View Full Version : CAT TALK (cats only )

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-16-2006, 07:44 AM
This thread is NOT for humans, it is forbidden territory for humans!! Here, we cats of PT are the boss. Only here we can spit out our personal thoughts and have a chat with our loved cat-friends :)
So, if you are a cat, and you want to say something, now you've got the chance!! Don't worry for peeking from the humans, we will cat-proof this thread!!

Have fun!!The Gabriels Girls: Maya, Inka, Zazou & Snoopy

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-16-2006, 07:49 AM
He he, finally I can talk to my Groucho without my meowmie overhearing me ;) ? Hey Darrrrrrling, wanna come over for some camping in my garden-tent? I cnnot wait till I see you!!

I heard meowmie say the "v" word :eek: . And she also mentioned "hospital" and "poor pussy" :eek: . What do you all think, she wasn't talking about me, was she?? Maybe I'd better run or hide???

08-16-2006, 08:19 AM

Ya know, my meowmie insists on petting and cuddling me, but all I really want is FOOD! What is going on with that?? Any ideas on how I can make her stop?


zzzzzzzzzzzzz Oh hi, I guess I can wake up for a moment for food. What, no food? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Pawsitive Thinking
08-16-2006, 09:03 AM

"My meowmie has been spending lots more time with me instead of those awful dog creatures :D I'm teasing her by only letting her cuddle me for a short while at the moment"

08-16-2006, 09:23 AM
We are sad here, as our Dad took the body of Moose away.
We miss the Moose, and we used to visit him in the basement when he wasnt feeling well.
When we were young , we used to sleep on him, and he would PURRR!
Goodbye Friend Moose, we will see you again now and then, and mmmeeeooow to your spirit.
You were a Good Friend.

08-16-2006, 09:34 AM
Tigger....oh these two little blind ones....why do they think I'm their momma cat. :confused: I wish they would leave me alone.

Smokey...oh these two little blind ones...why won't they just get out of my way...I'm the alpha cat in this house and I'm so sick of them...can't they go back to where they came from.

Tucker...why won't you let me stay out at night. I promise I won't get into any trouble, instead you constantly make me come in at night.

Mystic...is it time to groom me again? are you sure it's not time to groom me again? how about now? well then WHEN? :confused:

Abner...where's meowmie....I want to snuggle with her. She has to work all the time and I want her to stay home to cuddle and snuggle with me.

Gabriel ...no not Gabriel, nobody calls me that anymore....it's Dude....wait I hear a fly.........(goes running)............

Gracie...................fly? where............................

Vegas....these little ones are tiring me right out..........(goes running after Gracie and Dude).........oh wait...the food dish, excuse me while I have a snack..........

08-16-2006, 11:06 AM
I got locked in the computer room all night, and my Mama kept hearing me scratching but didn't wake up enough to figure out I was locked in. Finally toward dawn, she called out, "Stop! You've been doing that all night long!" Well, I don't have much of a voice, but I cried out at the top of my lungs a quiet "Mew!" in response, and that must have finally gotten through to her. She finally came and got me out. Actually, I just wanted the door open. I hate a closed door, no matter what side of it I am on. Next time she hears scratching in the night, I'll bet my Mama will come to investigate!


Yow. Yow, yow, yow, yow, yow. (Repeat a hundred times, in a kind of Siamesey voice - or so I have heard Mama say.)


08-16-2006, 12:04 PM

I dunno if I like this new place or not, but my Meowmie is here and I love her!

08-16-2006, 01:59 PM
MISHI: Meow, meow, MEOW, MEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWL .... Ooh! the Bathtub! double Ooh! WATER! <splash, splash, lick, lick, lick> Jump and run and Meow, meow, MEOW, MEOWWWWWWWWWWWL. Ooh! There's Mitzi! <lick, lick, lick> now she's beautiful!

Mitzi: I just want to sleep. Mishi leave me alone. Meowmie, I DON'T want to be picked up. Food? Is that food? For ME? Please? No not the stuff in my bowl - I want what YOU are having! Please? mrrp.

