View Full Version : Tell us something about you!

08-08-2006, 03:21 PM
:D Tell us something about you, something that we'd normally never guess about you...it doesn't have to be embarrassing or too personal if you don't want.


- I weighed 3 lbs 3 oz when I was born
- I had an extra bone removed from my foot
- I played the Tuba in the school marching band
- I'm terribly afraid of the dark and always tote a dog around with me if I need to get up after everybody's gone to bed
- I never remember my dreams
- I still sleep with my blankie
- I *dislike* little children...especially if they have snotty noses
- I'm a boy scout
- I've never had a boyfriend
- I've never worn make-up...okay, once but thats it
- I can't stand the noise that a fork (or knife) makes when it touches somebody's teeth (or plate)!
- If I didn't want to be a Vet so badly I'd be a Coroner
- I avoid taking any sort of medicine at all costs
- I can't sleep in a bed where the sheets are all tucked in (like hotels!), I always pull them out first

Okay, thats all I can think of...

Your turn! :D

08-08-2006, 03:33 PM
-I also can't sleep in any bed with the sheets tucked in.
-I'm very afraid of the dark.
-I'm paranoid of storms or that someone's going to break in and kill me =x.
-I bite my nails AND toenails (:o)
-I have a very bad habit of biting the skin off around my nails.

I guess that's it :P

critter crazy
08-08-2006, 03:39 PM
Hmmm....something about me????

- I weighed 6lbs 6ozs when born
- I have Asthma
-I rarely Dress up
-I hardly ever wear makeup
-I live for my animals
-I have two Kids
-I was in the army
-I was born in California
-I am Very afraid of the dark

okay i think that is enough!!:D

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-08-2006, 03:41 PM
* I cannot stand the noise of a nail on a blackboard :eek:
* I am afraid in the dark : I will NEVER go outside then.... :o
* I usually remember my dreams
* I open my eyes while I am asleep! My hubby says it looks freaky!
* My big toe is much longer than the second on. Very hard to buy good fitting shoes!!
* The silliest one: I clapp my hands while asleep! Don't ask me why, lol, as I don't know!
* I was 12 years old when I dared set fire to a match the very first time. I still hate doing it! So we are cooking electric :D

there must be more, I need some good thinking now :D

08-08-2006, 03:54 PM
Great idea for a thread! Ok, some of mine:

-I weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. at birth (my poor mother!)

-I also cannot stand the sound of silverware against a plate, or even in a stainless steel sink

-I have a purple birthmark behind my right ear that looks like a purple vein

-I used to be terrified of loud noises until I was about 12 years old

I've never broken a bone or had stitches (*knock on wood*)

I'll have to think up some more!

Anita Cholaine
08-08-2006, 04:20 PM
- I always feel like my hair and nails grow way too fast.
- I tend to say lots of things I shouldn't say, and regret later.
- I'm terribly scared of spiders. When I was little, I woke up one morning, and there was a spider on my pillow! :eek: After that day, I cannot even see them.
- I love ants! I think they are the cutest little insects, and I could spend hours looking at them while the are working :p
- I wear glasses. You've never seen them with them on pics cause I wear contact lenses most of the time.
- I always have the same nightmare: my house's door is opened and Anita runs away... That is one of my biggest fears, actually.
- I'm known for having really good marks at school, but don't study too much at all (I always study the night before tests)
- I LOVE travelling.
- I love the smell of burned matches and candles.
- I love photography, and I'm hoping to go to photography classes soon.
- I love food. It's not that I love just eating, what I love is to always try new things (I LOVE sushi)
- I absolutely hate going to supermarkets.

I'll add more things as I think of them...

08-08-2006, 04:26 PM
* The silliest one: I clapp my hands while asleep! Don't ask me why, lol, as I don't know!

ROFLMAO!!!! badly!!!! and I by all means sympathize ;) , I talk, laugh, even talk back while asleep LOL (this just reminded me of a thing with my sister, she also talks but one time she strted ripping paper and throwing it out at me screaming " the petals, the petals"........*ok tummy hurts now*

i´ll think some of my own on another post ;)

08-08-2006, 04:27 PM
great idea for a thread

-I am a christan
-I am bi-polar and also have ADHD
-I dislike kids and will never have them
-I have never had a boyfriend and don't ever want one
-Betta fish and Cats are my favorite animals
-I am scared of ovens
-I hate the feel of sheets and alwas sleep on blackets
-I was born on my mom's birthday
-I love to read and write
-I get upset easily
-I have wanted a teddy bear hamster for years but never have gotten one
-I am not good with people and am a loner
-I get along with animals better then people
-I am 6'0 tall and have been tall all my life

Toby's my baby
08-08-2006, 04:36 PM
Wow, interesting thread, I love reading about people.

Some things about me...

-I'm also a little afraid of the dark, mostly because you used to be able to hear mountain lions "roaring" after dark, I always hold one of the dogs if I forget to do something and have to go outside.

- I have two birthmarks, my own, and my twin sisters. :D

- I have had 5 or 6 surgeries *can't remember* many many x-rays, 2 mri's, and 3 ekgs (i think that is what they are called)

- Even though I have had plenty of surgeries and problems, I think I've taken a total of ONE perscription pain pill that the doctor gave me. I try my best to stay away from "un-natural medications."

-When playing a sport or doing something by myself in front of people, I always feel pressured to be good/the best, and freak out sometimes *example: like passing the ball at a dumb time, stopping dead in my tracks for no apparent reason*

- I had an anxiety attack during a basketball game...very scary :eek:

- I walked on a shattered ankle for over a year before the stupid doctors could figure out what was wrong..:rolleyes:

- I am obsessed with smelling candles in the store, but I have none in my room

- I love little kids, especially kids with physical/mental problems, but older people with mental problems scare me

- My dad told me the whole time I was growing up I was adopted...though I'm really not

-I rarely eat breakfast except for those few days that I have to get up before 7

-I have recently became obsessed with water, I always have a water with me and some in the fridge.

08-08-2006, 04:51 PM
- I'm a vegetarian.
- I am allergic to perfumes, candles, deodorants, etc. and get migraines when I smell them. I have to hold my breath around those aisles in the stores.
- I let people walk all over me for most things, but when it comes to animals (and a few other things), I stand up for what I believe in.
- I eat breakfast almost every morning. I am starving when I wake up!
- I eat a lot of small meals throughout the day. I went on a diet a few years ago and ever since I haven't been able to gorge like I used to (probably a good thing).
- I love to bake and cook, and will be majoring in culinary in college.
- I love photography.
- I am an optimist in every sense of the word. I almost always focus on the good in everything.
- I have very few friends because I believe in quality not quantity.

08-08-2006, 05:17 PM
Very cool thread, and I love reading it. I got plenty so here we go.

-I have a heart condition, and I have to go to the hospital once a year to get a check-up, but alot of my friends don't know because I HATE talking about it and then they'll probably give me a pity party(WHICH I CAN'T STAND). I had Open Heart Surgery and I'm going to the hospital this month... :(

-I don't want to get married, and don't want to have kids, but I would like to adopt a child.

-I have had twenty-six stitches thanks to my Open Heart Surgery.

-I am very afraid of the dark and when I'm up very high and I look down I get all nervous and I bug the person I am with to go down.

-I am 25% Irish but I don't look it at all. People say I have the map of Italy on my face.

-I was born in Staten Island.

-I sleep under my comforter every night, even in the summer. I don't know why, but it makes me feel safer.

-I hate my room color and my mom just changed it last year. :o

-I want to work with big cats when I grow up.

-I LOVE roller coasters.

- I love the smell of gasoline lol. :o

08-08-2006, 06:20 PM
I am also afraid of the dark.

I sleep at nights with a fan going summer and winter, to drown out other noises so i actually can get some sleep, have a sleep disorder so don't sleep too well most nights.

I have a fear of heights, and am social phobic, I have fibromyalgia.

I love to play practical jokes, harmless ones and sure don't mind them being played back on me.

I love entering competitions but only online or by radio, no face to face ones, and i am pretty darn lucky and have had some awesome wins.

I love to sing and dance but usually only in the privacy of my own home, too shy otherwise.

Cannot think of much else really.

08-08-2006, 06:29 PM
I've found this a very interesting thread to read even though, I must admit, I didn't think it would be. So, my turn:

I love total silence, even need silence for periods of time.

I'm a reader. If I don't have a book to read, then I'll read cereal packets, condiment bottles, phone book, whatever.

I used to love taking the family dog for a walk in my teens and twenties in total countryside darkness, as long as there was a moon of course.

I've overcome my fear of heights, modified my fear of rodents, but I'm still very claustrophobic. I get anxious if I'm confined by circumstances, I find even that claustrophobic.

I love boats and sailing but can't swim since I'm terrified of being in water; I just stop breathing and black out.

I love food. I don't eat much, I don't gorge myself, I just love the taste of all kinds of food. I'm inclined to say "Hmmmmmm" out loud, eyes closed, when I'm tasting something good, even in public.

I've been vegetarian for nearly 20 years and eat only tiny amounts of dairy.

I'm a creature of total constrasts. I'm capable of sacrificing comforts and even essentials to do something I've decided needs doing. And I'm capable of very hard physical work. I'm also a hedonist who loves luxury and laziness, revels in just lying on a sofa for hours with the late afternoon sun shining across me, surrounded by cats and with a mug of tea and some good chocolate. I always, but always, take time out to smell the roses, and the sweet peas, and the honeysuckle, and the mock orange, etc. etc.

I am far more likely to be patient with animals who are sick or needy than I am with people.

I have a passion for earrings though all other kinds of jewellery annoy me. I even decided not to have a wedding ring.

08-08-2006, 06:34 PM
- I am the youngest child, with three older brothers

- I have Emetophobia, or the fear of vomiting

- I eat MANY times a day and am always hungry.

- I am taller than my mom

- I get annoyed easily, well kind of.

- I am obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean (lol)

- I have a slight stigmatism.

- I have never bitten my nails.

