View Full Version : Malone and Emerson had an AWESOME weekend!!!

08-13-2006, 07:58 PM
Saturday morning, we got up and were figuring out what we were gonna do this weekend (meaning work, work, work); when all of a sudden we decided to seize the day, and we went camping in Maine!! The weather was sooo PERFECT, and we had soooooo much fun!!! (We had to call 8 campgrounds before we finally found one with an opening, and it was perfect -- private and quiet)

On Saturday night, we went to the beach, and Malone and Emerson ran and ran and ran, and chased and played, and ran some more. Tired dogs, are HAPPY dogs! :D

Then, Sunday morning, I had to use a restroom, so we stopped, and the restroom was right next to....a DOG PARK! That was exciting, and they played for about an hour straight with two hound dogs. This was a first for them -- we've never been to a dog park before.

Then, in the afternoon, we took them for a hike up a trail and they had fun with that too. Emerson was a tad nawtee and barked meanly at a couple of people :o But besides that, we had a great time hiking.

They were so good at the campground, too -- they only barked once in the middle of the night, and got along with our neighbors -- they came over and loved on them a lot :D

So sorry that I don't have pictures, my camera is acting up, and I can't figure out what is wrong with it. :(

08-14-2006, 12:26 AM
Anna, this sounds like a great weekend to me! I would really love to take off and do something like that with my girls. Do you go camping with a tent or a travel trailer? That's great that you found a dog park too and that the pups had fun there too. Next time you take off like that you better have a camera that is working! ;)

08-14-2006, 09:29 AM
How Fun!!

Ginger's Mom
08-14-2006, 09:53 AM
Oooh, sounds like fun. And sometimes it works out so much better when you do something like that on the spur of the moment. None of the hassles and worries of planning, just go and enjoy. Only one problem, next time take pictures. :p

08-14-2006, 12:41 PM
Good God...I'm exhausted just from reading about their busy weekend. Sounds like a ball! :)

08-14-2006, 04:13 PM
Aren't you glad you "seized the day" . :D Sounds like you had a wonderful
time all round.Good for you guys & great for the dogs.Seems like good things
just fell into place for a memorable weekend. :)