View Full Version : Harlee and Guinness duke it out! :)

08-10-2006, 07:06 PM
I got to spend today with Robyn and the kids, both furry and skin! :) I was there to help Robyn get Harlee to the vet for her routine shots. Her hubby is on crutches due to a motorcycle mishap so he can't assist her with the baby or with Harlee. She needed someone with two good legs. :) Please excuse the blurry photo. I must not have a very steady hand. LOL! You can get a little glimpse of Jeremy sleeping in the carseat off to the left.


I caught a funny little interaction between Harlee and Guinness, although by the time I got out my camera some of the funniest parts were long gone. Here is what I was able to capture.....
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v80/Belrip/th_DSCN0841.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v80/Belrip/?action=view&current=DSCN0841.flv)

Guinness is under the playpen and you can't hear the hissing but believe me it is there. :) The music in the background is my grandson (age almost 5) playing a video game on the computer. Honestly he does almost as well on the computer as I do.

08-10-2006, 07:13 PM
Aww how fun! :D Thanks for sharing.

08-10-2006, 07:14 PM
Poor Harlee is ready to play, ready, ready - Mom! He yelled at me!

08-10-2006, 08:13 PM
Pam, Robyn is so pretty and skinny! Thanks for sharing, Harlee is so beautiful.

08-11-2006, 12:02 AM
great pics Pam - and love the video! :D

Killearn Kitties
08-11-2006, 04:17 AM
Aww, look at those cute little baby tootsies! :D Mums come in awfully handy sometimes, don't they? ;)

Love the video. They hissing doesn't seem to put Harlee off, does it?

08-11-2006, 05:59 AM
Oh that is a hoot. And the music in the background is perfectly suited for the video. How great is that! I'm thinking that you had one delightful day.

08-11-2006, 07:19 AM
The video is too cute, of course so is Harlee & Jeremy. I don't recall seeing a pic of Robyn before, she's pretty.

08-11-2006, 08:02 AM
First let me say I hope your SIL is alright after his mishap.

And man Pam...I love that video, it's so cute! Robyn (and Jeremy) is looking as gorgeous as ever:)

08-11-2006, 08:10 AM
That video was Great!!
I hope your son in law is healing well!
Oh Harlee.... you are the prettiest little girl!

08-11-2006, 08:25 AM
What an adorable photo and the video is hilarious. :D

Ginger's Mom
08-11-2006, 09:55 AM
Harlee is just as cute as ever. :) I loved the video; she is not only cute to look at but has the cutest little personality. I really liked the picture of Robyn, Jeremy and Harlee at the Vet's office. Thanks for sharing those. :)

08-11-2006, 10:17 AM
Aww what a cute video lol. Teddy had a romp with a cat once lol and he got smacked in the face. he wasn't hurt but man he yelped and came RUNNIN to us like "save me mom save me." He was only about 6 months old though lol.

I love videos of cats and dogs lol. Man Harlee really wants that kitty to come out from hiding :D Do they ever chase each other around or anything or is this how it always is? poor harlee being teased by a kitty lol

08-11-2006, 11:07 AM
Wow, I can see why Robyn needed an extra hand, Harlee is really getting
big. I loved the video. Think that's the first time I saw her moving around.

Gosh, I must be getting old or something, but Robyn looks like a young
child herself. (Maybe 12-13) :D Don't tell her I said that. :p

08-11-2006, 07:41 PM
Gosh, I must be getting old or something, but Robyn looks like a young
child herself. (Maybe 12-13) :D Don't tell her I said that. :p

Liz she will be 30 on her next birthday. She does look younger, though, I agree. :) Yes, Harlee and the kitties like an occasional round of being silly. Harlee has been swatted so she knows not to get too close! ;) Guinness' ears were way beyond *airplane ears* yesterday. They were so flat to his head that he almost looked like he was earless! :)

08-12-2006, 08:59 AM
Thanks everyone for all of the kind words! :) Yeah, a 4 (almost 5 year old kid) and an infant carrier would have been a little much to handle, along with an 85 lb dog...since I sometimes need 2 hands to walk her...she is a strong one, but very obedient. I didn't want to risk carrying the baby carrier and then have Harlee pull me around w/only one hand available for the leash, lol. So I was thankful to have my mom's help in assisting at the vets :)

Someone asked about hubby...he is healing, but it is just taking a while..over a month and he still can't walk on his one leg/foot...he has to go to physical therapy. He fractured some bones in his foot and aslo got stitches...he over extended a wheelie on his dirt motorcycle and it landed on him...he can't wait to get back and ride, though...MEN!! ;)

Harlee and Guinness torment each other, lol. Generally Harlee starts it, but Guinness is no fraidy cat...he holds his own...and will sometimes run out into the middle of the room and chase her off, and she runs, lol...but probably only b/c she got scratched by him a few times. :) Dandy can't be bothered with Harlee, she hangs low and "growls" at Harlee, if she gets too jumpy....otherwise she will just look at her and wonder why she is acting sooo crazy!...but that doens't stop Harlee from trying to get to her to play :)

08-12-2006, 07:56 PM
What a familiar sight, Robyn and Pam! LOL!!!! :p At my house, it is Mack literally playing tackle with poor Butter. Did you ever think I would say "poor Butter"? LOL!! Mack is much bigger than Butter now and it is almost as if Butter just doesn't know what to do with him!

Robyn, you look terrific in every picture I ever see of you. Motherhood definitely agrees with you.