- I can't skip a meal, or go too long without food. ( my brothers tease me saying I have worms because I eat constantly, but don't gain much weight)

- I don't really like dresses, or dressiness. ( if that's a word :p )

- I can't swallow pills :o

I have to think for some more

08-08-2006, 06:44 PM
I have my black belt in Karate
I have strange obbsessions over things like Narnia, cookie dough, grammer, Disney, and Twizlers.
I remember 99% of my dreams by morning
I like the smell of fuel!!
I went to elementary school 'till 4th grade, was homeschooled for three years, now I'm going back.
I used to H-A-T-E cats.
When I was 4 I thought I was a ninja.
I'm catholic.
I want to be an Author/writer.
I love singing, but I hate my voice.
I've never seen the disney movie, Pocahontes (Sp?)
I hate shoes with arches?! But I'm not flat-footed.
I've never had a full-grown dog under 50 pounds.
I hate fishing.

08-08-2006, 06:52 PM
I was born in the area I currently reside in and was 9 lbs. 5 oz. (ouch!)

I have no fears or fobias.

I'm not allergic to anything.

I never wear makeup and I don't colour my hair.

I'd rather receive a warm hug from a best friend than an expensive gift from an acquaintance. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve...which is not always a good thing.

Material possessions mean nothing to me.

I hate shopping.....food, clothes, or otherwise.

I only own 4 pairs of shoes and 5 work outfits. The rest of my clothes are T's and shorts. I have absolutely nothing to wear to a fancy restaurant, in fact I hate dressing up altogether.

I also don't do jewellery and anything else that's "girly" or "poofty".

I am extremely shy and very uncomfortable in big crowds. You will often find me in another room, on the front porch, or cleaning the kitchen just to avoid all the people. ;)

I do, however, enjoy being with a small group of 5 or less.

I am very hard to get to know. You will have to chip away at the thick wall for a long time before I will let you in, but once you've become my friend, you will have my friendship and loyalty forever. I guess you could classify me as a feral.....very hard to trust people at first but once comfortable, will be with you forever.

I love music and dance and can't drive without listening to a CD or the radio, but as much as I love music, I detest loud booming stereos. :mad:

When I was a kid, I took ballet for 9 years..quit when I was 14. I even started to do the tippy-toe thing in a tutu. :D

I was in all the plays in high school. If I could do it all over again, I would pursue an acting career.

I have been single since 1994 and plan to remain single and dateless. Men are too much trouble in my opinion. **ducks to avoid getting hit**

I've always had the opinion that marriage and children do not make a women "whole" and I've avoided both for many reasons.

...and now as I embark on a new journey, I finally know the meaning of "live like you are dying."

So there it is, in no particular order.

08-08-2006, 06:59 PM
-I love to play practical jokes, my friends hate when I prank them.:p

-I use to get car sick and sea sick all the time when I was little.

-I can't go on rollercoasters with loops because I get sick and puke. :o

-I love shopping

-I would tote my big bird blankie around with me everywhere when I was little, and if I lost it or couldn't find it I'd have a fite (sp?),scream and cry. If I lost it at night I wouldn't go to sleep till it was found lol. :D

-I was a Girl Scout from 2nd grade to 7th grade.

-I hate when people stare at you, or when someone is talking about you and you total know they are.

-I'm VERY shy in front of new people, or *some* of my friends parents.

I can't think of anything else..

08-08-2006, 07:04 PM
I live on a lake.
I don't own a boat, but some of my friends do. :D
I lived in California for 2 years.
I'm a bit of a neat-nick.
I love tamales, though i know they're bad for you.
I've only had one boyfriend. It was a long term thing.
I dislike windchimes very much.
I've been run over by a car, literally, (longways).
I have a secret desire to be a surfer. :rolleyes:
Sometimes I put my foot in my mouth. :eek:
I love to dance.
I love to read, but sometimes I'm too hyper to sit down with a book.
One of my favorite things to do is stare up at the stars and moon at night, talking with a special person.
I love to rollerblade, but my skates got stolen and I haven't replaced them yet.
I am a part-time crisis counselor.
I love animals, but you may have that figured by now. :D

08-08-2006, 07:06 PM
Interesting thread!

-I used to dislike bettas and birds
-I've never had a boyfriend who isn't at least 6 years older (biggest age diff was 10 years)
-I taught myself how to play piano in grade 8.. I've been playing ever since
-I have to fall asleep with something on the tv. It's normally an episode of Will and Grace (boxsets of all four seasons :p)
-I wake up every morning at 4:30am for work
-I bite my nails. They've never been longer than my finger tips
-I love driving, but hate parking. I avoid stall parking in between two cars if I can. I will park a few blocks further away to avoid parallel parking.. even though I'm quite good at it.
-I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the smell of fuel/gasoline. :p
-I have no problem working with clients and their dogs (in obedience), but I'm very lazy when it comes to my own dogs. :p

08-08-2006, 07:47 PM
- I have always loved animals, always

- My first words were : Kitty kit (cat)

- I hate the taste of toothpaste

- I have a tattoo on my wedding ring finger (as does my husband)

- I am obsessive compulsive. ( I cant eat anything without an expiration date, if it has one it cant go bad within 2 months from the date I use it, I over cook all my food by ATLEAST 20 minutes) among tons of other things

- I hate puppy breath (lol)

- I like chicken livers :)

- I am not afraid on any animal, even spiders

-I have a sleeping pill addiction, and I have tried to combat it for over 4 years

- I love makeup, and wear it EVERY day, even to the gas station

- I dont have alot of friends, but the ones I do have, MUST love animals

- I went to college and graduated, for my parents. Never used my degree

That is about it:)

08-08-2006, 07:54 PM
- I can't stand pasta

- I have never been on an airplane

- I am not fond of reptiles

- when I was younger I had to have two bottom teeth pulled, because my mouth was so crowded and there wasn't any room for them.

- I am afraid of going to the dentist

- my parents were going to give me the middle name Belle instead of Leigh

- I love being alone with animals rather than being alone with people

08-08-2006, 08:06 PM
- I have a thing for over-sanitizing/cleaning at work. (I work with food)
- I have a dog collar/bandana obsession.
- I shower atleast twice daily, a lot of days I shower three times.
- I wash my hands before and after using the restroom, and get made fun of for it.
- I HATE talking on the phone and will do anything to avoid it.
- I go from listening to Kelly Clarkson to Tupac to Fear Before The March of Flames within minutes.
- I am addicted to hardcore shows, although I don't always know the person playing, I still go if I can.
- My camera is almost always with me, I carry one in my purse even if I have another in a camera case.

08-08-2006, 08:10 PM
Interesting thread !

- I hate when people make grammar mistakes and often cannot control the urge to correct them, even if it is very important people making the error.

- I can ONLY get to sleep if I'm petting Jenny. Once I went on a school trip and couldn't sleep.

- I am soooooo phycotic (sp?) I am terrified of everything. :o :eek: Part of the reason for the above is that everynight I always think.... " Hmmm, I'm gonna get murdered tonight...." or " I bet the house will go up in flames tonight." None of those things have happened yet. I am so terrified of death.

- I love to read odd books, like A series of unfortunate events. I have read everyone so far, plus the Unauthorized Autobiography and the Quiz book.

- I, too, REALLY dislike young chidren, especilaay messy, dirty and boogery ones.

- I have never had the flu shot, and never had the flu.

-Everyone I know ( including my family ) thinks that I'm wierd. Probably because I got sooooo sad when I got a B+ on my report card. ( in gym ). It was the worst mark I've ever gotten.

-My first language is Russian, but now people say that I'm better in English (or French).

- My favourite thing ( after dogs ) Is vocabulary. I love using words like Brummagem and Ersatz. And many other odd words that I can't think of right now.

- Some people say I'm "too" smart. How can you be Too smart ? ! ? ! :mad:

- I memorized the periodic table ( or the table of elements ) when I was nine.

- I ( somehow ) managed to learn thousands ( literally ) of irregular verbs ( in french ) in a month.

- I don't type properly.

- I have done competitive ( very different from regular ) ballet for 10 years. 5-6 days a week.

- I'm REALLY hate it when really young people watch horrible shows on TV ( that give me nightmares :o ) A girl walked up to me and petted Jen and said " your dog is so skinny, she reminds me of that dog on CSI that got starved to death" THIS KID WAS 6 !!!!!!! :eek: I was so angry that people let their children watch these sort of shows. :mad: A 6-year-old ! Watching CSI !!! I don't even watch those horrible shows !!! :eek:

- The show I find scariest is " Criminal Minds " OK its bad enough on the other shows they murder people. On this one they have to murder them for some strange, deranged reason.

- :o I have a fake tooth right in the front of my mouth.. and it was always YELLOW !!! :( :mad: I think the dentist did that to me on purpose.

That's all I can think of right now, I'll think of some more wedsday.

08-08-2006, 08:46 PM
- I am obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean (lol)
LOL, I knew that. :p I saw your avatar, and was like I've seen that before then a second later I was like "OMG, that's Jacks eye."

08-08-2006, 09:02 PM
-I suffer from severe depression which I recently had a several severe attack of
-I was born almost a month early
-I was engaged three times before I met my husband
-I have two eating disorders which I have been combating for over ten years
-I have a birthmark my my left hear and am hard of hearing in my right.

08-08-2006, 09:04 PM
- i was born with my knees to my chin
- i Love coke
- hate the noise of guys/or girls spiting (forgot what it was called)
- I'm a huge fan of Waking Ashland/ the singer Jonathan Jones/ and actor Dominic Monaghan
- Fan of NASCAR
- Fan of the Braves/ and Diamond backs
- Can crack my whole spin and i grab my hands from behind
- Roll my tongue to make that "rrrr" noise mostly every minute
- If i eat a piece of chocolate or a small candy i get very hyper and random
- been playing the piano for 4 years guitar 7 years and violin also 7 years
- can remember lines from a show or movie once i see it.
- love to be out on the road and go to caves

That's all i can think of...

08-08-2006, 09:05 PM
LOL, I knew that. :p I saw your avatar, and was like I've seen that before then a second later I was like "OMG, that's Jacks eye."

Yup! I am planning on getting a whole bunch of the merchandise. Like t-shirts and the medallion from the first one. I bought two books about the movie today. lol

08-08-2006, 09:10 PM
- I don't watch anything on television or movies except cartoons.

- I love tattoos, piercings, etc. and plan to have many.

- It takes me almost two days to read a several hundred page book.

- When I draw, I tend to focus on one thing and do it repitively.