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-16-2006, 03:14 PM
He he, I am hungry! Meowmie forgat to feed us this evening :eek: . Weird hey, she did NOT forget to eat a pie of her applecake :rolleyes: :( . How cna I get her attention before I die from starvation??? :eek:

08-16-2006, 03:53 PM
Tabitha: "Meowmie, why is Sasha always chasing me every time I move? Can
I lay on your lap/in your arms/on your head? I love to cuddle wif

"Sasha, would you just LEAVE ME ALONE? Life was so much easier
before YOU came along. I could go anywhere I please, and not have
to worry about someone chasing me! But you know, I do kind of like
you, when you aren't bugging me!"

Sasha: "Ohhh, here comes Tabitha, I think I will chase her! Wanna play

08-16-2006, 03:55 PM
Tabitha: "Meowmie, why is Sasha always chasing me every time I move? Can
I lay on your lap/in your arms/on your head? I love to cuddle wif

"Sasha, would you just LEAVE ME ALONE? Life was so much easier
before YOU came along. I could go anywhere I please, and not have
to worry about someone chasing me! But you know, I do kind of like
you, when you aren't bugging me!"

Sasha: "Ohhh, here comes Tabitha, I think I will chase her! Wanna play
Tabby? Huh, huh? Wanna play?"

"Where ya going Meowmie? I will follow you. Oh, to the kitchen...
then I will stop and have a bite to eat while we are here. Go on, do
whatever, don't mind me.... I am just going to nibble a little here!"

08-16-2006, 06:27 PM
FLUFFY: Mommy is afraid she is going to hurt me while giving me my fluids to keep me healthy, so I help her out and purr while she is doing it to calm her nerves. She does a good job, I really don't feel a thing!

LUCKY: MEOW, MEOW, MEOW I got Mr. Mousie, and you guys don't!! MEOW, MEOW, MEOW <as he carries it around the house meowing very loudly!>

YOSHI: Mommy must be mad at me :( she forgot my birthday this year. I know she has been busy, but I don't think she likes me anymore :( :(

K & L
08-16-2006, 07:06 PM
Kurby - This indoor life is the best! If it wasn't for all my friends at PT I probably wouldn't even be here anymore. I'm so happy now!

Leila- Boy this secluded life is the best. My own TV, litter box, water, food, and the bed all to myself. Why didn't they think of this before?

Bo- I HATE Leila not letting me be able to sleep with my most favorite person in the world. Now I take the chance to cuddle on her lap in the evening while she's watching TV. I miss her so much at night.

Mouser - Hmmmm what can I think of next to get into. There's got to be something around here. I'll get attention one way or the other.

08-16-2006, 07:41 PM

Sebastian: I am the king of the house! Mommy says that I'm a little bully, I beat up my brothers every day and let them know that I am the boss! I was talking to my mouse toy today and Mom just stared at me like I was an idiot! I like to have a conversation with my mouse before I shred it into pieces.


Amadeus: I LOVE to sneak outside when Mom isn't looking! She gets so mad at me and says that the outdoors is too dangerous for me. I am tough, I think I can handle myself. I love destroying wand toys, I am a master at that. I am a purrfessional bug catcher too! I love catching bugs and eating them.


Augustus: You want purrfection? You got it! I love to lay in the window all day and groom myself. Some say I'm a bit lazy, but with my long hair, it's just too hot for me to move around. I'm very finicky, I only like certain treats and Mommy says thats a pain in the behind. My brothers love raw meat, but I can't stand the stuff! How can Mom expect me to eat that stuff?

08-16-2006, 08:21 PM
Remus: Hey! I tell you what, I'm glad meowme let us three mess with the confuser...I like chatting with all of my kitty pals...

Pandora: Hey, quit hogging!

Spook: Quit bouncing around, and you'll get a turn

P: Id rather play with random junk on the floor...

R: Anyway...I like it here, with sunspots and a nice warm bed to sleep in

S: yeah kicking the hoomans off of it is fun

R: and streeeeeching out so we take up all of the room!

P: dont forget knocking stuff off the window sill

S: and terrorising the dogs...

R: Yeah, we all have it pretty darn good here! We looove our hoomans...

P: and show it every day by being loving and needy

S: Especially the NEEDY part!

