View Full Version : "Chicken Soup" story today

05-25-2002, 10:28 AM
Hi all! Today's "Chicken Soup" extract is from "Chicken Soup for the Cat and Dog Lover's Soul" and I thought you'd enjoy it as much as I have.

Double Duty
By Lisa Hurt
As a member of a "dog family," I had long been conditioned to believe that cats simply didn't possess the ability or desire to be loving companions. The belief was so deeply ingrained that, while I didn't actually dislike cats, I found them for the most part, uninteresting.

Arriving home from work one afternoon, I discovered a cat at my doorstep. I ignored him, but apparently, he was not offended, because he was there again the following day.

"I'll pet you," I told him, "but there's no way you're coming in."

Then one night soon after, as the rain beat down and thunder clapped, I heard a faint meow. I couldn't take it anymore; I became a cat owner.

My new roommate, now named Shotzy, quickly became more than just a stray cat to feed. I liked the way his soft purring greeted me every morning and the way he nudged his head against my leg when I came home each day. His playful antics made me laugh, and soon Shotzy seemed more like a longtime friend than a pet I hadn't really wanted.

Although I suspected Shotzy had been an outdoor cat for a good portion of his life, he seemed perfectly content to stay inside, except for one remarkable exception. As if an alarm had gone off, at about six o'clock every night he'd cry to go out. Then, almost exactly one hour later, he'd be back. He did this for several months before I finally discovered what he'd been up to.

One day a neighbor who knew about Shotzy showing up at my doorstep told me she thought the cat might belong to an elderly woman who lived down the street. Worried that I had mistakenly adopted someone's pet, I took Shotzy to the woman's house the next day.

When a white-haired woman opened the door, Shotzy bolted from my arms, ran into the house and made himself at home in a big recliner. The woman just threw her head back and laughed, saying, "Jimmy always did love his chair."

My heart sank: my Shotzy was obviously her Jimmy.

I explained I had taken him in and only discovered the day before that he may have already had a home. Again, the old woman chuckled. She invited me in and explained that the cat did not belong to her.

"But, I thought you called him Jimmy," I questioned.

The woman, who said her name was Mary, explained that Jimmy was her husband's name. He had died about a year before, just a few months after being diagnosed with cancer.

Before Jimmy died, he and Mary would eat dinner at five o'clock every night.

Afterward, they would retire to the living room, Jimmy to his favorite chair, to talk about the day's events. The couple had followed that routine every night for the sixty years they were married. After Jimmy's death, with no other family nearby, Mary said she just felt lost. And more than anything, she missed their nightly after-dinner talks.

Then one night a stray cat meowed demandingly at her screen door. When she cracked open the door to shoo him away, he ran straight to Jimmy's chair and made himself comfortable, as if he had lived there forever.

Mary, who had never had a pet in her life, found herself smiling at the animal. She gave him a little milk and then he cuddled on her lap. She talked to him about her life, but mostly about Jimmy. At about seven o'clock, at which time she normally turned on the TV and made herself some hot tea, the creature slipped off her lap and went to the door. At six o'clock the next evening, the cat was back. Soon, Shotzy and Mary had their own routine.

"Now, I believe in the Good Lord," Mary told me. "I don't know about all that reincarnation stuff, but sometimes it feels just like I'm talking to Jimmy when that little cat is here. I know that sounds strange, and I guess what's important is that the cat is a real comfort to me. It's interesting to think on, all the same."

So Mary and I continued to share Shotzy. At my house, he revealed to me the many daily joys that come with living with a cat. At Mary's, his presence served to fill the six o'clock hour with happy companionship.

Our marvelous cat seemed to have an uncanny knack for always being in the right place at the right time.

05-25-2002, 10:33 AM
Awwww... I love that story! I have read that Chicken Soup book probably 3 times and love it more every time! Thanks for posting one of my fav stories form my fav book! :D


05-25-2002, 12:46 PM
Oh AmberLee !!! That is a beautiful story !!! It's the first time I hear it..! Do you have more of this ?? Please post more !!

05-25-2002, 02:20 PM
That is a sweet story! And yes, post more :)

05-25-2002, 02:27 PM
Definitely warms the heart :)

05-25-2002, 03:56 PM
It's extracts from the "Chicken Soup for the ... Soul" series. I get one delivered every weekday to my e-mail account. Most are not from the Cat/Dog/Pet Lovers, it's a pretty big series of books now.

I'll look up and see what the address is and post it hear Monday: I have limited room on my e-mail and haven't kept that data.

Glad you enjoyed it.