- I like birds even though everyone thinks I don't. :p

- I used to play with bugs when I was a little kid. :p

08-08-2006, 09:12 PM
* i am a terrible writer. i write like a 3rd grader.
* i'm scared of driving down dirt roads at night.
* i drive WAY too fast.
* i've been pulled over 7 times, but never got a ticket.
* i am a Hanson fan.
* i am a myspace addict.
* i trust people way too much
* i love to sing.
* i have an "older" boyfriend.
* i could beat any man at a Jack Daniels drinking contest.
* i hate doing laundry

08-08-2006, 09:20 PM
- My name is Sydney
- I am a Christian
- I do not eat read meat
- I think Mcdonalds is the nastiest thing on earth
- I'd prefer the company of a dog, than anything else on this planet, anyday
- Ive been in a serious relationship for 3 years, and we now live together
- I try to live life to its fullest
- i played the Clarinet when i was younger
- I spend $75-$100 to get my hair done, every month
- I am a University of Utah Football fan
- I hate living in Arizona
- I play with my hair when im nervous
- I will not use a public restroom, unless i absolutly have too

08-08-2006, 09:33 PM
Wow, This thread must be heaven sent!!!! ;)

I weighed 5 lbs, 3 and 1/2 lbs at birth, and I live a stone throw away from the very home I was taken to:

I am the runt of the litter, (6 girls )

I love poetry, literature,music, art and making people laugh!!

I am afraid of snakes!!!! :eek:

I married my high school boyfriend and I still have a major CRUSH on him!!!!(he is a knock out) ;)

I have 3 grown children, oh, I so love children too!!

I write many of my dreams in a journal. (trying to interpret them :confused:)

I love to "Dance" , "Sing", and "Paint with Oils"

I am near sighted ,

I am a passive person, always have been.

and, I am addicted to Pet Talk :D

08-08-2006, 09:34 PM
- I am a people pleaser...I have an extremely hard time saying no, even if someone asks me to do something I really don't want to.

- I'm very uncomfortable around kids

- I don't have any friends my age...all are older than me, because I have nothing in common with the people my age around here

- I've never worn makeup, I can't stand the stuff

- I've never had a boyfriend...I have no interest, most people think I'm weird because of that

- I don't like being in the dark by myself...if I have to walk around in the dark when everyone is in bed, Tango comes with me (I wouldn't call it a fear, not really sure what it is)

- I won't go in the basement by myself, Tango has to come with me (again, I wouldn't call it a fear)

- I'm shy/uncomfortable around new people, it takes me a while to get comfortable with someone

- I can't stand hair, I think it's the most annoying thing ever. I always wear mine up, out of my face.

- I have a very hard time saving money, and, I never spend money on myself...I always buy something for Tango

- I'm somewhat obsessed with my three favourite dog breeds

That's all I can think of for now, if I think of more, I'll add them.

08-08-2006, 10:51 PM
- I am a people pleaser...I have an extremely hard time saying no, even if someone asks me to do something I really don't want to.

Same here on the people pleaser thing... i will also be very polite and never state my true opinion of whatever if that person asks me about it. (for example) friend of mine asked if i liked her flower drawings... and i lied and said yes.. cuz i dont want to hurt her...

also what i am into and like.. im REALLY into and like it.. whatever it is.
i take my hobbies and stuff i enjoy seriously... maybe.. a little to seriously.. :o
and then theres Coldplay.. ;)

yes arent i interesting. :p ;)

Miss Z
08-09-2006, 11:05 AM
* I'm 14 and yet I'm nearly 6 foot :eek:
* I am double jointed in both legs, which means I can get my foot to touch my head, and I can turn each leg to the side and tuck my feet underneath my armpits!
* I've never been without a pet in my entire life (yay! touch wood)
*I've always lived in the same house
*I'm not really afraid of anything, but tornados kind of give me the creeps
* I have only ever broken 1 bone, my little finger on my right hand, when my brother jumped on it. Now that finger is slightly wonky and when I bend it I can feel the bones moving together
* I have another finger which kind of turns to the side from the knuckle upwards (I have weird fingers ;) )
* I won a scholarship for my school
* I am long-sighted in my left eye, and short-sighted in the right, but I only wear glasses for reading things far away
* I don't particularly like mixing with people, I prefer just to keep very close friends rather than have lots of not so close ones
*I've been horse-riding since I was 4, but lost my confidence really badly twice, especially after I had a near-death experience when I was thrown off a horse into a wall. I keep going back though, I must be mad!
* I speak French and German
* I am a Manchester United fan
* I am an atheist
* I knew all my times tables up to twelve before I turned 4
* I've had chicken pox twice!
* I've wanted to be a vet ever since I was about 5, before that I wanted to be a jockey, a ballerina, a popstar or a zoo-owner! When I was 6, my doctor asked me why I wanted to be a vet instead of a doctor. I replied 'because animals are deserving! People aren't!':p
* The names of the pets I had before I came to PT were Brando (British Blue cat), Bo-peep (mini lop rabbit) Cookie (lionhead x dutch rabbit) Marble, Flanaghan, Swizzels, Squiggles, Squeaky, Peppy, Sherbert and Lemon (roborovski hamsters)

Whew, that's about enough for now, perhaps I'll post more later :)

08-09-2006, 11:38 AM
ok here it goes for me, not all but some I can thnk of right now:

* I´m obssesed with Huskies, Wolves and Big Cats (especially Panthers, Tigers and Lions)
*I´m a Leo and I´m very true to it
*When i´m in a pool i always think of sharks an whales coming to eat me (not fear like but a thought)
* I wish I knew martial arts
*while growing up I was madly in love with Jean Claude Van Damme LOL
* I´m always thinking of someone else (if i go to a store i think "xx" would like this, i should buy this for "xx")
* I´m a good listener (I learned that because people tend to tell me stuff without me insisting, (very personal stuff))
* I love to laugh and my tummy and jaws to hurt by it
* I wanted to be a Ninja (hence my dogs name)
* a bit weirder but i also wanted to be a sniper :eek:
*I´m prety much more a tomboy
* I don´t have girl friends I tend to have more boy friends (don´t know why, well maybe becase of the above :p )
* I was always on trees as a kid
*I need more than 8 hours of sleep, but I can go with no sleep for days
* I love to feel the rush of last minute "homework" "papers" "proyects" to do and besides they come out nicer
* I´m allergic to eggs
* I don´t drink milk
*I LOVE CHEEESEEEE!!!! (ok i need some right now) there´s NOTHING I eat without cheese (well except the blue kind of cheese, that just grosses me out)
*I can´t swallow pills also, so i have to crush them to powder LOL (when I even take them as I refuse medication unless I have to)

and the last of this batch, because I think I´ve extended a bit

* I LIKE SKUNK SMELL!!! :eek: :D yeah, you read right I´m such a weirdo (not that I like a skunk to spray me on the face, but I rather like the smell)

Queen of Poop
08-09-2006, 12:01 PM
I was named Gayle because I was born during a blizzard in Winnipeg in November of 1965, almost got called Blizzard or Stormy. They settled on Gale (a big wind) and put a Y in the middle.

I am 5 feet tall and 100 lbs at age 40, same as I was in high school.

I weighted in at 4 lbs 6 oz when I was born.

I've had pets all of my life and will continue to do so.

My younger brother and sister both died 20 years ago this year. Both car accidents, 3 months apart.

I had surgery in April of this year to remove a mass from my left breast, I'm fine and glad it is over.

I currently have one dog (Sasha) and one ferret (Sebastian), they are the loves of my life.

I love football and hockey.

I love to cook, hate to eat.

I've been coloring my hair (lighter) since I was 17, when I found the first of many grey hairs.

08-09-2006, 12:16 PM
I was born very premature and had to be in one of those inclosed plastic cribs after I was born and my parents couldn’t take me home.

I learned to run soon after walking and ran face first into a TV and needed stitches above my eye. The same day that the doctor took my stitches out I fell out of a wagon, pulled by my brother, and had to go back for more stitches in the same spot.

I had a teacher refer to me as a human sponge. I retain most of what I hear and rarely have to study. However, if I don’t use things that I learned I forget them after a week or so.

Due to the above fact, I can’t stand comprehensive finals.

I pre-worry about everything .

I enjoy the company of friends, but often need to be alone.

I place my pets needs above the needs of other humans and often myself.

I love seafood!

I can’t stand anything near my eyes, so have never used eye drops.

I’d rather be outside than inside.

I’ve never lived outside of Southern California.

When surfing or riding jet skis in the ocean I do everything possible to prevent my feet from dangling in the water.

I won’t go in the water for days and sometimes weeks after watching Jaws.

08-09-2006, 12:31 PM
I am a grandmother of one and don't want to change that to more. Stefanie's going to be 11 on Wednesday and she's all I need.

I am not crazy about kids, but love cats and dogs.

I avoid crowds. I like people, but only a couple at a time. At gatherings, I'm the one in another room or outside, alone.

I really like to construct things. I have a lot of tools and a sewing machine for my projects.

I'm not into music much but like "Old Time Rock & Roll" best.

Marriage/relationships don't interest me. I like my own company. As my sister says, "you better. After all, wherever you go, there YOU are".

I'm very industrious. Always doing something. Or reading.

Opinionated, but willing to change my opinion if facts warrant.



08-09-2006, 01:12 PM
-I'm vegetarian
-My favorite animal is elephants
-I want to be taller, I'm 5'8
-I love watching Ellen's talk show
-I love pepsi
-I have garden burgers almost everynight. (love them)
-In 3 years I am getting a standard poodle
-My biggest fears are snakes, I cry when I see them
-I work at a dog kennel
-I am starting animal therapy with one of my close friends
-I am a junior

08-09-2006, 01:21 PM
Mary, we are the same person! :eek:

I played soccer from the time I was 5-25, and can't really do a single other sport.

I am deathly afraid of snakes(even though Cathy B has been helpful with that).

I. Love. Cats. All kinds, and tried to give my father one as a gift for his birthday when I was about 12 or so. Didn't work. :(

I still, on occasion, will 'scoot' up the basement stairs quickly in the evening. :o

I have had 4 knee surgeries, broken a collarbone, wrist, finger, and had several other surgeries.

I subscribe to the theory, "if they make a medication to make things or me feel better, give me the prescription" (no martyring here, folks).

I need lots of sleep, and fresh air at night time (which makes sleeping in the a/c kind of tough).

I have no allergies, food intolerances, etc., and have NEVER been too sick/tired/busy to eat. :D

I am afraid to have lasik done, hate wearing glasses, and my contacts bug me.

