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View Full Version : Found a new Dog Park :)

Ginger's Mom
08-12-2006, 04:03 PM
I have really been in a blue flug recently. In an attempt to lift myself out of it, a friend and I went to explore a new dog park. We had a blast :D ! Well I did anyway. ;) And here are some pictures to prove it. :p
Everyone checking each other out
Ginger taking a good look around before deciding what mischief to get into
I love this next series of three photos. Watching these three dogs chase the frisbee was so funny...and look who ended up winning ;)
Ginger sharing her water. Let me tell you, this guy came over and gave her the sweetest puppy dog eyes before he took a drink, I just melted and I am sure Ginger did too.
Tons more pictures coming...

Ginger's Mom
08-12-2006, 04:08 PM
This guy was a sweetie, and it was fun watching him run
Then we started our own game of chase. Ginger has this yellow squeeky ball that she loves, well so did Izzy. And Izzy kept catching the ball and running under this tree with it - LOL
And the chase was on...


The other guy chasing Izzy (with Ginger) is one of the dogs we went with, Scout.
Still more pictures coming...

Ginger's Mom
08-12-2006, 04:17 PM
Meeting new friends...this is Benny (miniature dachshund)
And his 4-month old sister, Misty
Just a few more pictures I have to share. This is Tejas (pronounce Tay-haas). He is such a sweetie-pie, but he seems so serious all of the time his nickname is "Little Man." Does it look like he had a good time today?
And this is his sister Kodi, making friends with one of the other dogs at the park
And last picture. This was right before we left, after we told the kids to say good-bye to everyone.
It sure was fun. Now I am rested up and ready to go back. :)

08-12-2006, 04:19 PM
Oh, all of those "dog Pictures" are so wonderful!!!

I so adore your "Ginger", and that picture of her with that "Sweetheart" , sharing the water, made me really smile.

Thank-You for sharing such lovliness !!!!! (not sure I spelled that word right :confused:) BUT------ I truely enjoyed each and every photo!!

08-12-2006, 04:25 PM
That sure was fun to look at!!!! Your pictures , of that dog park , with all those beautiful dogs, was such a pleasure to see!!!!

Thank-You , Ginger's Mom!!!! ;)

08-12-2006, 04:27 PM
Great pictures. Looks like Ginger had a good time. Is this new park
in your same city? Looks like a lot of pretty pups having a great time.

08-12-2006, 05:07 PM
Great pictures! my favorite is the little guy winning the frisbee! how adorable! Glad ginger had fun and so did the other dogs.

08-12-2006, 05:27 PM
Ginger, what a lovely girl you are! It looks to me like the pretty girl enjoyed her trip to the park and had some fun with her dog buddies. We need her pictures more often. :)

Ginger's Mom
08-12-2006, 05:41 PM
Thank you so much everyone. :) We really did have a good time. Lizbud, the park isn't in my town, but it is only two towns over, and really doesn't take more than 15-20 minutes to get there. So we may be there a lot more in the future. :)

Oh Pam, Regan, Cerenity, and any other South Jersey people, it is in Voorhees, and it is fenced in with a couple of picnic tables and some trees for shade. Hope to see some of you there. :D

08-12-2006, 07:00 PM
Ginger you are such a pretty girl! And what a good looking group of dog park buddies you have! Looks like you all had a blast :)

08-12-2006, 08:49 PM
Is that a Tibbie Spaniel I see?? :D I'm in love with the park, Ginger's Mom! I've never seen so much bright green grass in a while, and the fact that that green grass is in a DOG park makes it that much more special.

I'm glad you feel better, too. No doubt Ginger would bring a smile to anybody who met her. Greyt pictures!

08-13-2006, 06:30 AM
Looks like you guys had fun. I hope it lifted your spirits lots. I love the first pic "chain o' butt sniffers" :D

08-15-2006, 10:49 AM
It always helps lift my spirts when I take the fur kids out. :D Ginger is just beautiful. I love that little chi, he is so cute. It looks like a good time was had by all. :)

08-15-2006, 10:58 AM
What a great find! It sure looks like everyone had a grand ol' time. :D
Nanook send Ginger his love.

Ginger's Mom
08-15-2006, 11:59 AM
Thank you so much Danegirl, Sophie, IRescue, Donna, and Sue. :D Yes, Kodi is a Tibetan Spaniel, and one of the friendliest little girlies you would ever want to meet (but boy can she scream :D ).
Cerenity, the park is on Centennial Blvd (same street as AWA if you are familiar where that is), and is located in the new John Connolly Memorial Park. I would be happy to try PM you more specific directions if you would like. Hope to see you there.

Ginger is blushing and sending slurpy kisses back to that handsome Nanook. ;)