View Full Version : Filou's big outdoor adventure :)

08-14-2006, 07:26 AM
Our neighbors have the kitties Minka and Nemo whom you have met before. They are in holidays so we are taking care of them again. They ahve a cat proof garden - with an electrical rabbit fence which they swith on when the kitties are outside. Minka and Nemo have learned that they do not approach the fence very quickly and enjoy the big outdoors often.

Now this time we decided we take Filou over (he has much more courage in new situations than Tigris) in the garden. (Of course without introductions- that would only have been stress for everyone.) It was Filou's very first time outside- now as he is 10 years old.

He started to mew all the time. But then he noticed the marks of the other cats and started to mark every wooden chair etc. First he did not want to step on the grass:


The sun was shining, so we put him on one of the steps. He noticed the grass wasn't all bad but he preferred the steps. Look at my beautiful boy :)



He stopped to mew and began to check the plants and the catnip out :) But he was happy all the time his dad and I were around:


When it started to rain we took him back in. Now of course we are thinking whether we need a catproof garden as well :)

08-14-2006, 07:33 AM
What a terrific garden for the kitties!! I just love that idea and yes, wish we had one also.

Filou looks just stunning - he is breathtakingly beautiful - so exotic and regal. It looks like he enjoyed his very first time outside - how exciting!! :)

08-14-2006, 07:40 AM
Oh Filou, you are magnificent!

And really you ears are straight, you're not walking with your belly near the ground, you look pretty confident :) with daddy around of course. Peppito can relate, he loves going outside but he prefers to have his humans around to cuddle every 30 seconds. This is actually the only moment he is bumping our legs :D

For the grass, Peppito did the same the first time his feet touched the grass! He did not know how to walk on this soft thing! But I got used very quickly ;)

Is this electric fence efficient for cats? I know someone who had it for a dog, but it was of the kind that the dog had to wear a collar. Is it the same?

08-14-2006, 07:42 AM
Wow, what beautiful pictures of Filou!! :) He does look a little uncertain of what to do, but I'm sure he'll be standing by the door in the near future, wanting to explore more - and roll in the grass. :D

A catproof garden. LOL! Great idea if it works ... hopefully no cats will get electrocuted! :eek:

08-14-2006, 07:47 AM
A brand new world for Filou, and he sure did enjoy it. :) Magnificant pictures!!

08-14-2006, 08:08 AM
Such great photos. Filou looks like a happy boy, for sure.

Barb, I have just started taking Lucy out on a leash. She loves it and is very good. The only drawback is fleas. I did find one flea on her the other day, while combing her with a flea comb. I had stopped at the vet's the day before for flea treatment for all four cats! It is very expensive! Yikes. Between the flea treatment for four and Science Diet ZD for four - we're talking hundreds of dollars. The flea treatment I found on line 12 for $90...and the food is now $42.50 for a ten pound bag! Can you believe it.

Do you get fleas where you live? Once the kitties hit the ground, around here, they are flea magnets! I have been combing Lucy and the others :rolleyes: (right) nearly every day, looking for a flea. The treatment Frontline Plus kills all stages of fleas and ticks.

It does seem like torture to keep a kitty in all the time. Mine have such a nice porch and so many windows. Lucy is the only one calm enough to put the harness on........she now sits by the door, screaming to go out. :rolleyes: I have created a monster! That's what happens when you start something for them....can you imagine four cats crying by the door? :eek:

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-14-2006, 08:09 AM
My nephew made his garden cat-proof too. His cats have to wear a collar though, like Sonia says!

Filou is such a gorgeous cat, Barbara!!

Killearn Kitties
08-14-2006, 08:14 AM
These pictures of Filou are stunning! The natural light shows off his colouring amazingly well, and against the bright green of the grass ... definitely calendar material. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-14-2006, 09:24 AM
Now you can really show everyone what a cougar you are, Filou!

Too funny that he didn't want to step on the grass, but I guess that's only natural since he's never seen grass before.

Yes, I think you need a catproof garden too, Barbara. :D

08-14-2006, 09:39 AM
That will be the next project for the Found Cat Hotel to have a part of the Lawn enclosed so they can go out.
But I guess it will have to be enclosed so nosy people cant count.
Tigris looks as though he really enjoyed his outdoor visit.

08-14-2006, 10:29 AM
What breed is Filou? I love how he looks like a little cougar!

08-14-2006, 10:37 AM
Filou is an Abyssinian and he feels very flattered by being named a cougar. He's tiny (7,5 lb) but he has an adventurous heart :)

08-14-2006, 10:39 AM
Barbara, what a treat for Filou and for us!!!! :) I'm so happy you shared his first outdoor adventure with us! He looks quite wide-eyed and curious!!! :)

Logan and Butter

Edwina's Secretary
08-14-2006, 11:09 AM
Dear Filou,

Oh the memories you bring back for me! Long ago...when I had been living with my people for a while....in a house with only bricks for a garden...they put me in a harness and took me to a grassy area nearby. Oh the terror! Did it bring back repressed memories of my life on the streets or was it just the unstable feeling of the grass???

In any case I cried to go back to the bricks and my secure home.

But trust me, in time you will find the grass quite enjoyable. And tasty.

(And no...I've never had a flea! And yes....you are a most incredibly beautiful creature and look like a lynx.........)



08-14-2006, 11:13 AM
How funny that he didn't want to step on the grass.

Great pictures of your handsome boy!!

08-14-2006, 04:07 PM
Wow, Filou, so courageous! So many smells and so many sounds and that grass, but you look very confident when you have your Daddy nearby :)

The pictures are great!

08-14-2006, 10:44 PM
Wow! What and adventure.:) Filou is such a handsome boy.:)

08-14-2006, 11:04 PM
what a lovely adventure!
When my have outside adventures it is with me in hot pursuit right behind them!

08-15-2006, 11:24 AM
OMG, what a great adventure for Filou!!! I bet he had a lot to tell when he later met Tigris again. ;)

And how funny that he didn't trust the green gras! LOL

The photos, btw, are truly beautiful! He is such a handsome boy! :)
