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View Full Version : A lot has happened in my life in past couple months

08-13-2006, 11:22 AM
Well as some of you know I am suffering from depression really bad. It's getting better.

Well I ended up rehoming Charlie. I love him and miss him so much but it was a decision I made when I was really low. But it was for the better and he deserves it. He was really hyper and dominant.

He now lives with an ACTIVE family in which he gets to go on runs at 5 AM and walks at night too. And he gets to go to the dog park (in my city it hasn't been built yet) and her sister is an agility trainer (which he would just LOVE) He loves training. I did play with him 24/7 but I felt I was not enough.
I did the right thing. Why should he miss out on what he loves when he could be happier somewhere else. He was happy here, but he could have been happier.

Now on to Runner. Remember me posting and thinking of getting a girlfriend for him? I adopted her. she's a mix. Maybe mixed with sheltie? she has a tail and long THICK fur. She is half Charlie's size.

She is REALLY laid back, CALM and not dominant at all. She's such a lover and a lap dog. And a year younger than Charlie. Although her name is Runner. She is exactly the opposite. She's not very active. Infact, one person that adopted her before said she wanted a jogging companion. In which Runner was not.

Then she got rehomed to anotheer lady, but was returned a few days later because the lady got sick.

She looks funny now cus I had to shave her. She was covered in fleas and tics. I'm thinkng it started out a pregnant tic. I only found 2 large ones, rest were tiny. I've pulled off more than 50.

Runner fits in this household. She's here to stay for good. I think about Charlie everyday. I miss him and will always love him. He's changed my life and turned me into a dog person. I know deep down I did the right thing. I feel selfish for wanting to keep him, knowing he would be happier in a more active lifestyle family.

08-13-2006, 11:39 AM
I'm sorry about Charlie but i know you made the right decision. And Congrats on adopting Runner!I would love to see some pictures of her :)

08-13-2006, 11:48 AM
these are pre shave/bath. She looked kind of cream, but really its white lol

This is something I have to work on. Because shes a lot smaller than Charlie, B thinks she can ride her.

08-13-2006, 12:22 PM

08-13-2006, 12:24 PM
Sometimes personalities just do not click together between dog and owner. It happenes. I think you did very good by recognizing it and then working to make the best decision for Charlie. So many people wouldn't have taken the time. So good for you. And you were able to do this while being very depressed. I think that says alot about you :) Try not to beat yourself up about it. It sounds as if he is in a good place.

Now you can give to Runner what you weren't able to give to Charlie. Everyone wins!

08-13-2006, 12:30 PM
Thanks. I have my ups and downs. But when I get down, I get really really down.

My daughter starts at a childrens learning center next month, and then I can start getting better even more. Right now I'm just on meds and seeing a counselor.

Some people may think I'm just being lazy. But untill you've been this depressed, you can't really talk for that person.

Thanks for being there.

08-13-2006, 12:38 PM
You did the right thing, for Charlies sake. I'm sorry to here that he wasn't working out though, since it seemed everything was going okay, but it didn't. Can you visit him on occasion? Congratulations on getting, Runner! She is such a sweetie, and I love the pictures! She sounds just right for your family to. :D I'm sure she's gonna be sticking around.

08-13-2006, 12:44 PM
Charlie is 3 hours away, but I can visit if I want to. I email her every now and then to check on him. She even will send pics if I ask. She's such a good mommy to him. She also has 2 lil girls about 5 and 6 I think, so I know he will be played with too.

I don't think Runner is too fond of my hubby. She walks away from him with her tail between her legs. It will take time. But she did set her paw on him last night. She stays by my side most of the time.

08-14-2006, 01:34 AM
Some people may think I'm just being lazy. But untill you've been this depressed, you can't really talk for that person.

Thanks for being there.

Been there, babe. Until you've walked in someone else's shoes.......

Friends and PT, honestly, have helped tremendously. I'm on the road to being me again. Good luck to you. Cuddle up with Runner for a quick "feel better". Works for me. Sorry John... :p :D

08-14-2006, 09:13 AM
It sounds like Charlie has found a better place suited to him he can get worn out everyday now!

Runner looks like a very pretty girl, We need to see more pics!

08-14-2006, 09:39 AM
Runner is adorable!! I'm sorry it didn't work out with Charlie, but I'm glad to hear he found a good home suited to him.

08-14-2006, 09:40 AM
I'm sorry it didn't work out with Charlie, but I bet he's happier in a more active home!

Congrats on adopting Runner, she sounds a lot better for your lifestyle too. She's very pretty.

08-14-2006, 09:44 AM
It sounds like everything worked out for the best, and I am glad that Charlie is now in a home where he is getting the exercise he needs. Runner is a sweetheart!

I know how you feel about depression, it is certainly not laziness and seriously can't be explained to someone who has never gone through it. If you ever need to talk feel free to PM me!

08-14-2006, 09:46 AM
Some people may think I'm just being lazy. But untill you've been this depressed, you can't really talk for that person.

Thanks for being there.

I understand completely. You did what was best for Charlie, and that my friend is the biggest step you can take. Kudos to you for taking the time to realize that & for finding him the perfect home. The newbie is a cute, congrats. I wish yous the best of luck!

08-14-2006, 10:11 AM
thanks guys! as bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn vvvvvvvvvvv ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc n , b

my daughter says hi lol