View Full Version : Do your dogs know what you are wearing??

Toby's my baby
08-16-2006, 07:07 PM
I have noticed this a lot in Maggie, that she can sense what I am about to do, by what I am wearing. Can your dogs??

If I have my jeans and riding boots on, Maggie gets all excited and runs and jumps all over you because she knows she gets to go out riding with you. She'll run from you to the horses, and get very very excited. Also, if I have my running shoes on, Maggie knows we get to go for a jog, so she'll run in circles around you until you start running.

Do your dogs sense stuff like this too??

08-16-2006, 07:40 PM
Lou Lou is so glued to me that she just thinks she is always going with me. I don't think she pays attention to what I am wearing, just what I am doing! What a smart dog you have! :)

08-16-2006, 08:43 PM
As soon as I grab my purse Bower grabs his leash....everyday :) Somedays I have to sneak my keys into my pocket and leave the purse behind... :rolleyes:

08-16-2006, 09:03 PM
When we put swimming/beach clothes on Kiara goes nuts thinking we're going somewhere with water. ;) Also, they know when I change into my pajamas I'm going to bed.

08-16-2006, 09:37 PM

Teddy knows if I put my black shorts on that it means we are going out in the backyard to play with the hose.

if Brian and I start getting dressed (in something other than our outside shorts) Teddy knows we are going out somewhere and starts pacing lol

he definately knows whats going on by what we are wearing.

08-16-2006, 11:36 PM
if i put on my shoes or a jacket the dogs get all jumpy. they know it's time to go out. gracie gets excited when i grab my keys. beanie gets excited when i pull in the driveway. everyone...including cats...gets excited when it's feeding time.

08-16-2006, 11:54 PM
I have "special" shoes and shorts just for agility. So Zoey get all excited then.
T.j gets excited when my dad puts on his hunting vest.

08-16-2006, 11:59 PM
Whenever I leave the house and no one is home I put Benji in the kitchen. I'll come downstairs and get my keys and and shoes on and he'll know he's going in the kitchen so he won't come down. I have to go get him or open the back door and pretend he's going outside. Even if he's already downstairs if I call him to come in the kitchen, even if I have a treat, he knows he's going in the kitchen so he'll run upstairs. :D

08-17-2006, 01:21 AM
Rusty knows if we are putting on shoes where going out. But not really different clothing he knows were going to a certain place... because it not much different. But he knows if we are talking about going somewhere he crys and runs around. He also knows the color of my moms car, like when cars go by he does nothing but if she just drives by the see what he'll do he start crying (as if hes getting murdered)and wondering why she parking. He also knows that when my moms car pulls in that she going to come through near the laundry room and runs back there.

08-17-2006, 05:46 AM
Oggy knows that as soon as I put on my shoes, I'm going out. A paw on my knee, and a pleading look in his eyes, is not always successful, in him coming with me. :)

08-17-2006, 08:08 AM
My two Labs, Hokie and Sam, know that my keys means they may get to ride with me out to the end of our gravel road to get the newspapers or pick up the mail. They honestly can't contain themselves.

08-17-2006, 08:15 AM
Oh yes, my dogs know.
I have a pair or old sneakers that I wear to do yard work and/or for hiking. The dogs go nuts when I put them on, they know that there is a 99.9999% chance that they are coming with me. (I think only 1-2 times have I worn them when I didn't bring them as we were doing something construction related).
I also have a pair of winter boots I wear only when I take the dogs out in the cold snow. They know that those boots are for them.
I think my body language must portray something to them as well. Mostly in spring, summer & fall, I wear just my every day clothes to go for walks or hikes and the dogs know if I am getting dressed to do an activity with them or without them.

08-17-2006, 08:17 AM
Clothes, no, but shoes yes. They definitely pay attention to my shoes. Depending on what shoes I put on you can either see their tags wag or go down. :) When I put on my normal shoes for work, usually right before I head out the door, they look sad. Bella jumps up in the recliner and pouts. When I put my old yucky shoes on it means I am going out in the yard (I learned long ago to not wear good shoes in the yard for obvious reasons :o ) and will be playing with them. The tails wag and Bella goes ballistic! LOL!

08-17-2006, 08:29 AM
Like Sue, the dogs just know if they get to go somewhere. Sometimes I'll just think of taking them somewhere, I'll go in my room to get dressed and theres 10 eyes staring at me when I come out! Also, its to the point now where I can't even LOOK at my rollerblades before Micki, Mini and Jack start dancing and woofing around me.

08-17-2006, 09:17 AM
not so much with clothes... but when I spray my perfume Sierra starts howling at me because she knows I'm leaving the house.
When they see me putting the back seats of my blazer down then know they're going for a ride. :D

Suki Wingy
08-17-2006, 12:24 PM
yup, when my parents put on their running shoes, he thinks it's time to go for a run (most of the time they just go to the YMCA though so then he gets sad.) When I get money out of my money jar Niņo gets exited because he knows I'm either taking him to the vending machine at the park or I'm leaving for somewhere else and he has to be crated. He seems like a very optimistic dog. When I get my breeches and boot socks on he pouts because he knows I'm leaving for a few hours.
Layla would hide everytime my mom put on lipstick.

Lori Jordan
08-17-2006, 12:48 PM
No matter what day it is when i go to get in the shower she gets mad she usually knows im going to work so when im getting dressed she has a habbit of taking the pillows off the bed and tosses them on the floor,then she grabs a corner of the comforter and tries to drag it to the floor she is a pure BRAT!SHe does not do good without me

08-17-2006, 09:18 PM
mine knows that when I put on shorts and a white t-shirt it is time to go for a walk, he goes nuts