.