05-25-2002, 04:09 PM
AmberLee, I've just read it, it's such a heartwarming story!! :) I too, would love to see more of that kind! Thanks for sharing!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-25-2002, 05:13 PM
Awwww....I agree, that's a great heart warming story. Anyone know if it's true? I've heard of the "Chicken Soup" series but haven't had a chance to actually read any yet. Thanks Amberlee. :)

05-26-2002, 01:33 AM
What a nice heart warming story. Thanks for sharing it with us AmberLee. I have a book called "Cat Caught My Heart". I haven't read it lately but it also has a lot of cute cat stories in it. Here's one of the shorter stories. The story is called "Rainbo".
She was a summer cat who came to us in summer dreams and lazy warm days. I spent that summer in Iowa visiting my mother--my daughter was with me--and we ended up getting a kitten that we had fallen in love with. Rainbo was her name. Every morning my daughter would take a shower and, being eight years old, would never dry off, just bounce into the living room and sit down in a rocker, hair all dripping. Every morning , Rainbo would see her dripping hair and attack that wet head-- it was hilarious.
When we left Iowa to come back home to Colorado we brought Rainbo with us. Now it was time to turn Rainbo, our summer kitten, into a responsible home cat. When we stopped for gas, we put Rainbo on a leash and walked her. When we got home, we introduced Rainbo to her new house. We have a fenced yard but we were afraid Rainbo would run away. So we put her on a long lead attached to a tree in the front yard. We gave Rainbo two weeks to get used to her yard. She spent many hours quietly scoping out the animals of the neighborhood.
When the big day came, we let her loose, hoping she wouldn't run away. We went about our daily routine of planning the day, house cleaning, breakfast, and lunch, checking outside on Rainbo every once in a while. After a few hours someone knocked on our door. It was a neighbor from across the street who has two cats. Rainbo had strolled right in their front door, had used their cat box, and had come running back out. I guess we forgot to show her where her cat box was located!

05-26-2002, 11:16 AM
LOL! And the story is partly in IOWA! Whoo hoo! Cute story, krazy... :D

05-26-2002, 04:56 PM
:D :D :D !!!
good story KAKs!

05-26-2002, 06:59 PM
Here's another story from "Cat Caught My Heart". The story is called "Johnny Cat". Several years ago, a cat had a litter of kittens in my back shed. When she found out I knew they were there she carried them off but left one and never came back for him. After a few days of listening to him crying, I felt sorry and brought him into the house and hand-fed him. I called him Johnny Cat. Johnny was my husband's name and he hated cats. But Johnny Cat turned out to be a prophetic name in ways I never would have dreamed.
Johnny Cat followed me around while I got ready for work, always following me to the bathroom. One morning as he sat on the toilet watching me comb my hair I heard water tinkle in the toilet. I figured he did it accidentally but bragged about it to everyone.
Next morning, he did it again. For the next nine years that I had my beautiful gray-and-white Johnny Cat he used the toilet every time. He had no privacy at all because when he headed for the bathroom someone always peeked around the corner to watch him. Some people thought I was crazy until I showed them pictures I took or brought them in the house to show them. I just wish I could have taught him to flush.

05-26-2002, 07:15 PM
Here's another one called "The Feline Scorned". Cats teach us many timeless lessons, not the least of which is this: Beware the woman scorned. Our cat, Olivia, for instance, believes that she really is my husband's master. She loves him very much, but she rules him with an iron fist.
One late evening when we all retired, we climbed into bed to watch the news. Olivia, of course, took her rightful place at my husband's side, laying her head next to his on the pillow and her body in the crook of his arm. This is how he is supposed to spend the whole night sleeping. When he tired of this and turned over she followed him to the other side. Not wanting to continue on with this sleeping arrangement, my husband put the pillow over his head. Olivia, not to be daunted, tried to burrow under the pillow. When she could not succeed she sat down in contemplation for a minute, deciding what to do. Ever so calmly she walked around to the other side of the bed and very deliberately walked along his side until she reached his derriere. There she stopped, promptly and with vigor gave him a firm bite on his posterior as reprimand! Beware the woman scorned. . . she walks softly but carries a big bite.

05-27-2002, 12:58 AM
Here's another story called "Marlaina's Message". The most unusual incident involving my cat Marlaina happened while I was away one weekend at a conference. My usual cat-sitter was unavailable, so I let Marlaina have the run of my apartment and left her extra food and water for the day I would be gone. The last thing I remembered before locking my place was redoing my answering machine message.
I called my phone that night from the conference, wanting to see if I had any messages. The phone rang and rang, but my machine didn't kick in. I thought to myself, "I must not have turned my machine back on," and forgot about it as I went back to my conference.
My friend called the next day to ask how the conference went. After a few rings she got a "Mmrrowr?" My friend was rather surprised to recognize Marlaina's voice on the answering machine. "Marla?!" asked my friend. "Mrowr," came the reply. "Marla," my friend continued, "where's your Daddy?" "Beeeeeep . . ." came the reply.
Marlaina had reset my answering machine and left her own outgoing message! When I came home later on, my friend left the message: "Hart, I think your cat redid your message and was rather upset you weren't home." Since that time Marlaina has always gone with me or I've found someone to cat-sit her. We think she was trying to call out for a shrimp-and-tuna pizza, but can't prove it.

