View Full Version : Fritz Under Table

08-12-2006, 10:15 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/lounge.jpg Fritz under the dining room table.This is where he goes when he barks in the window and when i get there ,he is already under there.Fritz really looks really spiffy after Thursday's visit to the groomers.Fritz couldn't wait to get in htere to see the cats that mom dropped the leash.mom managed to step on it before he got anywhere.Mom had a heck of a time getting him going,he sit right still and mom had to pull him to get him on his way.I went along to get him,aso i gcould carry him out.when we got in there,there is fritz up on a table hooked to a chain whining when he saw us.the groomer brought Fritz out,he met a Yorkshire Terrier and was excited to see it,he jumped on the dog,the Terrier didn't like it and growled.I told Fritz to get off him,he did.the lady owner knew he was playing and din't mind wha the did.he didn't get up to have his cereal,toast and porridge,too tired.he finally had the Porridge after dad and i went out and put a second coat of sealer on the driveway,messy job,but it is done,Thank goodness! .Had lunch while we were out in the gazebo and he was on the table growling and tail wagging.He is now in the living room with dad ,i think. :p

08-12-2006, 12:11 PM
Your Fritz sounds so comical!!!! And, I must add, he is very beautiful too, so WHITE and CLEAN!!!! Did he smell real good after his grooming?

and, did I read that right, Fritz eats porridge? :eek: :D

Great photo, Thank-You for sharing his adventures!!!

08-12-2006, 07:13 PM
aww! I just love seeing your little man..He is just too cute for words :)

08-12-2006, 08:29 PM
Hey Fritz, You are such a funny fur baby!!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
08-12-2006, 10:13 PM
There's our handsome boy!! You're adorable Fritzie!! Your antics always make us smile :)