View Full Version : Airport chaos!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
08-10-2006, 04:43 AM
Hope anyone who is flying today has a safe and trouble-free journey


Killearn Kitties
08-10-2006, 05:06 AM
Thankfully not! I understand the check-in queues were already very long at 6am this morning at Glasgow. :eek: I'd be devastated if I couldn't take my book on board. Can you imagine the whole flying experience without a book? Doesn't bear thinking about.

Miss Z
08-10-2006, 05:11 AM
Oh my gosh...

So glad my holiday's all ready been and done. It's so sad and terrible that terrorism continues to gone on with force in our world :( :mad:

08-10-2006, 06:30 AM
I have been glued to my TV this morning. :eek: :eek:

08-10-2006, 07:29 AM
And I'm sure we're all shocked at who is responsible...ARGH! They planned it to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11. They said on the news to make your life easier and don't take any bottles of liquid on board since the bombs were liquid on plastic bottles. I just wish they would just blow themselves up and leave the rest of us alone...OY! OOPS, guess I'm an infidel.... :mad:

Lady's Human
08-10-2006, 07:32 AM
They have now banned liquids from carry ons.

smokey the elder
08-10-2006, 07:54 AM
Great. So now you have to sit on a plane for hours without any water. Thanks, al Qaeda. I think I'll take the train to Dizzyworld. I don't mean to make light, but geez, I'm sick of these guys, and sick humor is the only way I can deal with it right now. :mad:

There is a quote from Babylon 5 that seems to apply (paraphrasing): "Being nibbled to death by cats." (Londo Mollari). Basically, instead of war as a stand up toe-to-toe battle between armies, the "cats" are the terrorists nibbling our infrastructure, well being and security. Grr.

08-10-2006, 08:09 AM
Thankfully not! I understand the check-in queues were already very long at 6am this morning at Glasgow. :eek: I'd be devastated if I couldn't take my book on board. Can you imagine the whole flying experience without a book? Doesn't bear thinking about.

Just my thoughts: before being afraid of anything else I was afraid I couldn't take my book.
I'm so glad I'm not in one of these queues- the chaos in London is unbelievable is what I heard from my co-workers there.

I'm going to London the 21st...hope we are back to normal then.

08-10-2006, 11:38 AM
My husband is the tv watcher in this house, and he often watches BBC Net work. He alerted me an hour ago about this present situation . :eek:

7 outgoing flights that were scheduled to depart from UK to the US, we canceled. I read your link Brody's mum--thank-you!!!!

The news disrupted my usual routine---However, I am not stranded at an airport right now thank GOD!!

Whew!!!!!!! So very thank-ful that this operation was nailed down, (500 flights canceled in London alone!!!! :eek: ) This is real terrorism--We may as well learn how to fly on our own (wings) :(

I am praying for PEACE during my lifetime . I am Thank-ful that there was no mass murder on the news.

08-10-2006, 12:11 PM
Aren't Terrorist Just Great People!!!

God, ya gotta love 'em. Just doing God's work right?????????????????????????????????????????????

I mean... somebody's gotta do it?

I just don't understand. I can not, do not, will not ever be able to understand why those who harbor and train Terrorists are not "uniformly" comdemened by everyone! Those who are victims, intended targets, neutral parties and most importantly - their fellow countrymen should stand in unison against these terrible cancers to all humankind.

Everyone say one big, loud chorus of, "we don't like you, we don't want you... we comdemn your actions and we want you to cease your evil, evil deeds immediately (if not sooner - as my Dad always said)".

If you are really that evil, that rotten to the core that you just can't think of anything but murder - then please find a quiet, isolated and peaceful place "to BLOW YOURSELF UP"!

08-10-2006, 12:21 PM
Bob's dad guess they have a different God than we do !
I have always afraid to fly this really makes me not want to ever. Sad that there is so much hate in the world.

08-10-2006, 12:21 PM
I think they need to check the calendar...this was supposed to coincide with the 5 year anniversary of 9/11. Not only are they evil incarnate, but, they're not very bright! Maybe Bob will get his wish and they'll all just do us all a favor and blow themselves up....let them go find their virgins...or as Robin Williams said on Broadway...George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, etc. met the terrorists in the here after and they asked where their virgins were, they responded with, "not virgins you a-hole...Virginians!" lol It was something like that and loses something in the translation, but, it was really funny.

