View Full Version : Agility and flyball

Lori Jordan
08-17-2006, 08:55 AM
I thought i would share the OVBC,It is a great website and alot to learn for and BC owners.
www.ovbcc.com/ ( )

08-17-2006, 09:17 AM
Do you train there?

Lori Jordan
08-17-2006, 10:01 AM
No i don't im just a member

08-17-2006, 10:07 AM
There agility team beats mine in everything. :(

( pouting ) I don't like 'em.

They are always against me. It isn't nice. They are all border Collies, it isn't fair. New rule: No more than 3 border collies on a team. ( or aussies )

My team is all mix-matches.

Lori Jordan
08-17-2006, 11:44 AM
What do you mean they are a great group they work hard at it shows?

08-17-2006, 11:46 AM
Isn't flyball and agility supposed to be for your dog and for you to have fun? Atleast that's how everyone in WA are, be proud of how your dog does, I always am. It shouldn't matter how fast a dog beat your dog by, thats just being sore loser.

08-17-2006, 12:34 PM
I agree with Flatcoatluver. The OVBCC seems like a great team and I'm sure they worked very hard to get as far as they are now. Everyone was a novice at some point.

I am still very novice in agility with Pixie and sometimes I feel a little out of place even with the other members of the club I train with; they are all competing at excellent/masters level and we havn't even earned our novice title yet.

Even so, every time we come back from a trial with our 2 Q's out of 9 or 10 runs, it means the world to me that we actually Q'd and placed a few times. Even though Pixie is the slowest and most ADHD border collie mix you'll ever meet, I love her and am proud of her anyway.

08-17-2006, 08:18 PM
Isn't flyball and agility supposed to be for your dog and for you to have fun? Atleast that's how everyone in WA are, be proud of how your dog does, I always am. It shouldn't matter how fast a dog beat your dog by, thats just being sore loser.


Lori Jordan
08-17-2006, 08:22 PM
Why is it every thread i post is negative,and really this is nothing to debate about!

08-17-2006, 09:34 PM
I agree, nothing to get pouty about. :p

I really like their website, the dogs look gorgeous! It's a common misconception that training a BC is super easy... so so very wrong. Take into the equation, many Border Collies are hyper-sensitive and will s h u t d o w n if you're even feeling a little bit off, they sense that. Also because they are hyper-sensitive, teaching some obstacles and teaching contacts can take 10x longer than it takes a more easy-going breed. Not to mention, you must keep their focus while working with them, because they can become easily distracted and fixated on things going on outside of the ring. Sometimes that speed is a huge handicap, as is that intelligence, because many BC's have issues with going off on their own and taking the wrong obstacles. Just a few frequent issues that arise with this breed.

I whole-heartedly feel that how much fun you & your dog have in any dog sport is based solely on YOU, how dedicated YOU are, and how much YOU train! In my experience, the only reason BC's seem to "dominate" so much, is because they are the most common breed in Agility & Flyball, and because most BC handlers have to work their dogs every day to keep them happy! The reason being, they need a job, and dog sports are a good replacement for working livestock every day.

08-17-2006, 09:39 PM
I can't wait to go see an agality event in person. We've watched them on TV and the dogs and handles amaze me. What a great way to bond with your dogs! I watch JRT on TV the other night, just young guys, chasing a little hankie through a couse and it was so funny to watch them, some of them would catch it or get alittle distracted and some made it through the whole course. I also liked the ones where they put the dogs all in a box, open the box, they all run straight to one openning in a hole in a bail of hay, their little feet kick so hard when they are being put in the box!! I like watching hearding dogs too!! Just shows you that dogs need things to do too! I am going to go to an agality event in September, Comstock Park, Michigan, can't wait!!! :) :)

08-17-2006, 09:53 PM
Wow, gorgeous dogs, thanks for sharing Lori!! I'd LOVE to own a BC someday...but I'd like to be in a situation where I could also get a few sheep too :p

I am going to go to an agality event in September, Comstock Park, Michigan, can't wait!!! :) :)

Teehee! I *might* be there!! The event is actually being held by my Aunt. :D

08-18-2006, 07:15 AM
I was just wondering if there was a reason you posted the link, nothing serious.

bckracy i agree 100%.. they are not the easiest breed to train :p.

Lori Jordan
08-18-2006, 09:05 AM
We were just talking about the flyballim in the other night in chat so i posted,i did not think it would be that big of a deal,and there is alot of diehard Border Collie lovers in here.

08-18-2006, 12:28 PM
Take into the equation, many Border Collies are hyper-sensitive and will s h u t d o w n if you're even feeling a little bit off, they sense that. Also because they are hyper-sensitive, teaching some obstacles and teaching contacts can take 10x longer than it takes a more easy-going breed. Not to mention, you must keep their focus while working with them, because they can become easily distracted and fixated on things going on outside of the ring. Sometimes that speed is a huge handicap, as is that intelligence, because many BC's have issues with going off on their own and taking the wrong obstacles.

lol that is so true, I remeber doing a regular coarse with Happy, we to do the weaves, she looked at them(she HATES weaves) and ran back to the start and perfectly repeated the begining of the coarse like "there, that should make up for not doing the weaves" lol oh and at her first trial she decided that the table was just a broad jump lol "I dont wanna stop, how bout I just jump it?" hehe

oh and of coarse traning tricks? everything makes her shut down, if you act too upbeat she will shut down, if you act to gruff she will shut down, if you talk "down" to her she will walk away, it's maddening lol