P: Who sez being needy is bad? I think bouncing around like spazes at all hours of the night expresses how much we care

R: and is also bad for our sleep schedule! Anyway, any kitty out there want to chat with any of us, just ask our meowme, she'll get the message through

S: if not, we'll just take over the computer again

P: I'm sure meowme won't mind...

08-16-2006, 08:45 PM

*sigh* I'm so glad I'm off the street, but I don't LIVE with my Meowmie! All you guys are so lucky! I only get to see her maybe twice a week, if I'm lucky.

...stupid Meowmie for not visiting more... I'll just give her the cold shoulder, THEN she'll come over more often!!!
But I'll still listen in on her conversations... they really are quite interesting...

--ohhh... what's that? YELLOW FEATHER!!!
Nooo... I mustn't plaaay... I'm giving Meowmie the cold shoulder! That means no playing feather with her...
--butbutbut... feaather.... -*POUNCE*-

If only I lived with my meowmie... then we could do this ALL THE TIME!!!
I wish she lived somewhere that allowed pets...

But I suppose this kitty dorm house place isn't all that bad... for now.

08-17-2006, 09:39 AM
Hello there, my lovely Inka! How are you today? I sure hope you're getting our tent ready because I just can't wait to camp out with you. Do you like camping on the beach? If you'd like, we could go to Island Beach State Park at the New Jersey shore. We could have fresh fish every day, a campfire every night, we could even go to a nearby boardwalk where there are lots of games, rides, and all different kinds of food. If you'd like, I can arrange for your flight to New Jersey and get the luxurious Catmobile from the local Jaguar dealer. Have you ever had fried chicken? Meowmie gave me a taste of hers and it is sooo good!!! Meowmie has some in the fridge so I'll pack it before she comes home. This is so exciting!

What a wonderful idea of having a special place where we can come to talk about important kitty things and not worry about those silly hoomins checking up on us.

I have to go for now, my beautiful Inka. Please let me know if you want to go camping at the shore and I'll get started on the arrangements.

Purrs, headbumpies, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses,
Your Groucho

Laura's Babies
08-17-2006, 02:22 PM
They made me leave Rie's house and come home today.. I am not happy about that, I love it at Ries house! Why do I have to come back to stay here with that old lady? :( Chester

Our Meowmie came home yesterday. She was so happy to see us and she kissed and kissed us...EUCK! spit, spit! But we really were glad to see her, so glad that we slept cuddeled up next to her last night.... (she better not get use to that either!!) Amy

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Meowmie is HOME and she went today and bought me some new TOYS!!! YIPIEEEE!!! I LOVE my toys!! Now I can follow her to the potty and we can have out "talks" while she sits there... (I miss that when she is not here) Giz


08-31-2006, 01:31 PM
Princess & Duchess: Meeeeeeee-YOOWWW!!!!

08-31-2006, 11:13 PM
Princess: Duchess & I are the only cats here!

Duchess: I'm sooooo bored!

Princess: Me, too! I'm sure we're not the ONLY cats in the world, are we?!

Duchess: We CAN'T be.

Princess: Are we the ONLY cats on PT?????

Duchess: I don't think so.

Princess: Are we the ONLY cats on CT????

Duchess: I don't know.

Princess: Are we the ONLY cats in our house????

Duchess: OF COURSE! Except stuffed animal cats. We are the ONLY real cats in our house.

Princess: Good. This way we don't have to share OUR treats!

Duchess: Or OUR food!

Princess: I think we have said enough in this post...

Duchess: Yeah...

09-01-2006, 09:26 AM
Princess: Ya know what, Duchess?

Duchess: What?

Princess: I think this thread is DYING. If we stop using it, it'll be dead! :(

Duchess: then we'd better keep using this WONDERFUL

Princess: Yep, we'd BETTER!!

Duchess: It would be more WONDERFUL if some more cats joined us...

Princess: *hint*

Duchess: Hint???

Princess: Yeah, ya know, *HINT*!

Duchess: Oh.

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-01-2006, 10:00 AM
No no, it is not dying, but our meowmie has been awfully busy with us lately :p ! She is such a sweetie , our meowmie :)

Pawsitive Thinking
09-01-2006, 10:16 AM
Guess what? My soppy meowmie loves me so much I'm getting my OWN room! away from those pesky dogs!!