Anyway, I just wish they would go away (permanently). I hate it when they win, which they did in a way because we were forced to alter our lives and they love that...even if we aren't all dead...

08-10-2006, 12:25 PM
Knowing Gina (of gina's ark, inc.) was travelling tday, I emailed her this morning to put all lotions, liguids, etc. in a bag she would check.

I got an email from her when she had made it through. She said she was asked by security people 4/5 times if she had anything liquid, gels, and she was able to say, "No, they are in my backpack and it has been checked," and point to the ticket counter, so it was essentially smooth sailing. She said there were lots of upset, muttering people around the airport, but that when they saw Crayola, they would smile.

08-10-2006, 12:33 PM
I think Crayola could put a smile on anyone's face! I was wondering about Gina when I saw this, thanks for posting that she got through okay!

08-10-2006, 12:59 PM
This doesn't make me too happy... after my 13hr flight between Toronto and Newark airport with Continental last year for work (with no food, drinks, and the airline not providing anything and sitting in a plane on the tarmack for 8+ hrs in Toronto), i've always made it a habit to bring a couple bottles of juice (*koffkoffvodkakoff*) and water and nibblies on every flight since then.

I think i'm going to avoid flying until they have a way of dealing with this a little bit better. :( Maybe they can allow you to purchase drinks before getting on the plane from the Gateway stands (vendors) or something, but im not really in the mind to pay $5 for a 791ml bottle of water :mad:

08-10-2006, 01:21 PM
I really don't think we should be complaining about the hardships being placed on us at a time like this. I think there is a bigger concern than "I'm thirsty" or "I'm bored" I for one am glad they are taking these extra precautions. It's what is keeping us safe for the time being.

i think we should be grateful they were caught even if it means you can't bring your water.

08-10-2006, 02:39 PM
I totally hear you on the water thing ... if its a choice between handing over the water or having people die, well heres my bottle, my handshake and my thank you for not getting my (or anyone elses) self blown up.

Having said that (and my previous post sounding a little trite/insensitive on the matter - funny how things you post on forums etc. tend not to come across the way they sounded to you, after you go back and read them again) I hope that after this initial stoppage of drinks etc. has been ironed out, a happy middle ground can be found to allow travellers to either purchase airport-approved beverages once theyve cleared customs/baggage check (like from the Gateway vendors past customs like i mentioned above), or to provide more drinks on the flights.

Also, how does this affect water or such provided to pets who are flying too? I'm really not sure about the general airline restrictions on pets-on-planes, but if you've provided a water bottle or misc. for their comfort, I guess this would be stopped too?

08-10-2006, 02:45 PM
I remember they used to make you take a drink from the bottle if you had something like pop or juice or water. Maybe they will go back to that system after this immediate threat dies down.

I always find the same thing with my posts. I always think "how did they get that out of my post" then i reread it and it sounds totally different lol.

I don't know if it's only carry on you can't have liquid bottles or if it's everything. I would imagine there is some exception for pets.

08-10-2006, 03:01 PM
Its terrifying to me.... which I guess is the ultimate goal of terrorists.

I have been depressed all day. Sitting here wondering why I stress over work, bills, family... when it could all be taken away in a moment. All the "troubles" I currently have will look petty and insignificant in comparison to what my new reality would be... the reality of burying loved ones, digging trough rubble, forraging for food, worrying about cleanliness of my drinking water.

So now I'm utterly depressed thinking about how dire everything in the world is right now... about how many times I've jokingly said "Its like WWIII in there!" When it appears WWIII is looming around the corner.... and most Americans don't care anything about this impending war except how much it'll affect the price of gas. Maybe they don't care because they really, honestly think nothing can happen to them here, since everythiung is being fought over there. Who's to say it'll STAY over there? Today was proof it can come over here and they have plans to make sure it DOES come over here.

08-10-2006, 03:26 PM
DBF and I decided today that, short of a trip to Hawaii, we're taking the motorcycle from now on. My rear end hurts just thinking about it.