I **need** to bleach my teeth. :o

And, finally? I HATE to shower. (Poor Kay, we can never really be married, eh?) :p

My Peanuts
08-09-2006, 02:36 PM
Let's see....

I was 6lbs 15oz when I was born.

I was born with long finger nails and eye lashes so the doctors think I was in the oven longer than first thought.

I will take a sick pet to the doctor right away, even taking off work to do so, but I wait until I have to go for myself.

I am VERY allergic to cats.

My left pinky finger has a line like and extra joint, but it doesn't bend.

I learned my left from my right from the above, and I sometimes still check my left finger to make sure it's the left.

I had Lasik surgery a year and a half ago.

My absolute favorite color is and always has been pink.

In some ways I'm a girly girl, but in others I'm a tomboy.

I love makeup and I wear a lot of eye makeup.

I only have one biological sibling, my older brother and he's gay. (When my mom says, "DI, ALL my friends are grandma's. What's the hold up?" I tell her to blame her son. Well he IS the older one! :p)

My aunt, mom's sis, died when I was 14 years old. She was like a 2nd mom to me. Her daughters, my first cousins, are like my sister's now. One lives with us when she's not away at school. One(the one that lives with us) is my age, 25, and the other will be 20 in November.

The above mentioned 25 year old cousin/sister is exactly to the day 3 weeks younger than I am. Our mom’s were pregnant together. 

That's it for now. :)

08-09-2006, 02:57 PM
I am VERY afraid of spiders & heights. (my only 2 phobias)

I used to DESPISE cats. (REALLY despise them, now I have 3)

I do not HATE anyone, it is too strong of a word. (I do dislike a few though)

I am not allergic to anything. (anymore, knock on wood)

I get social anxiety, sometimes so bad that I don't even want to talk to anyone on the phone or internet let alone in person, even with friends & family. Yet at the same time I *usually* do better in large crowds than smaller ones.

I weighed only 1.3 lbs at birth and was born 2 (I think) months early. I was in an & out of an incubator until I was 6 months of age.

I bite the skin around my nails but not my nails.

I do not like to talk on the phone.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE kids but can not deal with them on a daily basis.

I am always willing to help others yet rarely help myself.

08-09-2006, 03:17 PM
In no particular order....

- I'm single and plan to stay that way forever. Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them.
- I fear heights. This probably came as a result from flying with my dad. :p He used to pretend that we were stalling out and were going to die. :rolleyes:
- I don't plan on having kids of my own (no husband = no kids), but would like to adopt.
- I'm not looking forward to graduating high school and have no current plans to attend a college.
- I love, LOVE, LOVE water and fire.
- I'm rather fond of the dark and like to sit outside at night, especially when it's pouring rain. :D
- I HATE rollercoasters.
- I've got red hair.
- I wear glasses. Had contacts once, but found poking myself in the eye twice a day to be too tiresome to keep up with.
- My skin is very pale. I once got asked if I glowed in the dark when walking under flourescent lighting. (sp?) :o
- I like small spaces as a rule. I think it makes me feel more safe or something *shrugs*
- I DO feel claustrophobic, however, when I'm in a crowd. Let's face it... people scare me. Sometimes it's hard to breath and I've got to get out. But I do well in a small group of friends. Then you just gotta try and hold me back. ;) :p
- There is seldom a day that goes by when at least two people don't tell me they think I'm strange/crazy. Maybe it has something ot do with my barking or the way I think it would be cool to own a straight jacket?
- I am a crime show junkie. I would list all of the shows I love to watch, but I don't think we have that much time. ;) :p

Ok, ok... enough about me then. It's been great to learn more about everybody. Great thread!

My Peanuts
08-09-2006, 04:21 PM
In no particular order....

- I'm single and plan to stay that way forever. Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them.

This literally made me laugh out loud! :D

08-09-2006, 06:02 PM
Whenever I leave the house I'm always afraid that I forgot to lock the door.

I fall asleep better when I have the tv on.

I'm very short, I'm around 5'1".

I don't wear makeup and I keep my hair very short, however I love buying expensive hair products.

I'm the pickest eater ever. I have the eating habits of a stereotypical 5 year old. I don't like vegetables and I like my food very plain. When someone invites me to a restraunt I always check to see if I can find the menu online first before I accept the invitation.

08-09-2006, 07:34 PM
I was 7 lbs. 13 oz. at birth and a C-section. My mom told me that they called me Powder Puff in the nursery at the hospital because I was so pale. :)

I am married and the mother of two grown children.

I am a grandmother of two little boys and they light up my life. :)

I am very organized and tend to be a list person, although that is to a fault because if I don't have my list around I forget everything. :rolleyes:

I hate clutter and actually enjoy keeping the house clean and neat.

I hate being around someone on a ladder or a roof. I am always afraid they will fall and I will see it. :eek: You could never get me on a ladder or roof for the same reason.

I am a *smart shopper* and almost never buy anything on impulse.

I need a lot of sleep (at least 8 hrs.) in order to feel good all day.

I love country music and have it on in the car 24/7.

08-09-2006, 07:58 PM
W00t! Another country music fan, I knew I liked you Pam ;)

It's been forever since I've posted on PT regularly, though I do still lurk from time to time. I thought this thread was interesting, so I thought I would post some of my somethings...*snicker*

1. I joined my high school marching band Senior year because a friend of mine told me they were going to Toronto! *snicker* I was a band addict after that and ended up as part of Purdue's All American Marching band
2. I play music by ear (I can't read music, though I pretend to)
3. I have a bad habit of biting my nails, and have only grown them out nice in a few occasions
4. I'm terribly scared of spiders and bugs...*shudders*...but give me rats and snakes anyday
5. I worked for a vet hospital for about a year and created for them a website which I still maintain for free :)
6. I don't care for children and am not sure if I ever want them, however I love animals and will always have them
7. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school from 1st through 8th grade (and hated it, because the kids were so horribly mean to me)
8. I am a doormat, I tend to let people walk all over me for most things, but when it comes to animals I stand up for what I believe in
9. I have a hepa filter (air cleaner) and a sound machine running at night for "white noise" as it helps me to sleep. I can't sleep in utter silence, so a consistant calming sounds helps to relax me and also to drown out other noises so I actually can get some sleep.
10. I am NOT a morning person. I have always been a night owl, but working forces me to get up in the mornings, however reluctantly that might be. If I have less than 8 hours of sleep, I'll feel tired all day.
11. I love to read and am addicted to books and bookstores. I can easily spend 8 hours alone in a bookstore.

Ok, I'll stop for now... :o

08-09-2006, 08:28 PM
Drop me off at Barnes and Noble , cash for the Flavored coffee, please!!! :D

08-10-2006, 10:13 AM
-i love the dark! When i was a baby i couldn't stand any light while i was sleeping.

-i have 3 dogs named Dixie, Sunny, Nala

-i have one evil cat named Angel

- i like rap, hip hop, and R&B

- i can touch my tonge to my nose

- i'm aginst the slaughtering of horses

- i do dog agility with my dog Sunny

-i'm a Jonior hander

- i can't spell!
- always more to come!

08-10-2006, 10:16 AM
Drop me off at Barnes and Noble , cash for the Flavored coffee, please!!! :D

Ick! Ick! Ick! Everything straight up for me - coffee, tea, whiskey.

The-Duck - great thought, sitting outside in the dark and rain, only that sound and the smells from the earth and trees getting soaked.

08-10-2006, 10:43 AM
-I am a Twin
-I was born 1 minute after my sister *via C-Section*
-I went to a Catholic School for 7 years
-I went through depression and attempted suicides in 6th and 7th grade
-I am in 11th grade at a public high school
-I'm pretty quiet in real life around strangers
-I'm pretty outgoing around my real friends
-I'm a Thespian(high school theatre person) and I love it!
-I love horseback riding and showed for 3 years
-I haven't had a boyfriend since the 7th grade(lol not that that's a bad thing!)

08-10-2006, 11:33 AM
I am terribly in love with my husband. (2nd marriage for both of us)

I am a proud mom of a 15 year old girl.

I cannot bear the thought of a snake being anywhere near me.

I am a pet lover........I can't ever have enough.

I have a beautiful cat boy, Butter, who was a stray. He decided to stay with me, bless his heart. :)

I have two beautiful Golden Retrievers, Honey and Lilly, who make my heart sing. They are both 7 years old. :)

I have Mack, who is a 4 month old English Bulldog. He is busy, busy, busy, but I love him so much.

I have two Cockatiels, Roger and Milly, who are determined to produce more babies. They are sitting on 5 eggs, right now.

I am highly allergic to something, although we don't know what, yet. I have had hives for almost two weeks now, every day.

I am a Christian. I attend my church, regularly. We celebrate the Christian fait at our United Methodist Church.

My husband I just took a trip to New York City. It was GREAT!!!!!! We saw our first Broadway show, and did many, many other things.

We have lost 3 pets in the last 7 months (Our Murphy (Lab girl), Zipper (Golden Boy) and Mimi (17 year old kitty friend).


08-10-2006, 11:35 AM
I remembered some more things..
-I'm highly clausterphobic. If I can't breathe 100% perfectly, I panic.
-I have 13 pets at the moment..
-I have a very much so obsession over Lost and Ian Somerhalder.
-I also have a bit of a Hello Kitty obsession.

I'm loving reading about everyone! :)

08-10-2006, 01:32 PM
*I have been married for 5 years and used to want children, but now things have changed and I don't want them at all.
(that makes for a tough marriage) :(
*I am the youngest of 4 girls
*I am a bindge drinker and a closet smoker
*I can belch louder than anyone I know :o
*I have an on going battle with depression and have had thoughts of sucide several times in the past few years.
*I am a Daddy's girl! :D
*This summer was the first time in over 10 years I bought a bathing suit! :o
*I prefer to spend my time with animals rather than people.
*My neighbor and I hate each other, we call the cops on each other all the time and yell and swear and cuss at each other every chance we get.
*I have an Aunt that is Mentaly Challeneged
*My grandfather was killed in a car accident before I was born.

08-10-2006, 08:26 PM
I am the oldest of 3, my brother passed away last summer at 27, and my sister is 24 and is also a PT member. My husband is the 4 child in a family of 5.

I have 2 nieces (ages 20 and 2.5) , 5 nephews (ages 15, 13, 12, 8 and 1 month), and 1 great niece or nephew on the way (due December 8).

