View Full Version : Hi there, my dogs are driving me nuts lately......

08-29-2001, 06:37 PM
I am usually found on the cat general post, but I also have two dogs. :D
My problem is this: everyday I bring the dogs in my car, to the beach. The journey takes about 5- 10 mins. They are normally really happy to go, with lots of kisses and waggy tails. In say, the last two weeks they have been getting out of hand :mad: crying howling, jumping all over the back seat and barking. Not only is it getting hard to drive, but my patience is running out here! I know they are getting over excited. Anyone know how to train them out of this?...please?

Gina J >^..^< !

08-29-2001, 11:29 PM
Maybe you can look into those dog seat belt things? I am thinking about getting some for Reece and Lolly. They sit still in the car, but I take them with me so much that I don't want to risk an accident with them in the car.

Something that *might* work is if you get in the car and they automatically start jumping around, just take them out and take them back in the house. If they're calm, then drive them to the beach. They may learn they are supposed to be calm and nice or they can't go.

08-29-2001, 11:54 PM
Good ideas! Those seat-restraint things are such a great safety idea in general--especially with dogs that get dangerously excited in a car. Here's a link to one reputable company that carries them:

www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=639 (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=639)

I love the behavior modification suggestion as well. Don't even start the car if they're too hyper; just go back into the house. It could work! ;)

[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: kobieeli ]

08-29-2001, 11:57 PM
You can try crate training your pups,
if the crates will fit in your car, or
the doggie seat belt was a good suggestion too if they will take to it.
I trained my large dogs to behave in the car while traveling, but it took 2 people at first.
I had someone else drive, while I sat
in the back of the car.
I gave the dogs the command to sit or
lay down. If they got up, I corrected
them and put them in the sit or down
position. Did not take long for them
to learn. Now while I am driving with them, I just have to give them
basic obedience commands when
we first start up, and they settle down.
(accept for Pepper) hubby lets her all
over the place.

08-30-2001, 03:40 AM
Good suggestions so far so I'll just expand a little. Every time the dogs start to perform pull over and sit still until they calm down.

08-30-2001, 03:53 PM
Don and I use the "Easy Rider" car harness on Perry and Daisy if we are going for short rides. Although they are good once in the car, we feel they are a lot safer if we have to stop short for some reason. They hook right into the seat belt and it allows them to sit or lay down.
For trips we fold down the back seats and put them in crates for traveling any long distance.
I used to hold Daisy on my lap but those days are over when we considered the consequences of an accident.

08-30-2001, 04:11 PM
Good suggestions, everyone! Depending on the size of your dogs and the size of your car you might want to consider getting two crates for the car, if you don't like the idea of doggie seat belts. :D

09-08-2001, 07:26 PM
Well Thanks guys, some great suggestions here! I'm going to buy the harnesses. I'm also going to stop the car and wait util they stop howling in an attempt to get them to be quieter! :D Thanks again for all your thoughts!

:o Sorry I didn't get back to the board sooner, but I couldn't remember where I posted the question :rolleyes: Feather head that I am! LOL!

Gina! >^..^< !

09-08-2001, 10:15 PM
LOL, Gina!!! I love the "featherhead" comment. At this point, I will just tell you to "join the crowd"! :eek: I am the worst! :rolleyes:

09-09-2001, 11:55 AM
All of the above suggestions are good. If you want to try more things, you can look up the American Dog Trainers Network at: http://www.canine.org/
Good luck ;)