View Full Version : I am truly blessed.

08-14-2006, 09:56 PM
I have been having a hard time financially lately. As many of you know, I was robbed on July 4th... they took everything of value to me. My laptop, camera, my wedding ring and all my jewelry except a few items I never wear. They might as well have taken my heart and soul when they walked away with my camera and wedding ring.

Anyhow, I've been slipping into a pretty bad depression. I lack the zest I typically have. I know hubby, the kids, my family all noticed my depression. Mom said from the first day of the robbery that she'd give me $300 towards a new camera. She KNOWS just how much I loved my camera, she knows its how I document everything I cherish and love... and she knew I was lost without it. So mom told me that she'd give me this money towards the camera for my birthday gift. She also stipulated that it HAD to go to the camera and NOT a car payment, because she knew thats what I would have done with $300 right now. She also knew that my emotional state NEEDED to have my camera back.

But my mom isn't the only one who knows I NEEDED this camera for my own emotional well being. My 20 year old son did too. We started out the summer on a rocky note, him and I. But working together this summer has helped us learn and understand each other more. My son gave me another $100 to buy the batteries and memory card for the camera.

I feel so blessed that I have this support system. I have been playing with my new camera all night, happy as can be that I got part of my life back. Of course, three bill collectors called tonight and I felt guilty for enjoying my new camera. Several times I considered returning it for the money to pay a bill.... knowing full well I'd hurt my mom and son in doing so. This was their gift to me.

Anyway... all this major rambling. On with the first few pictures I got from this new toy. I'm utterly amazed by what it can do. I can't wait to see what photos I get once I am completely comfortable with it

Abby has truly amazing golden eyes. I've never been able ot do her justice. Now I can!

The photos have such amazing color. And hte flash makes things look real. My old camera always made the background look black if I used a flash, even in the middle of the afternoon.
Even without touching up the fash-eyes, you can see how pretty Abby's golden eyes are. Nobody could tell before.

Something else I was NEVER able to do: photograph in the bedroom at night without a flash, and DEFINATELY not without a tripod. Here's Flutter Butter completely flashless and no tripod. Imagine what a triopod would have done to help this photo!

08-14-2006, 10:01 PM
Then not only does it take nice photos with limited light, I can also play with color. Woohoo! You have NO idea how exciting this concept is to me. I am passionate about color.

Here I chose the color of Flutter's eyes and made everything else black and white

Here I played with using the blanket color, in pretty dim lighting without a flash.. it'll only pick up the greenish color anywhre in the photo and turn every other color black and white. I never realized just how much greenish color was in my Flutter Butter! I knew Pouncer had a lot of green tones to his ticking but not her. (I tell you, I REALLY understand color on a level most people can't)

I only took a handful of photos tonight because I spent the evening reading the book and just figuring out where the commands are. I can't wait to really sink my teeth into this camera.

I am so blessed to have family who loves me enough to do this for me.

08-14-2006, 10:37 PM
Kim, I'm so glad that you now have a new camera. The pictures are beautiful.:) Your mom and son sure are wonderful people. I hope that you'll start feeling better now. Take care.:)

08-14-2006, 11:03 PM
those are fabulous pics Kim- I'm so glad it has worked out for you to get this- I hope this helps you.
I simply adore my camera also - I tried to do the same thing with Kylie's eyes but she wouldn't hold still long enough!
You will be amazed at how spectacular this camera is. And the prints that you get from it are amazzzinnngg.
I printed 3 pics in 8x10's to enter into the fair and they are just as crisp and clear as you'd see on the screen.
Have fun!

08-14-2006, 11:48 PM

08-15-2006, 04:52 AM
I am glad that you're feeling better Kim and getting some enjoyment out of your camera, and what better specimens of beauty could you have to take as many pictures as you like of!
Things will turn around and get better, though at the time it seems like the end of the world, but sometimes the one thing that makes you feel better is knowing that people understand and hearing those words.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-15-2006, 05:04 AM
DO NOT feel guilty!! Your camera is a gift from the people that love you. Looking foward to seeing all the piccies!!

08-15-2006, 05:25 AM
What a wonderful thing for your family to do!! (and I personally saw the light in your eyes as you bought it. :D )

And I can tell everyone too that you went over the top making that POOR clerk get you the best price available. (LOL) OH, that and stopping at 100 stores before getting that BEST price. :rolleyes:

And the photos are wonderful too......YIPPEE!!!