I love sports. I haven't missed playing a softball season since I started playing in 3rd grade (22 years!). I also play soccer and volleyball. I also started taking dance lessons at when I was 23.

I am a HUGE Nascar fan (Go Tony!)

I am a HUGE football fan (Go Bengals!)

I love to read.

I have a degree in Biochemistry. I have two published articles, and two more in process (none as primary author). I spent 5 years as a research chemist, and now spend most of my day on the phone, working at an "inside" sales position, selling chemistry testing to medical device and pharmaceutical companies.

My husband and I were in the same place, at the same time many times before we ever met. We attended several of the same church groups gatherings in NW Ohio in High School, but met in college in Cincinnati. (Hence Cincy's name!)

I love to drive fast with the music loud, and the windows down.

I never got to meet my dad's parents. They both passed away before I born. My mom's parents are alive and doing very well at 88 and 86. This November will be their 67th wedding anniversary.

I still keep in touch with my 4 best friends from high school. We are planning a girl's weekend away in October, and I can't wait!!

08-10-2006, 11:11 PM
Cool thread

-I'm afraid of the dark
-I cant sleep without my blanket covering my feet
-I'm very afraid of knives
-I'm scared to die
-I get angry really easily
-I have very bad scoliosis in my back with a 25 degree curve so my back is in a "S" shape
-My neck gose the opposite way
-I have a HUGE imagination and scare myself ALL the time
-I wake up at 2 every night for some reason
-I cant falll asleep without the tv on
-I like the smell of a candle after its been blown out
-I HATE people who smoke and hate the smell
-When I was 2 I was dancing on a glass table and it broke I fel through and got stiched in my elbow cause there was glass sticking out
-I ran into my freinds play set and cut my knee on the seam and got stiches
-I have , English, Canadian,German and Polish in me
-I love the smell of gas(for CARS)
-I love swimming
-I hate being upsidedown
-I'm scared of heights
-When I was born I was supposed to be a) Dead b)Mentally challanged(sorry I dont know the word for it)
or c) a dwarf
-I'm always hungry
-When I was younger I got taken home by the police

haha thats enough for now

08-10-2006, 11:38 PM
-When I was younger I got taken home by the police

If you don't mind answering... why were you taken home by the police, what you do? :p I'm interested lol

08-10-2006, 11:55 PM
This is a very interesting thread!

-I have been a vegetarian for 10 years.
-I don't watch TV, I just don't really find it that interesting.
-I just got a job as a counselor at a girls' home and I start Monday.
-I love to travel and I've been to 9 different countries and I'm always planning new trips.
-I like the taste of stale graham crackers- I actually think they taste better that way because they are softer.
-I save all of my fortures from fortune cookies and tape them to my mirror. My favorite was one I got when I was 16 which says, "You will soon be crossing the great waters."
-My best friend recently got married- I was a bridesmaid in the wedding and the dress was HIDEOUS. But I didn't say anything. Even though it pained me to wear it. :p
-I've worked a lot of different jobs, and gotten to meet some interesting people. When I was 19, I worked as a janitor at a rest stop where you met some real characters. Once, a guy from Greece made me dinner (at the rest stop) and proposed to me!! I enjoyed the food but declined the offer of marriage.
-I stayed up late to read this thread!

Miss Z
08-11-2006, 03:17 AM
-I have very bad scoliosis in my back with a 25 degree curve so my back is in a "S" shape
-My neck gose the opposite way

I think we are sisters! My back is s shaped too :) It's annoying when you want to buy trousers that fit you but I can bend my back at nearly 90 degrees :eek:

A couple of other things I remembered

-I used to have a school teacher who was married to someone famous, and now her husband knows me :D
-I HATE celery, can't stand the stuff
-I am a frequent user of sarcasm
-The Da Vinci Code and the James Herriot series are my favourite books
-My star sign is capricorn. I was born on January 20th, which is a confusing date for star signs, as it is either the last day of capricornians of the first of Aquarians. I've always thought of myself as a true-hearted capricornian.;)
-My first (sort of) word was boh-woh, meaning dog. All my first ten words were of animals, they were Bambos (my RB cat Brando), bee, horsee, birdie, Zah-Zah (RB Zsa-Zsa), bunny, hamser (hamster), bear and chickie (chicken). Shortly after, I learned Mummy, Daddy, monster and Eric Cantona!:p
-I am flat-footed and have a D width foot. It's a devil getting shoes to fit.

08-12-2006, 05:16 PM

I love this learning about everone

08-12-2006, 11:08 PM
I was born fully hearing without kneecaps on a full moon night.
my heart once stopped for a few minutes.
2000 was my first and last good/best year.
I've never had a sip of alcohols and had first/last cigarette at age seven.
no fears, addictions or a missed disaster.
I have over ten disorders and am not on any medicine.
I hate to eat, especially in mornings, except with friends.
easy to make friends, hard to get on my list.
I was an olypmic swimmer.
I once had 21 pets at a point and a turtle was my first one.
I sleep easily and better in sun, lights and something on top of me.
I am very flexible that I could crack my hips.
I hate anything that ends in an odd number, even is always safer anyway.
I am writing a book. ;)

08-13-2006, 12:51 AM
-i hate having boogers in my nose
-i have had chicken pox TWICE
-i produce and sing to the music i create on my computer
-i want to desperately open up a rescue/adoption shelter
-i havent had my natural hair color since i was 11
-i make up silly nicknames for my cats
-i love mushrooms and ravioli (not mixed, mind you)
-i hate the internet, yet i am always on it
-i think my cats are really aliens :D
-i ALWAYS stand up for what is right and will fight for it until i die
-my best friend is angelique. i miss her terribly, tho i talk to her everyday.
-i was born, raised and still am pagan.
-i am a black sheep
-i hate writing.
-i love writing.
-i LOVE my cats like they are my children
-i spoke with my blood brother for the first time in 7 years a couple weeks ago, have only seen him once
-i am wearing camo pjs right now
-i hate talking about myself
-i have no idea what else to say...

08-13-2006, 01:12 AM
- My middle name is Paige
- I was 8.1 when born, the smallest out of the cousins on my mom's side, the biggest out of my cousins on my dad's side
- I am almost 11 years older than my only brother
- I have Borderline Personality Disorder
- Some days my medication doesn't seem to work so I take Visa into public with me as my service dog.
- I am Vice-President of the local kennel club
- I graduated and moved out two weeks later at age 17
- I'm allergic to echinachea
- My last name is famous in my city

08-13-2006, 01:30 AM
-I am so insecure about being alone that I end up driving people away and making myself worse.
-I was pregnant once.
-If I'm in an argument, even a stupid one, and I know I'm right, I can't make myself back down, no matter how trivial.
-I have bipolar disorder
-I have always had an extremely difficult time falling asleep, I try to go to bed at least an hour before I actually want to be asleep.
-I'm obsessed with eating right, exercising, and lowering my body fat percentage, but I don't have the motivation to really make it happen.
-I have a high chance of becoming an alcoholic, so I am obsessively careful about how much I drink.
-I fixate on one thing 120% and become absolutely obsessed, often driving the people close to me absolutely nuts.
-I read obscenely fast....last week my boss told me I could bring a book to work and read, so I brought three good sized novels.
-I've had three different jobs in the same shopping center. (pet store, hobby shop, and a gym)
-I'm the only woman I know IRL who is happy with her body. I think I'm beautiful how I am.
-I once snuck into a halloween party put on by the mafia. I got kicked out.

08-13-2006, 01:48 AM
-I can't help it, I love all dogs but I think Nebo is the cutest dog on the entire planet and I probably tell him that daily lol
-I'm obsessed with wolves/huskies, I have been that way since I was a child. My room is *covered* with them
-I check petfinder at least once a day for new siberian huskies (I want another very badly :o )
-I've been a U2 fan since for 10 years, no other band compares. I will wait in line outside 12+ hours to get a good spot in general admission...U2 concerts are like a spiritual experience for me (yes I'm crazy)
-I'm a gemini
-I'm very shy around people I don't know, people often think I am rude/snobby because I don't talk to them, which is not the case I'm just terrible at knowing what to talk about. I probably have some sort of social anxiety but I'm not interested in taking any pills
-I hate hospitals. I've had pancreatitis twice.
-I can't swim (unless you count doggy paddle ;) ). Maybe if my life depended on it, but I usually panic in deep water...just looking at really deep water gives me the creeps
-I groom dogs and cats for a living
-I'm 22 and live with my parents :o because I can't afford/find a place that allows big dogs
-I hate pineapple, onions, cherries, tomatos (except in sauce and salsa). I don't mind banana flavor but I hate the texture of actual bananas. I have never tried lobster/crab/etc. because I just think it looks nasty.
-I can't stand touching raw meat
-I looooooooove cookie dough!
-I have nothing against people who smoke but I don't like being around it, the smell of it makes me ill
-I have never drank alcohol and I don't intend on ever getting drunk
-No drugs either, and no desire to try them
-I'm paranoid, I check everything before I go to sleep or leave the house. I make sure everything is unplugged, doors locked, oven/stove is off, I even check the darn heater all summer long when it is not even in use. I check the front door at least 3 times at night or I can't sleep.
-I hate wearing dresses. Skirts are tolerable, but no dresses!
-I like to save money, I guess that's a nice way of saying I'm cheap. ;) I'll spend a ton of money on my dog, but you'd never catch me buying some expensive makeup, perfume, shoes, etc (stuff most girls spend their $$ on)

08-13-2006, 09:16 AM
I think we are sisters! My back is s shaped too http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif It's annoying when you want to buy trousers that fit you but I can bend my back at nearly 90 degrees http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif
Thats weird

If you don't mind answering... why were you taken home by the police, what you do? http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif I'm interested lol Me and my friend ran away from home and they found us playing in a ditch

08-13-2006, 11:01 AM
I love stuff like this!

