View Full Version : First Trip to the Fair!

08-13-2006, 10:41 AM
Bailey got his first real trip to the fair last night. (We took him to a festival thing first week we got him but that didn't really count as all we did was sit and listen to music lol) This time he got to walk around in the grass and play with another little dog. Other than being terrfied of the kiddie coaster as we walked passed it he did really well. But I think that little sugarless piece of elephant ear went to his head as he was HYPER!!! =) More later.. off to church.

08-13-2006, 11:07 AM
Glad Bailey got to experience the fair. Its a great place for socialization. I always have taken my young ones to festivals and fairs. Of course I do it now to. I bet Bailey got a lot of attention Huh? Those beautiful fur babies always do!!!! Hope you had fun Bailey!!!!!

08-13-2006, 04:18 PM
yes he got plenty of attention and he had loads of fun!

08-13-2006, 05:51 PM
We are having our state fair right now. Might sound dorky, but I love our
state fair & go about every year. :) I don't think pets are allowed, but there
are tons of farm animals that you might never get to see in person. There are
lots of different things to see & have concerts by a lot of music groups for all
different kinds of music.This year is our 150th state fair anniversity. :)

08-14-2006, 12:49 PM
Any pictures?

I wish I could take Fenway to the fair. :( Bailey is so lucky. :)