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08-14-2006, 04:02 PM
Chuck is 12 and we recently moved toi a new apt. He has all his toys, his bed, his teepee etc. Off and since we moved he is waking up at about 4 am and yowling till we are all awake. Needless to say, it's getting irritating.

I have gotten up, he has food, he has water, clean potty. Seems he just wants to be held/petted. I thought at first he was scared in a new place.

I have tried to take him to bed, he won't stay. He meows at the top of his lungs and paws at the closet doors or the bedroom door so it bangs.

I really don't want him to think that I will spring out of bed at his every mew either you know? LOL

He has been to the vet too because I thought maybe he was sick. Not the problem he says.

COuld he just be wanting attention? Nearly everyone in the house is mad at him right now because he is being so nawtie especially when we only get one day to sleep in. He did this every day last week and so far this week.

So I get up, walk the floor with him (sounds like a baby right?) and get him settled down, then go back to bed and hope to GOD that will do it. LOL

Any ideas or things that I haven't thought of?

~Aki :D

08-14-2006, 05:12 PM
he is probably scared by the new place, and wants to be reassured that everythings all right.
The Found Ctas were like that when we moved into the Hotel.
I know theres nothing that can get on your nerves like a persistant Meeeower, we are praying he calms down soon.
Scrappy 2 can be like that, if you are not paying attention to him.

08-14-2006, 05:19 PM
How long is recently? A week? A few weeks? Cats are known for needing to stay in the same surroundings to feel comfortable, the reason they are better off with a cat sitter than in a cat hotel when their guardian goes on vacation. So, I agree that he must be upset by the change and it will take him time to settle down. You can't leave your bedroom door open for him to come and go as he pleases? Can your vet prescribe something to calm him until he is settled? It would need to be something like Valium because the Prozac type take weeks to start working.

Poor Chuck! New surroundings and people are annoyed with him.

08-14-2006, 05:40 PM
Poor Chuck! I don't have clue what could be wrong unless he just gets a little confused and scared at night. Maybe time will help him. In the meantime you will go insane from sleep deprivation

08-14-2006, 06:16 PM
My cat wakes me at 4AM every morning!

He'll probably settle down once he gets used to the new place, some cats take forever to adjust. :)

08-14-2006, 06:43 PM
How about a little night-light and some Feliway?

Cats can't see in TOTAL darkness, and I am sure your new place isn't that way - but a wee light might help.

When you are more settled - maybe a playmate for him???? :D

08-14-2006, 08:58 PM
I just moved to a much bigger place last Wednesday. Mr. Spunky refused to go anywhere in the new place unless I was walking with him. He would scurry back to the bedroom when I left. Sams was a little better, but not much.

Now things are back to normal.


smokey the elder
08-15-2006, 07:55 AM
Maybe a little Bach's Rescue Remedy in his water to take the edge off? A 12 year old cat doesn't like his routine disrupted.

08-15-2006, 09:38 AM
Thank you so much guys. He was up wailing at 3:30 this morning. I got up and held him then layed on the sofa with him. He didn't wanna lie down, just lick me and give me headbumpies. Finally he went to the loveseat and layed down and I gave him more kissies goodnight and went back to bed. Thank goodness I got out there before the whole house was up again.

We moved in on July first. And actually the first week or so, he seemed to be fine. LOL The only thing is that i can think of is our dog is not there. We can't have her at the new apt, so she is at a temp foster (my daughter visits her every day). The least comes up in April and we are looking for a house so we can bring Nina home too! yay!

08-15-2006, 10:16 AM
We moved in on July first. And actually the first week or so, he seemed to be fine. LOL The only thing is that i can think of is our dog is not there. We can't have her at the new apt, so she is at a temp foster (my daughter visits her every day). The least comes up in April and we are looking for a house so we can bring Nina home too! yay!
I bet that is it. He's missing the dog. Even if they weren't best of friends I still think a missing family member will really upset a cat.

08-15-2006, 10:25 AM
:rolleyes: I really don't know what to do about that. I really can't take him over to see her because there is another dog there (which is wonderful for Nina) but it will freak Chuck out. I wonder if I can take a blanket over and let Nina sleep on it and bring it back and if that will make Chuckie feel better?

08-15-2006, 10:29 AM
I think the blanket idea would be worth the try. If it helps maybe you can get a full night sleep. ;)

08-15-2006, 10:33 AM
Well he is sleeping better. He was a good boy last night but I stayed up watching TV late too. LOL
But sleeping in till at least 5:30 is better than 3am!