- I was born at 11:10 pm on the 18th of september.
- I can't stand to wear socks that are just plain white.
- I'm a vegetarian (former vegan). And want to go back to being vegan as soon as I'm out on my own.
- Rats are my most favorite animal.
-I won't eat with anything but plasticware (no silverware for me!)
- I'm a very big fan of Bob Marley. :D Very obvious if you set foot in my room.
- I don't like going to hospitals if I know that someone I know is in there.
- I can't stand little kids who cry all the time... or if they like to throw their toys.
- My most favorite snack is Banana Chips.
- I'm Atheist.
- I can't sleep without music playing all night.
- I have an obsession with driving way too fast... on gravel roads.
- Right now, in our house, we have just under 40 animals living here. :o MOST are fish^^, and a few belong to my sister and BIL.
- I LOVE playing ERS with strangers.
- I find Poetry to be the best way to release my feelings.
- Music is my life. I can play the trumpet, baritone, french horn(though I prefer not to), electric bass, acoustic guitar, harmonica, clarinet, piano, and a few others.
- Most everyone that has already died in my extended family has either died from obesity or smoking. I have made a promise to myself to never become either one.
- Canoeing, Biking, Skateboarding, & Rollerblading are the only "sports" I enjoy doing.
- The only sport I like to watch is Sumo Wrestling.
- I don't have full hearing in my left ear.
- Sometimes I act completley unknowledgable when in a petstore, just to see the way they respond. :D
- I played teeball when I was little. I quit during the first game and sat down in the outfeild to draw in the dirt.
- I like going to cemetaries and reading the tombstones and wondering what kind of history is buried there.
- I'm very much an optimistic, despite what others think.
- I adore the smell of Gasoline & Coffee(though I don't like drinking it).
- Years ago, I got a teacher of mine to eat those dog treats that look like beefjerky, as they thought it was actual beefjerky.
- In 8th grade I got sent to the office for doing an oral book report on a sausage cookbook.

Ah.. I'll stop there^^.

08-13-2006, 02:34 PM
That was great to read , Chili.

I connected to a few of your traits.

Isn't Pet Talk fascinating??? You love rats, yet , I am afraid of them!!! :D (however, I adore mice) ;)

I don't like Hospitals either!!!

i love music and i play the ascoutic guitar !!!

I find poetry as the best way to release my feelings!!! :eek:

Cemetaries, Gasoline, Coffee, ----------- this thread is wild to read!!

08-14-2006, 04:58 PM
You lucky ducks. I just remembered some other things to add. :p

- I LOVE reading. Most anything to do with animals (of coarse), but also a good Romance novel. I'd recomend Dee Henderson books to anybody out there. I havn't found one yet that I can easily put down.
- I can't sleep, or even read, without having my fan and radio on.
- I have had several idea for stories come into my mind, but find it nearly impossible to put them on paper.
- I go to school a full hour away from where I live.
- Popcorn is a food my life would be empty without... or at least my stomach. ;) :p
- I have never, nor will I ever, drink or smoke. Though I do not condemn those who do (I have a lot of family members that do), I do not understand why one would want to. I'll spare you the lecture on why.
- I'm a Country music fan and love Garth Brooks. We have booth 6 CD box sets. Yay, Garth!
- I'm the youngest of three children. One brother(19), one sister(21).
- My sister is four years older than me, to the day. That's right, I'm the best fourth birthday present ever. ;) :p
- My first dog ever was given to me on my fifth birthday. Her name was Patches and she was a Dalmatian / Yellow Labrador. The Labrador in her made the spots on her rear look blue. I miss her terribly even now and can't wait until sucha poin in time that I can get another Dalmatian, or Dalamatian mix.

08-14-2006, 09:19 PM
* I LIKE SKUNK SMELL!!! :eek: :D yeah, you read right I´m such a weirdo (not that I like a skunk to spray me on the face, but I rather like the smell)LOL! oh Isabel, you'd REALLY love having Sherman around! He gets hit at least once a year.

OK, about me...

-I don't have many close friends, I'm friendly & enjoy talking to people, but I seem to be a loner in life.
-My dogs, books, and music are my companions. I deeply miss my RB Rosie, and my old cat Chow-Chow.
-I have two grown sons, they are wonderful young men. Both are gone from home now, I miss them. I especially enjoyed when they were young, we did so many fun things together. :)
-I love learning new things- especially about animals, archeology, ancient history, spiritual belief systems, and how things work. Also like reading & watching movies. I like to read self-help books (there's always room for improvement!)
-I love to draw & paint - always have, always will.
-I love celtic anything - artwork, legends & stories, instruments & music, clothes... if I could have a wish come true, I'd like to be a celtic musician.
-I'm pretty well addicted to siberian huskies. I've learned so much about sibes since getting Star & Sherman. I'm also partial to wolves & birds.
-I'm a good listener, and like to be helpful.
-I like having work to do.

08-14-2006, 10:35 PM
I was born on June 5th 1985
I am 21 and married
I have a daughter named Sierra
I am 7 months pregnant
I graduated from a Veterinary Assistant course last October
I love the smell of my husbands sweat :p
I can't fall asleep unless the TV is on and my feet aren't covered
I love cooking
I didn't finish highschool
I love the smell of gasoline & propane
My favorite food is Poutine!
I get angry for the stupidest of reasons
I am a cat person, but I do love dogs
My middle name is Michelle
I hate being alone in the dark

08-16-2006, 12:40 AM
What insight..so cool!

I was born 2 months premature and weighed around 2 pounds
I'm allergic to all kinds of hair dye
I wear a hard contact in one eye and a soft one in the other
I love to talk, yet can be shy, am overly trusting and hate confrontations
I was a tomboy, hated dolls and always played with stuffed animals
I grew up with parakeets and got my first dog at 40 (Cody)
I've always owned white cars
I'm numerically dyslexic
I've had 3 major surgeries in less than 2 years
I'm a moron when it comes to technology
I'm obsessed about my weight and only eat when I'm hungry
But I love to experiment with cooking for others
I hate thunder storms at night
I have fibromyalgia too

08-16-2006, 01:34 AM
I love this thread!

- I could sit on the computer for hours on end.
- I'm very sensitive and get my feelings hurt really easily.
- I relate better to adults, and several of friends are much older than me.
- I get attached to people very easily.
- I hope I have it in me to become a Veterinarian. And if not, I hope I'm able to find an occupation that I'm equally passionate about.
- I love getting pm's, although I don't get to many!
-When I was really young, I had fears of sleeping my bed after I saw an episode of Flipper where there was a tarantula :p (And I guess I thought it would be crawling in my bed?)
- I think way too much when left alone with my thoughts for too long.
- I've never worn makeup before in my life.
- My favorite show is the OC, although I hardly ever watch TV
- Motorcycles scare me....too loud.
- I'm scared of flying
- My favorite thing to do with friends is dog walk. :p
- I love listening to music but I don't have a favorite song or band.
- I look up to many people, friends, teachers, Pt'ers etc.
- I love reading the newspaper and staying in touch with current events.

Suki Wingy
08-16-2006, 12:55 PM
-I'm NOT afraid of the dark, never really have been except when I watched too many AnimalX episodes as a kid.
-Now, I love watching Animal X :p
-I sometimes think not having any real fears is a bad thing, I'm not very careful
-I hate math, I have to be the perfect little student just to scrape a 70%
-I love english class
-I tend to be very, very pessimistic without even noticing it. People have to tell me to stop complaining
-I love vampireish movies (Underworld= :D )
-I belong to a Unitarian church and I'm athiest
-At times I tend to get exited and say I can or will be doing some things before I'm sure if I can them
-I am NOT a morning person
-The only times I don't sleep through the night is if I'm really sick
-I get frequent migranes and take advil or tylenol a lot, I also have to take a massive pill for my allergies and a nose spray
-I'm bad with hygine, I have to remind myself to take a shower or brush my teeth
-I have some sort of sensory disorder that hightend when I'm stressed. People chewing gum drives me crazy, and I got so stressed durring my freshmen algebra final I was yelling at people for the sound turning over their papers made
-I don't mind hospitals. My grandpa is a retired gastric bypass surgon, my grandma is a retired nurse, 2 of my aunts are therapists, my mom works for the state medical society and used to secratery for a doctors office
-my left side is slightly weeker than my right. My left ear is bad, I'm a righty, and my left leg/ankle/foot in riding is so weak that I have to change my position when circling that way to make up for it.
-I'm kinda afraid of becoming concerned about my body/ health. I love me the way I am now. I've always had high self esteem and get easily impacient with those who don't (like my little sister) although I know I shouldn't
-I don't have many good friends, and rarely do anything with them outside of school
-I have terrible motion sickness. I threw up after riding the swings at Navy Pier once
-I get the flu bad at least once a year
-I love diet Coke
-when I was born, my mom and dad lived in a teent apertment with a lot of cats and reptiles, 6 weeks later my mom and I moved to my grandparents house
-I only get to see my dad about 4 times per year but I love him very much
-My first memories I was 3 visiting the Okapis and Howler monkies at the zoo with my dad, and turtle hunting with my dad. We searched all day and found one finally and I played with it for a few minutes, then we left.

That was a lot more than you wanted to know probably!

Chilli, you sound like a really cool person. I go to cemetaries for the same reason. :)

Suki Wingy
08-16-2006, 01:13 PM
I'm numerically dyslexic
what exactly is that? I'm wondering because I often mix up numbers without even realizing it, that's why I can fully understand the math and still get a whole bunch of things wrong.

08-16-2006, 01:17 PM
-I'm bad with hygiene, I have to remind myself to take a shower or brush my teeth
I'm the same exact way! Found more to say

-My goal is to teach my dogs a new trick every week. So far it has worked!
-I love going to agility demos and trials.
-I was almost kidnapped; I was pulled into someone’s car while I was walking with Zoey. Zoey attacked him.
-I have had braces on for 6 years and will get them of in 2 weeks.
-My teeth were not that bad, I just had to have surgery in my mouth which put my teeth behind 4 years.
-I rarely put makeup on, only for special occasions.
-I've been growing my hair out for locks of love, but I feel to give up because my hair is bugging me.
-I'm allergic to pickles, bees, dust, and pollen
-we have 2 houses, one on a lake and one just in the middle of nowhere
-I can only sleep if my cat is right by my head purring.
-I go to a internet high school
-I want a tattoo. Have to wait a while
-I have over 20 pairs of pants, but only like one pair
-I love wearing animal shirts.
-I want to be a agility trainer and work for my local dog club.
-I want to travel and teach people about the importance of neuter and spay.
-I am very sick of people who breed designer breeders, the news is wrong; there is no responsible breeder who breeds designer dogs.
-My boss is a dog trainer and owns a dog kennel, free advice!
-In a couple years my dad is starting a dog kennel and hunting training business.

