View Full Version : Samantha says hello to my little friend

08-08-2006, 09:54 PM
Samantha has a new little friend, say hello to Munchkin the dwarf hamster. :)

Here's a closer view of Samantha's new little sister Munchkin in her little Munchkin ball.

Here is Samantha being such a good girl watching the little Munchkin roll around the room.

I will start a thread in Pet General with more photos of Munchkin and our two new betta fish too if anyone wants to see them.

08-08-2006, 10:54 PM
Oh Samantha you are looking as beautiful as ever. What a cute little sis you have there and I'm very happy to hear what a good girl you were watching her roll around in her ball.

Cute pictures. :D

08-08-2006, 11:59 PM
good for Samantha being so sweet and of course beautiful
Munchkin is cute :)

08-09-2006, 05:07 AM
Samantha you are fabulous! How nice of you to watch over your new tiny sister.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-09-2006, 08:05 AM
Aww that is so cute!

smokey the elder
08-09-2006, 08:26 AM
I hope that Samantha doesn't think the hamster in a ball is a cat toy! :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-09-2006, 09:40 AM
Oh boy, another new friend for Samantha! Such a good girl you are keeping an eye on your new sister. :D

08-09-2006, 09:40 AM
I was thinking taht too, because Samantha might think that the Hamster is an intreactive toy, and scare the little one by rolling the ball around.
Thats a cute little one, but I am afraid Princess and Michael would think shes a mouse with a fur coat.

08-09-2006, 11:37 AM
Thats cute !! For NOW.. What happens when the little guy gets out of his ball or cage ? Then what ? Will Samantha
think his a toy or a little mouse ? Think about it.. It's a cats instinct to find little rodents and hurt them ..

08-09-2006, 12:04 PM
Thats cute !! For NOW.. What happens when the little guy gets out of his ball or cage ? Then what ? Will Samantha
think his a toy or a little mouse ? Think about it.. It's a cats instinct to find little rodents and hurt them ..
Samantha is the 18 year old queen of the house. This isn't the first small animal that has lived with her over the years she isn't even my cat and I know that and what you're implying leaves a ickky taste in my mouth. Yes it's cats nature we all know that but it is also Vermontcat's nature to protect her animals big and small and her kids.
You obviously haven't seen some of the pics previously of other cats that lay with rats and mice and hamsters under supervision of course.

08-09-2006, 12:21 PM
Samantha, you are too much of a lady to hurt little hammy! That looks so cute- the two of you in one picture. :)

08-09-2006, 08:37 PM
Thats cute !! For NOW.. What happens when the little guy gets out of his ball or cage ? Then what ? Will Samantha
think his a toy or a little mouse ? Think about it.. It's a cats instinct to find little rodents and hurt them ..

Managemysite, obviously you are new here at Pet Talk and you don't know Samantha as well as I do. I don't know anything about you or your pets either, maybe you could make an introduction thread so we can get to know you and your pets better.
Shais mom stated it well, my cat Samantha is a very well behaved senior citizen cat who turned 18 years old in June. You can even go look up her Cat of the Day page for June 26th of this year if you want to know more about her.
She has lived with goldfish, a parakeet, two gerbils and now our new hamster and two betta fish and never ever has she threatened them. I always supervise my pets closely and I even put tape on the ball so there is no chance of my hamster getting out.
I do see your point that most young active cats cannot be trusted around a small pet like a hamster but I assure you that my pets are just fine together.

Shais mom, thank you very much for sticking up for me and Samantha. :)
Samantha sends many purrs and headbumpies your way. ;)

Thank you to everyone else for the nice comments as well. :)

08-09-2006, 09:08 PM
I love you Samantha:)
You're a good girl, now aren't you? You would never hurt any creature! You must be their protector! Watching over little munchkin, making sure she does not bump into anything! I think your meowmie should post more pictures of you, I cant get enough:D
*hugs* Katie and kitties

08-09-2006, 11:56 PM
Managemysite, obviously you are new here at Pet Talk and you don't know Samantha as well as I do. I don't know anything about you or your pets either, maybe you could make an introduction thread so we can get to know you and your pets better.
Shais mom stated it well, my cat Samantha is a very well behaved senior citizen cat who turned 18 years old in June. You can even go look up her Cat of the Day page for June 26th of this year if you want to know more about her.
She has lived with goldfish, a parakeet, two gerbils and now our new hamster and two betta fish and never ever has she threatened them. I always supervise my pets closely and I even put tape on the ball so there is no chance of my hamster getting out.
I do see your point that most young active cats cannot be trusted around a small pet like a hamster but I assure you that my pets are just fine together.

Shais mom, thank you very much for sticking up for me and Samantha. :)
Samantha sends many purrs and headbumpies your way. ;)

Thank you to everyone else for the nice comments as well. :)
my pleasure!
and I edited my post to correct Samantha's age! :)

Killearn Kitties
08-10-2006, 05:01 AM
It' been lovely having this little feast of Samantha pictures recently. :D Her new little little sister is very cute.

08-10-2006, 11:09 AM
But I asked a Live Journal friend to send me a couple pics of her cat Floyd and hammie Snowball.
think this would be a good idea as a thread?

08-10-2006, 07:39 PM
But I asked a Live Journal friend to send me a couple pics of her cat Floyd and hammie Snowball.
think this would be a good idea as a thread?

OMG! White kitty luv!!! Cute pictures, as are the ones of precious Samantha and adorable Munchkin (love the name). I haven't been on here in quite a long time, so I was pleased to see some pics from Vermontcat :)


08-16-2006, 09:22 PM
Oops, I haven't had time to update this thread in a while.
Shais mom, I love the photos, they are so cute.
I think that's a great idea for a thread. :)

Thanks for the replies, Kt luvs kitties, Killearn Kitties and Wolflady. :)
Wolflady, it's good to see you posting again, I would love to see some photos of Scooter if you have any new ones.

Here are a couple more photos of Samantha and Munchkin passing each other in the hallway.

Samantha was a little surprised to run into Munchkin but kept on walking right by her, she was heading my way for scritchies. :)

08-16-2006, 09:37 PM
Zoe, what a nice girl Samantha is! You don't now how it makes my heart sing to see her doing so well at 18. :) Well, you probably do know. :o

I could never have trusted Butter or Mimi as close to our hamsters or birds as the ones in Staci's pictures, but as long as they were caged, I didn't worry too much. Of course, in the case of poor Evelyn Hamster, it was the dogs, not the cats that caused the problems. I imagine that it was worsened by the fact that we were out of town.

All of our little hamsters are now at the bridge. We vowed that we wouldn't have anymore. I have to tell you that I question that decision some time!


08-16-2006, 11:13 PM
I haven't been around in a while, so I am glad this thread got *bumped*! I just love seeing my girl Samantha, and I for one know that she is an ANGEL and would never hurt her little sister!!! :D

Laura's Babies
08-17-2006, 09:16 AM
Samantha is such a lovely girl! I always love seeing her in all her beauty!