View Full Version : Well now I have two rats =x

08-17-2006, 06:57 PM
I bought a rat to feed my snake....but I couldn't do it. So i put her in a cage. Today I was reading and found out they can't live alone....so I got her another girl rattie for a friend and a bunch of stuff! =x A hundred dollars later now I have pet rats. Guess Selena was mad at me for playing with her dinner, she bit me LOL.

08-17-2006, 07:24 PM
Yay! :D That is the main reason why I can't see myself owning a snake for a looong time, though I do love those reptiles to death.
Any chance we get pictures of the two new girls^^?

08-17-2006, 07:55 PM
Yes I'll take some tomorrow, bogged down with work at the moment. One is a pretty chocolate brown, we named her Coco. The other one is a white rat with gary/black patches. She was the only female left and I didn't want Coco to be alone. We named her Lucky, as in "Lucky you aren't the snake's dinner". They are still pretty young and so cute!

08-17-2006, 09:25 PM
Awwww! :D I have a hard enough time feeding my gecko pinkies, I know I couldn't feed whole, live rats :eek: Coco and Lucky are indeed very lucky :D

08-17-2006, 09:39 PM
I never knew you had a snake I thought you only had two dogs.I could never have a reptile for that reason.Not that i don't think reptiles are great.Can't wait for pics

08-18-2006, 04:49 AM

There is a link to my post about the snake and guinea pigs, things just sometimes get pushed to back pages pretty fast. There are some pics of Selena there and the guinea pigs. I will try to get pics of my rattie girls today.

08-18-2006, 11:50 AM
I posted on that thread i didn't realize it was you. :o

Suki Wingy
08-18-2006, 01:04 PM
Aw! My dad's done that before. I love snakes, but I love rats slightly more, that's why I currently have a skink. ;)

08-19-2006, 05:20 PM
Aww, lucky girls they are. :) I know how you feel, I wound up with a plethora of pet mice before I switched to frozen food. It was too hard to keep on getting attached and keeping them. :) I know you'll enjoy them, rats are just about the best pet there is in my opinion.

08-20-2006, 08:20 AM
That's awesome, Rats are the best, I hope to have some again someday.

Aww, lucky girls they are. :) I know how you feel, I wound up with a plethora of pet mice before I switched to frozen food. It was too hard to keep on getting attached and keeping them. :) I know you'll enjoy them, rats are just about the best pet there is in my opinion.
I too feed frozen/thawed rats and mice (well, my husband does). It's much safer for your snake too.

08-26-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm am sooo glad you didn't feed that poor little ratty to your snake! I wouldn't be able to do it, either. Congrats on your two new additions :D