View Full Version : ______ Appreciation Day!

08-10-2006, 01:36 PM
I tried this idea a while ago on another message board, but it didn't last very long. I thought of it today and thought I would try it right here! Here's what happens:

Each day, we will appreciate someone else. Let's say I say it's "Joe" Appreciation Day. If someone actually had the screen name "Joe", it would be their day! Everyone post would something nice about "Joe" until the next day when someone else says a different PT'er should be appreciated. :) When someone posts who's appreciation day it should be, everyone should post something very nice about this PT'er. :) There will be a different person being appreciated every day. Anyone can post whoever they want to be appreciated, as long as no-one else has posted anyone that same day. I tried to make that as understanding as possible, if you have any questions feel free to ask! :) I'll start:

8-10-06: luvofallhorses Appreciation Day!

luvofallhorses is a great friend! She is so fun to talk to on IM, and she always has something nice to say to everyone. She deserves to have her own appreciation day! :D

Now it's your turn to say something nice about luvofallhorses. Tomorrow, somebody else can post about a different person, and we say something nice about that person, and it goes on... ;)

08-10-2006, 02:02 PM