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08-17-2006, 04:12 PM
For those who have been interested in my ongoing saga with my bad neighbours kitties, I have some good news I re-homed Toby last night.

I had him advertised online and in the local free paper, and checking my ad had over five hundred views , but not one response until yesterday I ended up getting two phone calls.

I explained i might have trouble getting Toby in for him to see him, so he rang back in the evening,(i honestly thought yeah he won't) but yes he did, and I had put Toby in the laundry, this time we fixed the window as he was trying to escape again.

Anyhow Ralph came and picked Toby up last night, he will be living on a farm in a place about half an hours drive from where i live, Ralph has a partner and two children 2 and five, he said his old cat just up and disappeared one day so they thought he may have gone away to die as some cats do when sick.

He arrived cat cage in hand, and told me he would keep Toby in laundry for a couple of days and then in the garage, i was pleased to hear that, i grilled him pretty much to see the situation asking him if he would keep him deflead and wormed and of course wanted to make sure he was going to be a pet not just a mouser on the farm, he assured me he would, so i have to take him on face value, i instantly liked the guy though and felt good vibes, i was very honest about Toby telling him he was timid but i thought he would make a good pet given time, not sure if he was any good with kids though, he did not seem to be worried either way.

And yes i have his phone number and asked if i could ring to see how he was, no problem, i also gave him the option to return him if it did not work out, obviously i am hoping that does not happen, as he and Ash were really starting to fight more and more, many times i had stopped them , yesterday being another episode about to happen.

Of course i have mixed emotions, i am happy but sad and had a cry thinking about how scared he was, and that he had just begun to trust hubby and i and then we give him away, that part feels stink, but i think he has a better chance of being happy in his new home hopefully, it is a big relief in some ways too as the cost of keeping him was really making it a struggle , he was just one cat too many for us to manage financially really.

So folks just thought you would all like to know, that maybe my story finally has a happy ending, all three kitties in good homes with love and care. :)

08-17-2006, 05:00 PM
Very good job!! :D :D

08-17-2006, 05:04 PM
Congratulations. :) I think most foster moms are a little sad when their
little guys leave for a new home ,even if it is for the best. :)

08-17-2006, 07:14 PM
OH - I would love to be a foster mom, but would need donations for all the kleenex I would go through when the babies left for new homes!

It's cuz we LOVE them!

I hope Ralph will call you with updates!


08-17-2006, 07:28 PM
It's wonderful that you found a nice home for him. How are the girls adjusting?

08-17-2006, 08:52 PM

First of all...Congratulations! It's so sad to have them leave, isn't it? I've done a lot of fostering and it's so hard. The only thing that helps is to know that they are better off where they are.

Toby may not understand exactly this minute but it won't take very long for him to be happy being the only cat.

I'm sure Ash is happy already.

I really really hope this works out for him.


08-17-2006, 10:48 PM
Yeah i know i have been thinking about him on and off all day, he will take a while to adjust as he is a real scaredy type cat, it took nearly a month for him to really trust me and only hubby recently, but i know he has potential to become a good pet, i shall ring in a couple of days time to see how he is, give him a chance to get to know his new folks.

Well i ended up being a foster mother not by choice really, and honestly i don't have it in me to do it again, too heartbreaking, i admire each and everyone of you on PT who do just that, it takes a very special person to do just that, hubby asked if i wanted to do just that, i said no i just could not go through it again.

The girls have settled in just fine, they are the most adorable loving cats ever,and full of purssonality, mama cat is a real character, i love them both to bits, they are all doing very well,and are very happy and content, i feel blessed they came into my life as they bring me such joy.

Each and everyone of them have their special little qualities and purssonalitity's, and i love them all.

08-18-2006, 07:34 AM

You did a phenominal job!!! ;) He'll be fine. When I had to rehome LilEli, I knew my friend's farm in upstate Michigan was the best choice. He LOVED being outside and until I moved back to CT, lived on a busy street. He's so much happier there, and I talk to Steve every once in a while.

Pat yourself on the back, don't beat yourself up. It's very normal to have mixed feelings. But I go by my gut instincts. That's what you did. You go, girl!!

08-20-2006, 05:59 PM
Thanks Donna, your'e the best, just wanted you all to know i rang to see how Toby is doing yesterday.

I talked with Eva, ralph's partner, she seemed a lovely person, just like her hubby, i was so happy to hear Toby has settled in fine, and he likes the kids, still hides, but that is normal for a scaredy cat in new enviroment , and he is that way inclined, she said he would not eat first night, but i forgot to tell them i had given him a big feed before they came to pick him up, he is living in one of the sheds for now until he gets used to his surroundings so that he does not take off, which is just what i wanted to hear and they kept his name, just talking with her, i could tell they will be good to him, it was a huge sense of relief, i asked if i could ring again in a while, she was more than happy for me to do that, she also said when she introduced the kids to him, she made sure they made no noise, they are 2 and 5, so just the fact she was sensible and caring enough to do that showed she understands his needs right now, alot of people just have no idea, i think he will love being on the farm, once he gets used to his new place he will be in paradise.

I think i will make up a nice package of treats and goodies for Toby and send it to them next just to say thankyou for looking after him and giving him such a good home, i am sure Toby will like it anyhow.

It has made everything i have done worthwhile knowing that all three cats are now in happy homes and well loved and taken care of, Ash has been much happier since Toby left as well, the only thing is Ella his mother has been acting really weird, kinda distressed, and not wanting to stay inside much, very edgy, i don't know if she knows he is gone and is upset or what really,he was taken away for months from her before and had only been back a month or so, i did not think she would notice, may be pure coincidental,but who knows, of course having the birthday party this weekend they both freaked out and stayed out on the verandah shelter all night ,so that might have started her off, but she acted this way before that on the friday night Toby left.

So folks it does look like a happy ending after all. :)