View Full Version : Cruel neighbor hurt Mocha. I'm SO MAD!!

M&M's Mommy
08-13-2006, 10:41 AM
:mad: :mad: I can't believe people can be this cruel to such an innocent animal. I let Missy & Mocha out this morning to release themselves, after about 5 minutes, Missy returned, but Mocha didn't, so I came out to look for him. I didn't see him anywhere, so I began checking with the neighbor (who's watering her front yard) - she said she didn't see him, I then walked the block and continued calling his name. A few neighbor came out to help me look, but we couldn't find him. When I returned to my house, suddenly Mocha came running from my neighbor's house covering in blood, and soaked in water! He was strembling and scared to death. I immediately took him to the emergency clinic. The vet told me that someone has cut very deep into the quick of his FIVE toenails, one/two in each paw!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Please someone calm me down, because I'm EXTREMELY disturbed by this and oh so mad. I wanted so badly to report this neighbor to the police or animal control, but I have no evidence. Anyone in her household could have done this, and I have no proof. What can I do now beside never leaving Mocha & Missy out of my sight?

Thanks for letting me vent!

08-13-2006, 11:07 AM
I don't see how anyone could do this! :( Poor Mocha, give him some gentle hugs from me, that must have been so traumatic.
I'm unsure of what to do about the neighbor. Hopefully someone else has an idea. Maybe you should take your two out on a leash when they need to "go potty".. just until some justice has been served.
Good luck.

08-13-2006, 11:11 AM
I can't tell you what to do about your neighbor either but will tell you that if my dog came home wet and bloody and she had a hose in her hand I would probably be in Jail right now. Hope your baby is OK!!

08-13-2006, 11:33 AM
Agree with Majestic....poor baby Mocha Bower & I hope your feeling better soon.

08-13-2006, 12:02 PM
Hope Mocha is ok... is she still at the clinic? Hope she feels better soon. I don't know how someone can do that to her.

08-13-2006, 12:05 PM
This turns my stomach - how could anyone be so cruel, and a neighbor at that? hope Mocha's little paws feel better soon. it may take alot longer for the emotional scars to go away, poor baby.

08-13-2006, 12:09 PM
I would definately call animal control. Whether the neighbor did it or not, it needs to be reported. If it was the neighbor, by NOT reporting will only make the neighbor that much more bolder next time.

This is a good lesson for everyone. Our dogs are our responsibility. Yes, we can sit back and say well someone else did something. But in the end it is our loved one that is hurt. Better to let them potty on a leash or build some kind of run area where they are kept on your property and nothing else can get to them.

We built a small run for our dogs with some cheap fencing material at Lowe's and some stakes you can just hammer in the ground. It cost us $100 for materials. It isn't something you can leave them out all day in or unsupervised. But it keeps them home and prevents anyone or any other dog from getting to them for enough time that I can go out and bring them in.

08-13-2006, 12:57 PM
I'm so sorry that your dog, Mocha, was so tramatized today. I can't imagine any thing like that happening to one of my own dogs. :eek:


I it did , I would need plenty of time to calm down. (that's what Pet Talk would help me with))

second: I would call the proper authorites and file a complaint. Did you take any pictures of Mocha? Who ever committed this cruel act has a serious mental problem, that in itself is quite disturbing.& You were tramatized along with Mocha.

Aurie gave you a great suggestion about building a small dog run.

You are looking out for your dogs best interest now, and I have to commend you on your emotional I.Q. ;) You came to a very valuable resource as well.

Hugs to you and to your dog, Mocha!!!!! How is she doing now? This will have a lasting affect on her, I am sure. :(

Again, I am sooooo sorry. :(

08-13-2006, 01:00 PM
This may not be a popular opinion here, but it is your responsibility to fence your dogs and keep them safe.

Be glad you were not picking him up out of a ditch.

Please go out with him, or see to it otherwise that they cannot roam out of your yard into the countless dangers that lie out there.

Daisy and Delilah
08-13-2006, 07:05 PM
I'm sorry but I'm totally confused as to what actually happened here. Do you know for sure that your neighbor did this and why would they do something so cruel and destructive? Did someone cut Mocha's nails too short and why would Mocha be tolerant of such an act if this were the case? Could he have cut himself on some sort of object/device? Did you know which neighbor it possibly could have been and did you question them? Sorry for all the questions but I'm just flabbergasted that someone's neighbor could be so bold and malicious. Especially with the owner of the abused dog running around looking for him at the time this despicable act was taking place.

Both your dogs are adorable and I hope you get to the bottom of this. :(

08-13-2006, 09:40 PM
OH noes! :( Poor Mocha! :(

All I can say is to do whatever is necessary to protect your baby. If that means calling animal control then so be it. If you're sure it was her then I'd say go for it.