08-10-2006, 05:27 PM
No plans to fly today, however Tuesday I am making a quick trip to Philadelphia. I guess the good news is we are flying there and back the same day, so no need to take any luggage. Bad news is, we still have to go through security with everyone who has luggage!

One of my coworkers in travelling in New Jersey this week. He called this afternoon to get phone numbers for some clients whose meeting he was going to have to cancel to in order to get to the airport and through security to make his flight tonight. I'm not sure if he is inthe office tomorrow or not, but if so, it should be interesting to hear how things went.

08-10-2006, 06:41 PM
My daughter flew to New Orleans yesterday on business & just brought
a carry on bag with overnight stuff. When she heard the news today, she
canceled plans to fly back home tonight, so will be staying overnight & try
a direct flight tomorrow. I guess the thought of standing 4 hours in the lines
on an empty stomach after a full days work was enough reason to try later. :) Both of my kids are the world traveler types and this whole thing is
making me so worried for them both. :(

08-10-2006, 09:32 PM
I just got an email from my coworker. He is still stuck in Newark and his flight may be cancelled. Hope things are better next week or I may try to get out of my Philly trip!

08-11-2006, 12:30 AM
I think I'll take the train to Dizzyworld. I don't mean to make light, but geez, I'm sick of these guys, and sick humor is the only way I can deal with it right now. :mad:


Sit in an office chair and have a coworker spin you around quickly. :confused:

Maybe the price of airline tickets will go down since the airlines will save on toilet paper. :eek:

(sorry, had to toss in some sick humor there...)

One question?

Do ya think that the Brits might have been peeking into computers and tapping phones to catch these morons?

08-12-2006, 05:58 PM
One question?

Do ya think that the Brits might have been peeking into computers and tapping phones to catch these morons?

I'm sure they did after they recieved a tip that lead to the arrest of some
of the planners of the bombings. One thing that strikes me about this whole
thing is that it was the tip by a member of the British Muslim community that
alerted the officials about the plot. No body so far has made much of this fact
but I though it was significant.

08-15-2006, 12:26 AM
I heard that they infitrated the group-with a spy.. :confused:


need help from my brit friends!!

Who is the guy by the name of Galloway that is/was a member of the Brit Government?

He did and interview on american radio the other day and afterwards another
radio host said he sounded alot like the "B@st@rd" guy in the Austin Powers movie....


Killearn Kitties
08-15-2006, 02:22 AM
His name is George Galloway, although no-one knows how he got the nickname "Gorgeous". Personally I think he bestowed it upon himself.

I was rather hoping that his name would never come up on this board, although after his showdown with the US Senate last year, I knew it was only a matter of time before he was caught on your radar, Richard.

The Wikipedia entry will probably give you considerably more than you ever wanted to know about Gorgeous George. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Galloway)

smokey the elder
08-15-2006, 08:04 AM
Someone made a comment about "we're worried about the price of gas." I think it's human nature to focus on something that affects one directly rather than something more remote. At the end of the day, it's overwhelming to contemplate all the troubles in the Middle East, Korea, terrorism, etc. So a person gets fixated on how long the line is, how expensive gas is, etc.

As far as the "source" of the plot goes, I think it may be combination of MI5 and Scotland Yard surveillance, and use of informants. Use of informants ("snitches" ) is a time tested part of police work. If the cops want to keep the informant in place, they keep to themselves who it is!

08-15-2006, 09:29 AM
As far as the "source" of the plot goes, I think it may be combination of MI5 and Scotland Yard surveillance, and use of informants. Use of informants ("snitches" ) is a time tested part of police work. If the cops want to keep the informant in place, they keep to themselves who it is!

And Bond, James Bond.???? :D

smokey the elder
08-16-2006, 08:46 AM
I think the UK has had just a little practice dealing with terrorism (the Irish Troubles) that we in the US don't. Also, folks in the UK have become accustomed to policies that some in the US find objectionable. I daresay that if this goes on for 50 years we'll get used to them.

08-16-2006, 11:49 AM
I flew out to and home from Philly yesterday...no issues what so ever. We got through security each time in about 15-20 minutes. Lines were short and everything moved quickly.

i did still see them confiscating some toothpaste, gels, etc. You kinda ahve to wonder, were these people living under a rock the last week, that they didn't know?