View Full Version : Cats Memory???

08-08-2006, 07:47 PM
Okay, so my landlord is being a real a-hole. He's on this insane power trip and is giving us every hard time he can for absolutely no reason. He's a real skeeze. Anyway.....

His latest trip is that he saw "a cat" sitting on top of his car. My cats have not been out AT ALL yet, because this moron saw an orange cat and I have an orange cat, he swears up, down and sideways that it was my cat. When I told him my orange cat hasn't been out of the house in over a year and a half, he started mentioning a black cat. I told him my black AND WHITE cat has never been out of the house ever and the black cat he refers to lives across the street. Naturally, he won't grow a set and talk to the MAN who owns the black cat. Not surprising, though.

Well, this dirtbag, lowlife, imbecile, freak has put down TRAPS to catch the cats and says he'll "get rid of them". More on that later.

Okay, so when this freak had nothing else to complain about regarding my cats, he said that if there is a "scratch" on his car, my cats "have to go" and he doesn't care. Since I don't have the money to move right now (I wish more than anything that I did! I hate living here!!!), I may have to put the cats with foster parents for a while. So my question is, do cats have that good a memory? I they live with someone else for a while, will they forget me? Will they miss me or wonder what happened to me? Will they feel sad that they're not with me anymore? Silly questions coming from a 40+ year old, but I love my cats and my orange guy is my baby! Just the thought of having to give them up (even for a short time) breaks my heart in pieces. Not to mention the fact that my little daughter would be heartbroken.

Anyone know about cats memory????

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About the traps.... this slimeball threatened about a year ago to put down POISON and traps to "get rid of them" (meaning the cats). I made a police report about that and still have a copy of it.

I'm worried for my neighbor's cat. I haven't seen my neighbor because he leaves for work super early and gets home from work before me. I don't want to go knocking on his door because his kids play with my landlord's kids and I don't want them blabbing to my landlord that I "ratted" on him. Also, I have no idea who owns the orange cat he was speaking of, but I know it's a pet because it's very well taken care of. I was thinking of putting up HOT PINK posters around the neighborhood warning everyone of the cat hater and put my LL's name, address, and phone number on it and tell everyone that if they're missing a cat to go see him. LOL!!!

Any thoughts on this???

08-08-2006, 07:54 PM
Thats a shame that you have such a loud mouth jerk as a landlord.
Is he the owner of the building or just the super?
If hes just te super, complain to the buildings owners.
And make extra sure your Ctas are inside all the time.
And I think if your Cats had to be boarded, they would still remember you.
We are praying that this creep is a bully , and all talk, no action.

08-08-2006, 08:39 PM
Also report this to the SPCA or any animal place that has any authority whatsoever.

Hey - if you find a foster home for your cats, arrange to visit them every so often. They'll remember you! (and bring treats! :D ) You might also talk to your neighbour, just asking if the landlord has said anything to HIM about his cats.

I hope you find another place to live soon!

As Gary says, if this idiot landlord has anyone in authority above him, talk to that person!

08-08-2006, 09:31 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately, he owns the house and we rent an apartment in the house.

He is absolutely a bully and, I'm hoping, all talk. Like I said, he won't grow a set and talk to the MAN across the street about the cat, but he'll call me and complain and threaten me & my cats.

I have 4 cats --- three of them never go out (they know they have it made staying inside!), but the fourth has always loved being out. I'm taking extra care to make sure she doesn't scoot outside when I'm going out or coming in. The funny thing is, even when she DID go out, she would only go to the house diagonally behind ours and come back in an hour or two (I think she has a kitty-friend there or maybe the people there play with her and feed her or something).

I've been trying to get the $$$ together to move, but it's soooo impossible!! Every time I think I can put some money aside, something always comes up.

I'm hoping to be out of here before next summer, so my time frame is a year. I'm hoping I can find a foster parent to take all 4 together. That would be awesome (although not likely!)

Keep praying for us!! Thanks everyone!!!!

08-08-2006, 09:49 PM
Diane - sometimes asking for what you want helps, if you have a sense of humour!

Years ago, a friend of my sister's broke up with her boyfriend. She had an elderly cat. She got spunky and put out an ad that said "Young woman and old cat seek room to rent". She got offers, and wound up with a great landlord!

You get the idea.

Maybe like "Mom and daughter seek cat-loving home in need of furry company" or "seek like-minded cat nuts"

Just a thought

08-08-2006, 10:52 PM
Wow, give that man the "A-HOLE" of the year award. :mad:

I pray that he IS all mouth and no action and that his threats are nothing but just threats and that you won't have to part with your beloved cats. Plus that you are able to move away from this idiot.

If you do have to take your cats somewhere else, which I pray you don't, I'm sure they will remember you.

Good luck with everything. :)