View Full Version : young old doggie :(

08-16-2006, 02:51 PM
Runner acts soo old. But she's only 3 yrs. She's an only dog. What can I do to make her feel young again? She sleeps all day.

I know I wanted a calm dog, But it would be nice if she had a little bit of energy. So she can interact with me some.

08-16-2006, 03:10 PM
Winchester wasn't that bad, he would play fetch with us and demanded to get a good belly rubbing a few times a day. He is six years old. We got a puppy Lou Lou in Feb. 2006 and he has spunked right up, the puppy makes him stay active, good luck sleeping when Lou Lou is awake!! Notice the lay down fighting, that's because Lou Lou will bite his feet not because he is being lazy! But I also wonder if your dog might have a thyroid issue. I have thyroid disease and get very tired when I need my meds adjusted, maybe you should talk to your vet about that and they can do blood work to check it!

08-16-2006, 03:19 PM
She's probably still adjusting to her new home, companions & surroundings. It takes time.

It is hard to tell from the pics and with all of her hair but is she overweight? Sorry if it is just me but from what I can see (again not sure because of the angle of the pics & all that hair) she appears to be a little overweight. IF that is true than loosing some of that should help her become more active.

You say she sleeps all day. Does this mean she sleeps even when you try to interact with her? Some dogs leave it up to the owners, if the owner wants to remain calm & relax so does the dog, if the owner wants to play so does the dog. I know Kaige is like that, for the most part anyways. he picks up on what I do. After all this is the way it should be, I am the leader of the pack not him, he should be following my clues not vice-versa.

Has she been seen by a vet? Thats always a good idea with any new companion regardless of if they appear to be healthy, UTD on vaccines, or even if they have seen a vet prior to coming into your life. That should be one of the first things you do with any pet that is a new addition. If you do bring her to your vets, please discuss this behavior with him/her. They may look for certain things that they may otherwise overlook on just a regular exam.

Is she really toy or food motivated? If so use that to your advantage. Entice her to play. It is possible that she may have been taught in one way or another in her previous home(s) that play is not allowed.

Keep sessions short & sweet, with some patience & love she could very well become everything you ask for & then some.

08-16-2006, 03:31 PM
She's not overweight, lol. She hadTONS of hair. She's a lot smaller now she's shaved.

Not really food motivated, unless it's something really smelly good. No toys yet.

She sleeps a lot, but will wake when I touch her, but she still lays there.

She still needs to go to vet, I've only had her a few days.

But her foster lady said she was this way there too, and she's been there for quite a while.

08-16-2006, 09:53 PM
Take her to the dog park maybe some dogs will make her happpy and she will play with them.

p.s we need more pictures

08-17-2006, 11:25 AM
She still needs to go to vet, I've only had her a few days.

she is probably trying to make herself at home, that is why she isn't playing much, I bet. :) I am sure when she gets settles in, she'll come out of her shell. :)

Queen of Poop
08-17-2006, 12:12 PM
Get her vet checked and discuss food with the vet. She may just need a different food. Worked for me years ago with my Sami (RB). She was a very lazy young dog until I changed her food - then, look out!! A wholly terror was born!!

08-17-2006, 12:22 PM
Have you made her Vet appointment yet? 3 yrs is not old at all & I'd be
worried too. She should have more energy than you say she has.

08-17-2006, 12:25 PM
Get a vet check-make sure they do a fecal (worms can cause a dog to be lethargic) and a heartworm test. Other than that, she might just be a very relaxed dog. Lucky you! :)

08-17-2006, 03:35 PM
I think she's just a very relaxed dog. She's arleady on heartworm prevent, and just got treated for tapeworms. I just bought a small bag of Nutro today, so we'll see if she likes that. charlie did.

08-17-2006, 05:39 PM
OH I FORGOT,.. She did test pos for heartworms., but was treated.

She's starting to come out now :) after 6 days!

08-17-2006, 08:04 PM
It might have something to do with weather. Jen gains 10 years over the summer, but, come winter she's crazy again. :rolleyes: ( I wish they would hold agility trials in winter. ;) )

P.S. Jenny's four.