View Full Version : Poor Molly . .

08-13-2006, 09:34 PM
Ok, I was only in California a week. Apparently Molly barely touched her food the whole week I was gone, and acted as if she was spooked of the bowl. I suggested that my Mom moved the bowl, tried a different bowl, etc. and see if that helped. It didn't. Now, Molly will play with the rug under her bowl, .. like she's trying to flip it over.

We went out the other night and came home and found she had dragged the rug across the room, and had flipped the water bowl upside down, ruining the lamenent flooring.

Can anyone explain this behaviour?

Molly still isn't eating (much). In the week I was gone, she probably lost between 5-10 pounds.

We've stopped adding the canned food to their dry, and have been adding ground beef, which has resulted in her eating more. But still not enough to satisfy me. I'm thinking she doesn't like the kibble.

So, since March, Molly has had an infection from her spaying, an apparent false pregnancy, weird eating behaviour, and now has lost a lot of weight. I measured her today and she is just over 19". Last time she was at the vets, she weighed 35lbs, but I'm sure she's 20-25lbs now. How much should she weigh right now? Because she's very bony now. I can feel her chest bones, her thigh bones, and her ribs.

For 3 weeks she was blowing her coat like MAD, it's not so bad anymore. But she has almost-bald spots just before her thighs now.

I can't help but think that she could possibly have another underlying problem, all of this stemming from it. I wasn't sure where to post this, because half of it IS health, a little is behaviour.

What I want to know is, what do you all think of this?

08-13-2006, 09:36 PM
how hot is it there? if it's really warm it could be because of the heat but if not I would take her to the vet and have her get checked out. :)

08-13-2006, 09:38 PM
It hasn't been too bad. Not really bad enough to alter appetites. I have been making sure I excersise her a lot, to work up an appetite.

08-13-2006, 09:41 PM
Ehh...I would probably take her in and have them do some bloodwork. Micki stopped eating and I didn't think anything of it at first (thought it was the heat) and he ended up having a serious underlying condition. Definitely better safe than sorry.

Jack is 19 inches tall, and 45 pounds...and is perfect in my opinion. I'm sure Molly and Jack are built differently, but 20-25 pounds seems a bit low to me...but its hard to tell when you can't see the dog in person ;)

I hope it's just because she was upset when you left and she'll return to normal, Jack becomes a COMPLETE terror when I leave him.

08-13-2006, 09:47 PM
Ehh...I would probably take her in and have them do some bloodwork. Micki stopped eating and I didn't think anything of it at first (thought it was the heat) and he ended up having a serious underlying condition. Definitely better safe than sorry.

I read about that, I'm so sorry. :( That's what has made me even more concerned.

FYI, I have been back for more than two weeks now. :(

08-13-2006, 09:56 PM
I definitely think a vet visit and thorough check is in order. It's the wrong season for her to completely blow her coat, and losing that much weight so quickly isn't good either. Better safe than sorry, sweetie. Give Molly a kiss for me as an apology if she hates vet visits!

08-13-2006, 10:00 PM
Awww, poor thing. I agree that taking her to the vet would be a good idea. Your vet could run some tests and if it's a behavioral issue (as opposed to a health issue) your vet may have some suggestions for that too. I hope she feels better soon!

08-13-2006, 10:01 PM
Approx. how much does bloodwork cost? (Just wondering; my parents will probably make ME pay for it because they aren't as concerned as me).

08-13-2006, 10:17 PM
Parents :rolleyes: I know how that goes, I have to pay my parents back for Micki's bills..and his ended up being right around $900 :eek: Working 20 hours a week at $5.15 an hour just doesn't cut it.

Micki's blood tests were around $34 :/

08-13-2006, 10:19 PM
Micki's blood tests were around $34 :/

That's not bad. I thought it would have been $50+

08-14-2006, 07:04 PM
The vet I work for, the basic bloodwork is around $50. We are also a walk-in clinic, so it's a tad more expensive. I would recommend doing bloodwork. Talk to your vet about a thyroid check, too. Hairloss and weightloss can be a sign of a thyroid problem. But, basic bloodwork first.