09-01-2006, 10:17 AM
Princess & Duchess: PURRRRRRRPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Duchess: This thin piece of string used for sewing is NOT dying!!!!!

Princess: Huh?!

Duchess: That means thread!

Princess: Ooooooh.

No no, it is not dying, but our meowmie has been awfully busy with us lately ! She is such a sweetie , our meowmie

Princess & Duchess: We don't know your names. What are your names??

Pawsitive Thinking
09-01-2006, 10:28 AM
Hi Princess and Duchess - I'm Brody (or as they know me here The Grey Fluffy Thing)

09-01-2006, 11:13 AM
Princess & Duchess: Hello, Brody!!!!!

Duchess: Well, I am STILL a little bored... :(

Princess: Bored????

Duchess: Yep. What is there to talk about?

Princess: I don't know. How about you, Brody?

Don Juan's mom
09-03-2006, 01:29 AM
hey girls i wanted to post before but mom is working full time and donjuan (that dork) never figured out how to turn on the interbox all he does is slep on it so i have to type the commands which is really hard even tho my paws are nice and little dont know why mom has to go to this place work shes out all day and we cant play in the yard with the birdies darn it

but when she gets home all i have to do is give her noserub and a prrrrrk! and she gives me lots of lovies don juan likes to take over her lap but i have it easy all i have to do is talk kitten talk to her and she plays with me and gives me whatever i want

yr frend zerlina gattobello

09-06-2006, 11:38 PM
Princess & Duchess: Anyone home????

Duchess: I wonder if our meowmie will teach us how to post pics???

Princess: I'll have to ask....

Duchess: ? :confused:

Princess: Eddy, eddy, eddy, eddy!

Duchess: ??? :confused:

Princess: Eddy means purr, and she taught me how, so I'll post some... :) EDDY!!

http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php? attachmentid=30330&stc=1 Me, I'm so cute

http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=30331&stc=1 Duchess, She's cute too

http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=30332&stc=1 Duchess, she's also beautiful

http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=30333&stc=1 Me, I'm beautiful, too

http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=30334&stc=1 Me & Duchess, Aren't we both soooooo pretty??? :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-07-2006, 05:41 AM
INKA here!!Sorry Groucho for not responding earlier to your lovely idea for camping!!! My humans have been so busy and couldn't bring me to the airport....! But today, I took a cab, that will teach them a lesson! I cannot make my prince wait so long, can I???? So dear Groucho, be sure to meet me at the airport at 8 am tomorrow morning! I will wear a red rose in my left paw!!And.... I will bring a big box full of fresh shrimp from our North Sea!!

09-07-2006, 06:00 PM
My dearest Inka, There's no need to apologize, my sweet.Meowmie is on vacation this week and she's been following me EVERYWHERE with her silly flashy box saying, Come on, Groucho, how about I take a few nice portrait shots for Inka?" She has been home each day but today she took off somewhere with a few of her friends from church. Soncat started his fall semester at college so he's in after work long enough to get his books and bus pass. Since he goes to class at night Soncat gets home late. Oh yeah, there's very exciting news about Soncat... he has been invited to join Phi Theta Kappa. It's an international academic honor society for students in two year colleges! Meowmie is so proud of him, she said membership is by invitation only. Soncat gets lots of A's which is good because he wants to go to law school and be a prosecutor. But I digress.....
Most definitely I will be at the airport bright and early to greet you. Oh the anticipation!!! I'll be getting the luxurios Catmobile from the local Jaguar dealer. I told them it was for you so they fixed it up special for you. If you'd like, we can still go camping at Island Beach State Park. Now that summer vacation time is over it won't be too crowded. But we can decide our plans when you're off the plane. But please don't make your purrents angry with you, okay? Till then.....

Purrs, headbumpies,kitty hugs, and kitty kisses,
Your Groucho

04-12-2011, 09:12 PM
Cassie: I had my food lady bump up this thread from 2006 for me, but she's gone now. Kitties, my food lady doesn't get it. When she gets home from work, I tell her I'm hungry but guess what she does? She picks me up, hugs and kisses me! Why won't she feed me first?