08-15-2006, 07:21 AM
Kim, I'm so happy for you. Your photos are wonderful. :) :) :)

Family and friends really do bless our lives. (((HUGS)))

smokey the elder
08-15-2006, 07:40 AM
That's awesome that they bought you the camera. Having it will raise your spirits so you can overcome the other awfulness you've had to put up with. Great pics, by the way!

08-15-2006, 08:33 AM
I tried to do the same thing with Kylie's eyes but she wouldn't hold still long enough!
:D You don't want to know what I endured to get this photo! I sat through a whole kitty bath, of her bathing herself, then me :p :p I think I told her to stop moving a million times. Then FINALLY the settled in to stare out the balcony door.

I do feel better today. Someone is coming to appraise the house tonight. I'm not holding out much hope that the appraisal comes in as high as we need it to be. It HAS to be a certain price or we won't get the loan we need. We NEED this loan, because well, our bathroom is literally a few months away from falling into the livingroom thanks to a small leak under the tub. You can feel soft spots on the floor of the tub and the livingroom ceiling is bowing right where the tub stands. Oh so comforting to take a shower while worrying if you're going to be the one standing in the tub when it falls through. We NEED to get the bathroom redone.

That and money issues related to both my and hubby's health. And Ashley's. And I am soooo worried about Ashley, the baby, and the father. The stress from those three is enough to put me in a straight jacket! There are things going on that I want to strangle an incredibly smart girl who's being sooo incredibly stupid! STRESS STRESS STRESS! Anyone who's been there with a teenager who had a baby, PLEASE PM me! I sorely need someone to talk to who was there and understands what I'm going through. I have dear friends who are AWESOME at listening to me vent but its not the same as having been in the situation.

Anyway, I sincerely DO feel better today. Thanks for the nice comments everyone. ((hugs))

08-15-2006, 09:38 AM
Any time that you want to talk , please feel free as you are among friends here.
I know that it helps sometimes to have someone to listen.
We are praying that things will turn around for you, as you are one of our favorite people here.
And those are Fantastic Photos of your Cats!

08-15-2006, 10:20 AM
I'm glad you have a camera again and what great pictures. What kind of camera is it if you don't mind? I've asked Richard for a new camera for Christmas and I want to find a really good one. I'd love to get pictures of that quality.

08-15-2006, 11:00 AM
You have a great family! And so many Models posing for you to train with your new camera :)

08-15-2006, 11:18 AM
Congrats on the new cam!!! I'm glad you finally have it! I know I wouldn't feel whole without a camera, and I figure it's the same with you. Taking pictures and sharing them is a great way to deal with depression, and you have a great family that they know that and helped you!

Which kind of camera did you eventually get?


08-15-2006, 11:29 AM
I ended up getting the Canon S2 IS. I really wanted the S3, but I couldn't justify the extra $150 cost. And looking online, there's not that much of a difference that an average person like me would notice. I bought a 1GB card today. What a steal at Staples! $50 on sale for $40 plus a $15 rebate (which I already filed for)

Poor Jen and Charlie, they went from store ot store with me yesterday. They were real troopers!

And something I never said here so as to not embarass Jen, but she did something sooo incredibly wonderful for me. She won an ebay auction for a digicam and sent it to me. I wasn't ever able ot use it because I never had money to get proper batteries. I did take a few shots on it and I must say it was a NICE camera... took good shots, never a blurry picture. It just chewed through my dollar store batteries after 10 photos. I could only afford dollar store batteries! :p So now, I'm saying it publicly here what a WONDERFUL friend she was to do that for me. I do wish I had more of a chance to use her fabuous gift. But now she has it for hersef, so watch out for upcoming photos of the Fabulous 16!

Here are a few photos that I was able to get from the camera Jen got me.
Pouncer inspecting hubby's new back-to-school pants (thank God for the local outlets -- $8 pants!)

and Flutter asking Pouncer whats so yummy inside a laundry basket

08-15-2006, 11:32 AM
Cool that you now have the S2; as you know, I have the same cam (like many other PTlers, too), and I see you already know very well how to handle it! :)

And oh what a wonderful thing from Jen to leave you that camera!! You're truly blessed with great friends and family! :)


08-15-2006, 11:38 AM
That's the camera I want (after seeing Kirsten's pictures) and now after seeing yours I know for sure it's the one! Great deal on the card too.

Jen- that was a wonderful thing to do for Kim. :) :) :)

08-15-2006, 06:52 PM
That's the camera I want (after seeing Kirsten's pictures) and now after seeing yours I know for sure it's the one! Great deal on the card too.

Jen- that was a wonderful thing to do for Kim. :) :) :)
I have the same camera Lori - it's awesome.
there is a whole thread dedicated to it in General.