08-16-2006, 01:32 PM
-I belong to a Unitarian church and I'm athiest

Just curious, what is a Unitarian Church? I've never heard of that before :)

Suki Wingy
08-16-2006, 01:56 PM
they're pretty much open to anything, any belifs or feelings. My mom says the belive Jesus and Budha were normal (mortal) people who just had really good ideas. I just googled their website: http://www.uua.org/
I'm surprised more people havn't heard of them
this is what the site says:
"With its historical roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion -- that is, a religion that keeps an open mind to the religious questions people have struggled with in all times and places. We believe that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion, and that in the end religious authority lies not in a book or person or institution, but in ourselves. We are a "non-creedal" religion: we do not ask anyone to subscribe to a creed.

Our congregations are self-governing. Authority and responsibility are vested in the membership of the congregation. Each Unitarian Universalist congregation is involved in many kinds of programs. Worship is held regularly, the insights of the past and the present are shared with those who will create the future, service to the community is undertaken, and friendships are made. A visitor to a UU congregation will very likely find events and activities such as church school, day-care centers, lectures and forums, support groups, poetry festivals, family events, adult education classes and study groups. "

08-16-2006, 01:57 PM
LOL! oh Isabel, you'd REALLY love having Sherman around! He gets hit at least once a year.

-I don't have many close friends, I'm friendly & enjoy talking to people, but I seem to be a loner in life.
-I love to draw & paint - always have, always will.
-I'm pretty well addicted to siberian huskies.
-I'm a good listener, and like to be helpful.

send him anytime!!! he sure is welcome ;) ;) (but beware he might not come back :p )

we seem to have more in common than I thought LOL

08-16-2006, 02:20 PM
they're pretty much open to anything, any belifs or feelings. My mom says the belive Jesus and Budha were normal (mortal) people who just had really good ideas. I just googled their website: http://www.uua.org/
I'm surprised more people havn't heard of them
this is what the site says:
"With its historical roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion -- that is, a religion that keeps an open mind to the religious questions people have struggled with in all times and places. We believe that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion, and that in the end religious authority lies not in a book or person or institution, but in ourselves. We are a "non-creedal" religion: we do not ask anyone to subscribe to a creed.

Our congregations are self-governing. Authority and responsibility are vested in the membership of the congregation. Each Unitarian Universalist congregation is involved in many kinds of programs. Worship is held regularly, the insights of the past and the present are shared with those who will create the future, service to the community is undertaken, and friendships are made. A visitor to a UU congregation will very likely find events and activities such as church school, day-care centers, lectures and forums, support groups, poetry festivals, family events, adult education classes and study groups. "

Thank you! I'm surprised I've never heard of that. Sounds interesting. I was just curious, I'm Christian myself but I always love hearing and learning about other beliefs :) It's sounds very warm and inviting :)

08-16-2006, 11:44 PM
what exactly is that? I'm wondering because I often mix up numbers without even realizing it, that's why I can fully understand the math and still get a whole bunch of things wrong.

Most people are dyslexic with words, reading backwards or transposing letters. I transpose numbers. I can't balance a check book without a calculator. I add instead of subtract and visa versa. I have to be extra careful. I can't do the 9x table at all. I have no clue why. Somethings doesn't click. Been this way all my life, had tutors and summer school. Thankfully I was never called stupid or dumb. My folks helped me, knowing something was wrong but back in the day, there wasn't a name for it. Having my wires crossed really messed up my SAT score.

08-16-2006, 11:53 PM
Thank you! I'm surprised I've never heard of that. Sounds interesting. I was just curious, I'm Christian myself but I always love hearing and learning about other beliefs :) It's sounds very warm and inviting :)
Unitarian is interesting. I've been to a few Unitarian weddings.

08-17-2006, 12:23 AM
I thought of some more

-I am obsessed over three words/names i made up in 5th grade the names are clashatoneau,bethatoneau,and fastos
-I love unicorns.
-Most of the pics in my camera are of my pets
-I love to shop mostly for my pets
-My favorite shows are Grey's Anatomy,Friends,Yugioh,Bones,and Way of the Master
-I am very disorganized
-I love soda pop
-My favorite movies are Spirited Away and Mulan
-I love making lists

08-17-2006, 02:09 AM
Here goes!

I am left-handed. I was afraid of being left-handed while I was in elementary and middle school. People always told me I would die 10 years earlier than everyone else, and honestly, I think it scarred me a little. I never told anyone I was left-handed unless they saw me writing. I always batted right-handed, threw right-handed, everything. I hated standing out in gym class and other class that involved left-handers doing something "the other way". Now, I'm proud to be a leftie.
I have been told by many people such as my dad's friends that I am more mature than many adults they know.
I have a really really really strong bond with my cell phone. I just recently went through three days without it while we got new phones and a new plan, and it was REALLY hard, lmao.
I have a crush on my dad's best friend, whom is 42. He is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and I can talk to him about anything. He almost always can make me smile, and he can make me laugh when I'm in the worst mood. Sometimes, his actions give way to me thinking he likes me too. He's married with 3 kids of his own, three states away, and has two step-children. His picture is in my signature.
I bite my nails AND the skin around my nails. My fingers are AWFUL. I actually had the photographer tell me in 4th grade that my hands couldn't be in the picture because I bite them too much.
I am a cutter, and have been for months. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, because I know how hard it is for people to understand. Me telling you this is not any form of a "plea for attention" or me "trying to be cool" or "wanting to be different". It's a confession. No one knows except my best friend, and that's because she does it too. I cut when I'm angry with myself or frustrated, and it comes in many forms, from simple things like digging my nails into the palms of my hands or hitting something, to shards of glass. I am extremely ashamed to admit this to you all. Cutting seems like the answer to your problems at the time, and even after you do it, it seems okay. But nearly every time after I've cut, I feel guilty. I feel guilty that I've done it this last time. It's like a horrible addiction that I can't stop.
I love bracelets. I'll have a bajillion on at a time if I can.
I am a people-pleaser. I never put myself first. I always try to make those around me happy before I make myself happy. I simply CANNOT put myself first, or even STAND UP for myself if it will make someone else I care about unhappy. Like the cutting. I could never tell ANYONE because I know they would be devastated and it would kill me.
Going along with that, I'd rather buy other people things than indulge myself in something I really want.
I have this black zip-up sweater that I wear ALL THE TIME. Whether it's -30 degrees or 104, I'll have my sweater.

This list could go on for miles, I'll stop for a while, lmao.

08-17-2006, 05:59 AM
Here goes!

I love bracelets. I'll have a bajillion on at a time if I can.

I'd die with out bracelets!! :p I never go without them!

08-17-2006, 08:32 AM
I was born in upstate New York and moved to Florida when I was 13.

I have scoliosis and had to wear a back brace for 31/2 years.

I married my high school sweetheart when I was 18. Nobody thought we'd make it a year because we were "too young". We've now been married 6 years and we're still going strong.

I have social anxiety.

I'm left handed.

I love milk.

I currently own 2 houses (we're selling one and the other we just bought a few months ago).

I love tattoos and piercings, but my body has rejected all my piercings. I have 2 tattoos.

I hate almost all cartoons.

I love kids and want kids, but I don't like babies. I love seeing pictures of babies, I just don't like being around them.

I hate quiet and always have the TV on even if I'm not watching it. Except at night I prefer it quiet.

I prefer wearing skirts, even when doing house work. I often do wear pants though.

I don't like wearing a lot of make-up.

I hate going to a hair salon, so my hair usually ends up in a pony tail. I get it trimmed usually only once a year, before Christmas.

08-17-2006, 09:08 AM
- I love being home along at night, but have to have a dog with me at all times.
- I hate walking through the house alone at night, but can walk outside at night no problems.
- I love photography but am no good at it, so have stopped taking it seriously.
- The dogs are my life, without then i would not be here.
- Clover saved my life as a teenager.. not as in rescued me physically ;).
- I am a night owl, and sleep much better during the day.
- I am a forum addict :p.
- I have had 2 job offers at 2 seperate boarding kennels in the last month... but because i dont have transport i cannot take either ATM :(.
- I often feel anxious about such trivial things, and let small things realy get to me.
- I am anti breeder, unless you are breeding a dog to work eg: Cattle/ Sheep dog, Assistance/ SAR dogs, Police/ Army, etc.
- I am getting tatoo's around my wrists to cover scars up.
- I have a new found obsession with reading.
- I like listening to music from the 60s/ 70s & 80s more than recent music.
- I am working on my River Phoenix DVD collection, and am slowly getting there :D.
- I only have a few realy close friends that i can talk to about anything.
- I started playing Badminton on Tuesday night, and had a ball.

Thats all for now.

08-17-2006, 09:46 AM
I love this thread, I just keep coming back! :D

I'm leaving in 6 days to go to school...I will be completely lost without my Hoodlums :( People have been asking me what my dogs are going to do without me...what about me? I don't know what I'll do without them.
I love huge groups of people, I feel a bit awkward in small groups.
I hate talking on the phone and avoid it at all costs.
I'm practically the only teenager I know who doesn't own a cell phone...or want one.
I absolutely hate driving new places, I'm horrible with directions (unless they're written) and get lost pretty easily
I always go out of my way to make sure other people are happy
My hair hasn't grown past my shoulders in about 4 years, and I've had the same hairstyle since then. I want a change, but I'm happy with how it's been and am afraid if I do something different I won't like it.
I absolutely hate confrontation
I'm horrible at staying in touch with people
I LOVE scary movies!
I don't go out of my way to talk to new people, but I do love meeting new people
I became certified as a lifeguard a couple years ago, and still go every year to renew my CPR and such, but I'm terrified of lifeguarding and came to the conclusion that I neve want to do it.
I have pretty low self confidence...and I hate attention being drawn to myself when I do something well
I'm not scared of heights, but I'm terrified of falling
I LOVE DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)...it is the best game invented...sooo much fun!
I love scuba diving. A couple years ago I went on a shark dive in the Bahamas...and ten minutes before we got in the water I cut my leg pretty badly. Needless to say I was terrified to get in the water, but I still did.
I'm a procrastinator...like right now. I'm leaving in 6 days and still haven't packed a thing. I'll probably wait until the night before.
I'm clueless when it comes to music.
I'm not the partying type, I'd much rather spend a quiet night at home watching movies or something
The only sport that I really enjoy playing is Ultimate Frisbee

08-17-2006, 09:55 AM
I LOVE DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)...it is the best game invented...sooo much fun!
Hehe that reminded me...

