View Full Version : Whew... it came in the nick of time!

08-16-2006, 02:40 PM
Hubby has been having a problem getting his permanent teaching certificate. The state kept LOSING his paperwork. We've sent the same paperwork FOUR times over the past year before we finally got them to acknowedge they received it. That was only after we'd sent it certified mail with signature return.

We were told that it would only take 4-6 weeks to process everything after hubby called to verify that they were processing it. 6 months later hubby STILL had not received his permanent certification. The woman in charge of the paperwork hates hubby because she didn't do her job on a different certification last year and hubby went over her head... she apparently was reprimanded big-time. It seems she decided to teach the teacher a lesson by letting it sit on her desk and wait til school started.... if he didn't have it by the time school starts next week, he'd lose his teaching certificate.

Hubby kept calling her and all summer and she kept ignoring his calls. The principal called and she ignored his calls. The head of the teacher's union to called, and this woman ignored that call too. She REALLY did NOT want to file hubby's paperwork. All we can figure is that she's REALLY mad at him for the trouble over the last set of paperwork that she mis-filed for him.

Anyhow.... school starts in less than a week. He still didn't have his permanent teaching certificate. Without it, he'd lose his job. :eek: We tried everything we know, so hubby called our satate representative's office yesterday afternoon. Less than 24 hours later, his permament certificate is now officially filed and hubby doesn't have to worry about losing his job.

I wonder just how much this woman hates hubby now? :rolleyes: :p

I'm just glad we don't have to worry and hopefully he doesn't decide to qualify for additional certification unless this woman quits! :D

08-16-2006, 02:44 PM
Sheesh! What a headache! She must not have thought that through very much, if he went over her head once, didn't she realize he'd do it again? In any case, I'm really glad that he got his certificate, I don't think you need anything else to worry about right now!

08-16-2006, 02:54 PM
yeah, she doesn't sound very mature. The worst part is all along we've KNOWN that the paperwork was not lost. We know she claimed it was lost just to show us she's got hte power to make hubby squirm.

She must have gotten into some serious trouble! It was so silly, she made a mistake on the last certification (for 7th grade history) and when he called to request it be revised, she gave him an attitude like he was wrong. He asked for a manager and got everything settled with the manager. We thought nothing of it until she called hubby's superintendant and tried to get hubby in trouble!!! :eek: She tried to say he cursed at her and threatened her... ummm... I was there when he called listening to the speakerphone converstion and he was incredibly polite to her. I know hubby can sound gruff if you don't know him (just ask Jen Luckenbach) but seriously with this woman he was polite!

08-17-2006, 03:26 PM
Sounds like you need to go over her head yet AGAIN!! I'd also file a grievance with the school board against her. This is serious, Kim. Don't screw around. Even if you have to HAND DELIVER IT!!!! Once, maybe twice, okay, the paperwork got lost. But 6 TIMES??? :eek: :eek: Come on!