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-13-2011, 04:05 AM
Gabriels Girls:

Aw Cassie, thank you so much for bumping up this thread! Our mommy refused to do that for us. I bet she is scared we might talk about her...

Well, we overheared our humans talking about "getting those suitcases downstairs", getting a plane this saturday", and "they will take cars of the cats while we're gone" :eek::eek::eek:
What the heck??? Are they really planning to leave us all alone???:eek:
Oh my oh my, we do not want that!!
So, if anyone knows any thrick to prevent them from going, please talk, euh.. meow!!!

04-13-2011, 09:23 AM
And now we are but Four Found Cats:(:(
All of Our Mentors and Cats who amde us welcome at the Hotel are Angels now.:(:(
But they stop by once in a while and let us know that we will all be together in Love :love::love: in Paradise :love::love: One Fine Day and we are happy.:love::love:

04-13-2011, 10:39 AM
:love: See us Furr Purr Babies have our meowmom trained.. She does feed us first & then we all get cuddles & huggss..

Oh our meowmom would not dare touch a suitcase & leave us behind.. We would all just lock meowmom out.. That would only be as long as we had plenty of food/water.. Yup I guess we would all miss our meowmom's cuddles & whisker kissess & let her back in..

04-14-2011, 04:28 PM
Milo here. I have to tell you what my Aunt Elyse does when she visits. She picks me up, hugs and snuggles and loves on me! She gives me kisses and more kisses. She knows I don't like to be picked up and held, but she does it anyway. I like to give her ankle hugs and I like to flop over for her to pet my tummy. Then I grab her wrist with my feety-feets. She is always disappointed when I am looking for a lap to sit on and I don't choose hers. But she can sometimes be too lovey-dovey for me! But I like to receive petting. I purr to let her know. My purr isn't very rumbly - it's low and steady and she likes that.


Pinot's Mom
04-14-2011, 05:09 PM
Miss Princess Pinot Noir Catmobile CoPilot checking in...

I didn't know about this thread! Well, you all know there are so MANY issues with my situation here, but I won't go into that. You all are on the topic of FOOD. I don't get enough. That's just that. I get two meager portions a day and my purrents think that will sustain all I do around here. HMMPH.

Well, is my sweetheart Rocco about? I haven't seen him in a while. Check in!:love:


04-15-2011, 07:24 AM
Why does mommy get so mad when I run and jump as high as I can up the kitchen window blinds? Ok, so one of them is missing most of the slats now but it is SOOOOOO fun to swing on them. Can she not understand I have some jungle cat in my family tree?

04-15-2011, 10:31 AM
Hey y'all!
Isn't it frustrating when our humans DO NOT differentiate our "meows"?
When you want them to open the door, they give you food.. When you want some cuddlin', they open the door (and even tell you "go out to play").. When you want them to play with you, they think you want to cuddle.. or eat.. (sigh) :rolleyes:

04-17-2011, 04:03 AM
Why did meowmie decide we needed a little brother? Who gave her that crazy idea?! It was so nice here with just Ming and me, and now I got this little bro that I have to keep putting in his place. He's learning, but I really need to talk to my hooman about this violation of my home. Grrrr.

04-17-2011, 11:32 AM
Hi fellow kitties, here's Lily! You won't believe what my Mom did the other day! She took me to the vet, and there, the vet looked into my mouth! Then they decided I should get my teeth cleaned!! Haven't heard anymore about it yet, but I'm sure they're up to something! I don't want that!

Here's Luna! Well, if I may put my two cents in, I wouldn't mind if Lily was sent to the vet's. It would be nice to have the house for myself, at least for a couple of hours. She's always stalking me, you know, she can be such a pain!

04-17-2011, 04:27 PM
Hi fellow kitties!
This is something that has come up before but remains a problem at my house. Does your Meowmie use the vakoom cleaner? The one Meowmie has swallows up everything, even some food I put away for a snack later on. I keep running from room to room so it can't catch me! And that darn thing is so loud! I can't even talk to any of you on my cell phone when Meowmie insists on using it. Do any of you know why our hoomins do this?

