View Full Version : Anyone work two jobs?

08-12-2006, 09:24 AM
I am seriously considering getting a second job, something just temporary. Hubby and I have lots of things coming up, and it seems we never have enough money to cover everything. The only thing that worries me is burnout or stretching myself too thin, since I already work full time and do volunteer work. Has anyone else been through this? How did it work out? I wish I was able to do something at home, but I don't want to fall for a scam, and it seems that all work at home for extra money jobs are scams. Any advise would be much appreciated! Thanks!

08-12-2006, 09:47 AM
I worked two jobs for many years. It helps if one is different than the other it helps. I had, for example, a desk job fulltime, then retail (standing behind the counter) part-time. It was like a whole different mindset, so it didn't seem that long.

08-12-2006, 12:12 PM
You may have to temporarily cut back on your volunteer work to make ends meet. About working from home ~ My mother is retired. She makes $3500 a year (so that it doesn't impact her social security benefits) by working for a guy who contracts putting mailers together. You know those annoying thingies that you find hanging on your doorknob about carpet cleaning, takeout food, etc? She doesn't walk around and deliver them. She picks up all the handouts, plastic bags, rubber bands (whatever). She folds them, punches the hole in them, applies any stickers that are required and stuffs them into the plastic bags, threads the rubber band through, etc. She does all this mindless work from a little table next to her lazyboy rocker in front of the tv. (Usually a kitty or 2 helping her). :p Anything like that available in your area?