05-27-2002, 01:16 AM
Here's another one. Okay, so I'm bored. This is called "Feeding the Dog". I was bathing in a hot tub when I heard my husband laugh. I didn't think much of it because he was watching the television. When he laughed again, I said, "That must be a real funny movie you're watching." His reply brought me from the comfort of my bath to a quick wrap of the towel. "Watch the cat," he said.
Nicholas (the cat) jumped up on my kitchen counter. I keep a plastic container with dog bones up there for Jabip, our female pit bull. With his head Nicholas removed the container top and bit one of the bones. Lifting the bone gently with his teeth he placed it on the counter. Meanwhile my dog was sitting pretty below him, waiting very patiently. Nicholas pushed the bone very slowly and carefully with his paw, inching it to the end of the counter. He stopped there and looked down at the dog for about ten seconds, then pushed it overboard!
We could hardly believe our eyes, and laughed in disbelief. Every day our pit bull licks the cat's head for approximately ten minutes as Nicky stretches his legs in enjoyment. Maybe Nicky is returning the favor!

05-27-2002, 02:24 AM
I have just read the first story... will read the other ones now, but that chicken soup story about Jimmy/Shotsky the cat was so sweet! I knew there was alot of those chicken soup for the soul books but didn't realize there was one for pets, I should have known, now I am going to order it from Amazon...

05-27-2002, 02:36 AM
I have that book, I thought the title sounded familiar, then as I looked thru the stories I knew it was from the same one! I also have a couple other cute ones, I will have to find them all and see what the titles are, maybe I can post some cute stories!
that is a great book! I got it for Christmas:)

05-27-2002, 03:40 AM
well I just ordered the books
"A Pet Lover's Collection Of Chicken Soup For The Soul"
Catnip for the Soul
Amazing but True Cat Tales( I gave a copy of the dog version of the same title to my sister in law for Christmas, so thought now I would see how I liked the book, she loved hers.

has anyone ever read any books by Pam Johnson-Bennet?
I read Hiss & Tell, by her, I liked it, it had some cute stories, which I would post but I sent it to a friend.

have any of you ever read any of those mystery books with cats in the story? there are a few others besides Lillian Jackson-Brown... I would like to read those one of these days...

also-- the other day I watched emergency vets on animal planet, the show that day was about a tiny animal, called a sugar glider, if I am remembering right... has anyone heard of this animal??

05-27-2002, 03:44 AM
Don't know much about them, but aren't they like flying squirells basically?

Anyways, there's actually been three sugar gliders as POTD;Annick (http://petoftheday.com/archive/1999/May/31.html) and Sassy & Cinnamon (http://petoftheday.com/archive/1999/April/09.html).

05-27-2002, 12:42 PM
I just got today's "serving" of Chicken Soup for the Soul. It was a daughter's reminiscence of her father's gusto for life. (Not posting it here as it isn't pet related.

Here is the (modified) subscription info from the foot of the page:

Subscription Information
You are subscribed with e-mail address: [email protected]
To modify your subscription information visit: The Subscription Center (http://dailyinbox.com/soup/ind.html)

This didn't work the first time. Does it now? Yes!!

05-27-2002, 05:24 PM
AmberLee, I'm sorry for taking over your thread with my stories but I just got carried away. Please forgive me. I should have just started my own thread.:(

05-27-2002, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by toughCookie
well I
have any of you ever read any of those mystery books with cats in the story? there are a few others besides Lillian Jackson-Brown... I would like to read those one of these days...

Yes, I have read several of them- don't remember exactily which ones right now. They were good! I think one of the cats is named Yum-Yum...........

05-27-2002, 07:32 PM

thanks for the link to subscribe to the chicken soup for the soul email a day! I have seen these books around for years, but for some reason never bought one, til now.:D

05-27-2002, 07:35 PM
I just looked at the 2 pages of POFT, with the sugar gliders, I had never heard of such an animal before, but they look so cute. and here I thought my next animal might be a rabbit...LOL

how do rabbits get along with cats??

05-28-2002, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
AmberLee, I'm sorry for taking over your thread with my stories but I just got carried away. Please forgive me. I should have just started my own thread.:(

Forgive you? I thought your stories were great and I really enjoy them. What's to forgive? **hugs** No problem!