Your friend,

04-17-2011, 10:02 PM
Groucho, Kimba here. I had never seen or heard one of those vakooms before and I was so scared. They are loud!! My bros kind of laughed at me, but I noticed that both of them were in the bedroom with me whle our meowmie used that thing in the living room. :rolleyes:

04-18-2011, 01:20 AM
My Mewomie is sooooo bad....
She locked me inna porto-prison and took me for a kar ride today. She took me outta kar and into da whitecoats. I was skared but she petted me while da person dare picked up each one of my paws and clipped my nails. I peeded inna porto-prison coming back home but once I was freed, I ran under da table and hid for a while. I wuv my Meowmie but not today.

04-18-2011, 08:43 AM
Can you believe it... I was laying comfortably on the bed, then my mom came. I thought it was for another cuddle seesion, of course, but this time she had brought some white stuff she calls cotton wool. Just as I was ready for another cuddle, she put some of that white stuff into my ear and twist it around!! It was even a bit damp! :eek:

Well, she said she had seen the vet do it that way, but in her defense, I must say it's nice to have clean ears - not that they were very dirty, though.

Yesterday, she clipped my nails, but I'm used to that, and she always gives me treats after. :)

Your clean friend

04-18-2011, 06:42 PM
Hi fellow kitties!
This is something that has come up before but remains a problem at my house. Does your Meowmie use the vakoom cleaner? The one Meowmie has swallows up everything, even some food I put away for a snack later on. I keep running from room to room so it can't catch me! And that darn thing is so loud! I can't even talk to any of you on my cell phone when Meowmie insists on using it. Do any of you know why our hoomins do this?

Your friend,

Dear Groucho,

Ours was broken for almost a week, so my person couldn't use it. I was so happy! But guess what, she got it fixed. I don't like it because it is very loud, so I hide under the bed when my person takes it out. She tells me when she is done, so I know it is okay to come from under the bed (she doesn't use it under there). She even has a smaller one she uses for the kitchen and bathroom floor. That one isn't quite as loud.

Edited to add: Dear Groucho, could you please tell your meowmie that my person found a better dish for my water. Guess where she got it, my grand-meowmie's house! Silly grand-meowmie says she is not a cat person, but I know better. It is a shallow, wide glass sauce dish that grand-meowmie found at the dollar store. Holds about six ounces of water.

With purrs of thanks,

09-17-2012, 12:15 AM
Hi fellow kitties!
This is something that has come up before but remains a problem at my house. Does your Meowmie use the vakoom cleaner? The one Meowmie has swallows up everything, even some food I put away for a snack later on. I keep running from room to room so it can't catch me! And that darn thing is so loud! I can't even talk to any of you on my cell phone when Meowmie insists on using it. Do any of you know why our hoomins do this?

Your friend,

Dear Groucho, my meowm had the vakoom out again today. I reminded her about your post. She got a new one that's not as noisy as the old one, but I still don't like the noise. I have meowm trained to let me know when she is taking it out and when she is putting it away. When she says "Okay, Cassie, I'm getting out the vacuum" I hide under the bed. When I hear her close the linen closet door (that's where the vakoom goes) I come out. I hate the thing. Why does it have to be so noisy anyway?

I heard my meowm sayin purrayers just a little while ago. She said one for Fister who is having some tummy troubles and one for Sparky Dog who is having some breathing problems. And for their people too. We don't like it when our friends aren't feeling well and their humans are worried about them. And for Uncle Catmandu because Pouncierge went to the Bridge. We don't like that happening one bit.


09-17-2012, 11:21 AM
Our Meowmie has been using the vakoom a lot lately! She has also been moving our water dishes and food bowls a lot. She says she has been bit by a "cleaning bug". We hope she recovers soon. We don't like it when she is too busy to let us sit on her lap!:(

09-18-2012, 01:17 PM
Fat Girl -Just wish that my meowmy wouldn't have put the screen on the front door because now I can't escape to the great beautiful outdoors. Hmph!

April-You know, its not that I don't like other humans, just meowmy is my favorite.

Princess-Ok, April, Fatgirl, you two have to stop leaving me out, I live here too. You can chase me too. You can play with me too.

Star- So glad that little short human is napping, she wears me out.