View Full Version : Well, I got the kitten! But I have a problem..

08-11-2006, 10:12 AM
My German Shepherd is TERRIFIED of her! You think it would be the other way around! Well, my sister arrived with the kitten last night. She (kitten) slept in my room with the door closed because we wanted to wait till the morning to introduce them. Delilah just came in my room, when she saw the kitten she growled and ran under my desk. I stood up and moved away and Delilah followed me, then I went to pet the kitten and Delilah followed again..the kitten just sat there letting Delilah sniff her..but she backed up a bit, she was probably a little bit scared as well. But right now as I type she is curled in a ball at my feet under the desk licking me! Will she get over her fear? Is she just jealous?




She has no name yet.
Thankyou all again for your advice/opinions.

08-11-2006, 12:42 PM
She will probably get over her fear once she figures out what "that thing" is. You can help her associate good things with the kitten. Take a towel and rub the kitty with it very well. Then put the towel on the floor underneath Delilah's food/water dish. Delilah might be concerned at first, but she'll eventually eat and drink. She will become familiar with No Name's smell and associate it with good things. But, don't force it. Delilah will introduce herself gradually.

08-11-2006, 12:45 PM
I Am So Glad That You Got The Kitty Safely. Your Dog Will Adjust, It Just Takes Time. Eventually, They Should Be The Best Of Buddies!! Good Luck To You, Delilah, And Your New Kitty.

08-11-2006, 01:01 PM
It's best to introduce new pets slowly to prevent them from getting off to a bad start by someone attacking or fighting or in your dog's case scaring them, LOL. Poor big baby. ;) Kuhio has some good suggestions to help. It just takes time.

Congrats on your new adorable kitten!

08-11-2006, 02:25 PM
She's been running around making herself at home..she's FULL of energy and I love her personality. I caught her trying to get into a package of resees Swoops...so I have been calling her Swoop..it might change, but I like it. Delilah's getting better, I caught her giving Swoop kisses..its adorable..she is just afraid when swoop makes sudden quick movements lol.

08-11-2006, 03:37 PM
Oh my gosh, she is absolutely A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!!!!!

It will take Delilah time to get use to the kitty's fast movements. It sounds like it has been a good intro with Delilah giving her kisses already. Too cute for words.

Congratulations on your new girl. :D

Of course you know that you will have to keep us updated on a regular basis on how Delilah and kitty are getting along and especially more pictures. :D ;)

I think Swoops is a cute name. :) It sure is different.

Also, don't forget now that you will have to kittenproof your home.

08-11-2006, 03:41 PM
The German Shepherd is afraid of the Kittie. Hope Delilah doesn't have any GSD friends that find out about this. lol I'm sure she will adjust.


08-11-2006, 06:55 PM
Your Shepherd is probably a little nervous as she cant figure out what the Kitten is going to do next.
I would keep an eye on them, until you know there wont be an accident.

08-11-2006, 07:33 PM
Your kitty is so cute. How could a doggie not love that little baby!

08-11-2006, 09:08 PM
She's precious. :D I think Delilah will come around in time.
After all, that ferocious exterior of Swoop's can only go so far. :D Just playin'. BTW I love Swoop, the name.

08-12-2006, 09:59 AM
WOW, I didn't think it would be this fast..Delilah already likes swoop. Sometimes she chases her around a bit and doesnt understand that Swoop is a kitten and she needs to be gentle with play..but she'll get the hang of it..She definitely isn't afraid of her anymore, just a lil jealous..in a "if you pet the kitty..you had better pet me too!" kinda way. But they are so adorable, they cuddle and all

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-12-2006, 11:37 AM
Sounds like a perfect match to me!! Swoops is sooooo adorable, and yes, I love her name too :)

08-12-2006, 11:59 AM
Soooo....when do we get a new thread with these 'cuddle' pictures? :D

08-12-2006, 02:31 PM
First of all, if I may I definitely vote for the name Swoop. I'm sure your dog will accept Swoop as a member of the family, sounds like there's progress already. But I think it is important to be sure you give your dog just as much attention and affection as you give the kitten. That way puppy won't see Swoop as a threat to his turf or his place in your heart. Looking forward to more pictures but don't forget the cuteness overload warning!!!