- I love playing Eyetoy on PSII, and tollerate Singstar :p.

08-17-2006, 10:15 AM
- i Love coke

Ah, I forgot about that.

- I haven't drank pop/soda since my birthday. March 15. I had a can of vanilla coke. Which is great !!! But I don't drink it.

And--- I've NEVER missed a day of school in my life.

EDIT: AND--- I hate all sports except Flag football. In fourth grade, I made the 6th grade boys team. :D

08-17-2006, 11:01 AM
-I love to play video games but i am so picky that I don't own many.
-They only sport I liked was Tae-Kwon-Do i went for a week then stoped becasue i wasn't in shape but i want to go back someday
-I have no idea what i want to do after high school and I am in 12th grade
-I couldn't live without a least 2 cats and 2 bettas.
-My favorite video game is Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Heart 2.Also Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories
-I love PT

Edwina's Secretary
08-17-2006, 12:00 PM
I can't do the 9x table at all.

Karen...did anyone every show you a hand trick for your 9x tables?

Hold your hands out, palms down. Starting from the left...count off how many times 9 you need. For example...3 X 9...count to the third finger. Put that finger down....look at your hands and there will be two fingers..space seven fingers....27. Four times 9....count to the fourth finger, curl it under and you have 3 fingers...space... 6 fingers ....36!

My stepson taught me this!

08-17-2006, 12:15 PM
Karen...did anyone every show you a hand trick for your 9x tables?

Hold your hands out, palms down. Starting from the left...count off how many times 9 you need. For example...3 X 9...count to the third finger. Put that finger down....look at your hands and there will be two fingers..space seven fingers....27. Four times 9....count to the fourth finger, curl it under and you have 3 fingers...space... 6 fingers ....36!

My stepson taught me this!

When I was in school, they taught us that you label down 1-9 starting at 2, then label up 0-9,0 starting at 10. I know that's a horrid explanation so...

0x9 = . 0
1x9 = . 9
2x9 = 1 8
3x9 = 2 7
4x9 = 3 6
5x9 = 4 5
6x9 = 5 4
7x9 = 6 3
8x9 = 7 2
9x9 = 8 1
9x10= 9 0

Not as quick as the hand trick but it helps you memorize them!

08-17-2006, 12:33 PM
Ok thought of some more

- I love to wear jewlery, but I hate earings.

- I love to wear jackets/ sweaters and wear them not matter the temperature.

- I am hooked on all sorts of forums. I am part of many, including PT (well duh! that one's obvious)

- I am pretty shy when it comes to meeting someone face-to-face, but on the internet, I'm not shy at all!

- I love taking pictures, but hate to be in them.

- I was a big time tomboy when I was growing up. Never played with dolls, instead played with beanie babies. Constantly got dirty or hurt playing with my brothers.

That's all for now. I'll try to think of more later.

Suki Wingy
08-17-2006, 01:16 PM
Most people are dyslexic with words, reading backwards or transposing letters. I transpose numbers. I can't balance a check book without a calculator. I add instead of subtract and visa versa. I have to be extra careful. I can't do the 9x table at all. I have no clue why. Somethings doesn't click. Been this way all my life, had tutors and summer school. Thankfully I was never called stupid or dumb. My folks helped me, knowing something was wrong but back in the day, there wasn't a name for it. Having my wires crossed really messed up my SAT score.
Well, I'm not quite that bad, but I do mix up or read numbers backwards a lot without realizing it.

08-17-2006, 02:01 PM
I decided to add a few more as they came into my head.

- I have a hard time showing my emotion when I know people are expecting it... such as opening presents. No matter how happy I am, I can't manage to jump up and down and act so excited like others do.
- To me, the best thing to do at night is to go into the part of the woods you don't know (with friends, of course) with only a flashlight. Getting lost. And finding places you'll never think you'll find again.
- I procrastinate... alot.
- People in the neighborhood think I'm crazy. They've told me.
- I'm mad at Arkansas because while living here, I can't own a piranha.
- In pre-school, people used to poke fun at me by calling me a chinese kid because I had slanty eyes. I have no oriental-like genes in me.
- Alot of people think my father is my grandfather.
- I have my grandmum's nose.
EDIT// As in I inherrited it, and my nose is such as hers... I didn't mean that I kept her nose in a jar or something.. that would be rather creepy. x__x
- People mistake me as a college student in real life.
- I'm pretty rad when it comes to bowling.
- I'm not good at math.. or english... or science... or.. any other school subject except art and band^^.
- I hate lunch time at school.
- I like going to funerals of people whom I don't know. Its interesting to talk to the family to hear nothing but good things about that person who died.
- I feel that if I don't make my dad so happy that he cries, that I didn't make him happy enough.
- If I would have been born a male, my name would be Cory Michael instead of Courtney Michelle.
- It amuses me when people say they "like all music except country" or "all music except rap". People limit themselves too much these days.
- I like all music genres.
- More of my friends are guys than girls.
- When I was young, my teachers told my parents that they think I had ADD(or ADHD?). My mum refused to believe it then, but now she keeps telling me she thinks I have it. ^__^

I should really stop there. :D

08-17-2006, 02:14 PM
I procrastinate too! And, I'm often late for work, etc, even though I have plenty of time to get ready. Does anyone else do this? I'm wondering why I do it to myself because I hate being late and what it does to me. So, why do I do it and how can I break the habit?

08-17-2006, 02:16 PM
Karen...did anyone every show you a hand trick for your 9x tables?

Hold your hands out, palms down. Starting from the left...count off how many times 9 you need. For example...3 X 9...count to the third finger. Put that finger down....look at your hands and there will be two fingers..space seven fingers....27. Four times 9....count to the fourth finger, curl it under and you have 3 fingers...space... 6 fingers ....36!

My stepson taught me this!

Ahh!!! How COOL is that!??! I never knew that!
(yes... I'm sitting here at work doing it) :o

*I never took any math class beyond General Math (and still managed to graduate high school)
*I have a reading comprehension problem.
(If I read something I won't remember what I read after a few minuets)
*I am a horrible speller and would like a spell check button implanted in my brain :o
*I've never met my husband’s grandfather and he hasn't seen him in over 15 years and he lives only 20 minuets from us.
*The thing that kept me from taking my own life a year ago was not knowing what would happen to Buddy. (PTS, shelter, rescue...) :( Because he and my husband still hate each other.
*My mother in law had my husband when she was 16, then got pregnant again 1 month later, then they had another baby 13 years later.
(So my husband is 30 and I have a brother in law that is 29 and another that is 17)
*I was smacked in the face by my father in law (before he was my father in law) one night during a fight when he was drunk, he kept threathing to kill my husband and I was trying to hide him in the basement.
*My husband is a recovering alcoholic and when he was drinking he always had an out of control temper and became verbally abusive during his drunken rages. (JUST like his father!)
*I would love to be a wedding planner
*Nothing burns my a$$ more than "Designer Breeds"
*I would love to move to Alaska.
*My drink of choice at Starbucks is an extra tall, non fat, Carmel Latte.
*I used to have a lot of friends, but only have 1 now that I can really count on.
*When I was planning my wedding my friend appointed herself as my maid of honor and I never stood up for myself and told her that I didn't want her to be. Then she didn't even ask me to be hers for her wedding. :mad:
*I have been a bridesmaid 7 times.

Alright... that's enough!!

08-17-2006, 02:44 PM
Karen...did anyone every show you a hand trick for your 9x tables?
Hold your hands out, palms down. Starting from the left...count off how many times 9 you need. For example...3 X 9...count to the third finger. Put that finger down....look at your hands and there will be two fingers..space seven fingers....27. Four times 9....count to the fourth finger, curl it under and you have 3 fingers...space... 6 fingers ....36!
OK, I tried to do this and got lost.... :rolleyes:

08-17-2006, 02:46 PM
- I have my grandmum's nose.
EDIT// As in I inherrited it, and my nose is such as hers... I didn't mean that I kept her nose in a jar or something.. that would be rather creepy. x__x

ROTFL!!!!!!! Oh man...that was hilarious.

I hate lunch time too ;)

Ginger's Mom
08-17-2006, 03:05 PM
I procrastinate too! And, I'm often late for work, etc, even though I have plenty of time to get ready. Does anyone else do this? I'm wondering why I do it to myself because I hate being late and what it does to me. So, why do I do it and how can I break the habit?
Oh Val, that is so me. I get angry with myself every day as I am driving to work 10 minutes late wondering why I do this to myself, and grumbling at people for the first five minutes that I am at work until I can get into the swing of things. I am 5-10 mintues late to everything and hate the fact that I am.

08-17-2006, 03:37 PM
Karen...did anyone every show you a hand trick for your 9x tables?

Hold your hands out, palms down. Starting from the left...count off how many times 9 you need. For example...3 X 9...count to the third finger. Put that finger down....look at your hands and there will be two fingers..space seven fingers....27. Four times 9....count to the fourth finger, curl it under and you have 3 fingers...space... 6 fingers ....36!

My stepson taught me this!

Wow, I have never seen that! I always had to make the horrible table in school. I'm sitting here at work trying every number x 9! :)

For some reason I can't caluclate in my head at all. I use my fingers all the time, and for more advanced math I need a calculator. I understand, and can memorize, formulas and how things work, but numbers in my head become a big jumble.

The sad part about not being able to calculate mentally is that I'm an analyst for a living.. so I always have a calculator or note pad if a work question might have a remote chance of being asked.

Edwina's Secretary
08-17-2006, 04:00 PM
OK, I tried to do this and got lost.... :rolleyes:

You need to use BOTH hands Slick.... :D :rolleyes: :D

08-17-2006, 06:04 PM
- My name is Sydney
- I am a Christian
- I do not eat read meat
- I think Mcdonalds is the nastiest thing on earth
- I'd prefer the company of a dog, than anything else on this planet, anyday
- Ive been in a serious relationship for 3 years, and we now live together
- I try to live life to its fullest
- i played the Clarinet when i was younger
- I spend $75-$100 to get my hair done, every month
- I am a University of Utah Football fan
- I hate living in Arizona
- I play with my hair when im nervous
- I will not use a public restroom, unless i absolutly have too

here are a few more ;)

- I have Sleep paralysis
- I LOVE roller coasters
- Im the type of person that drives with their radio ridiculously loud, with the windows open :p
- I see the glass half full
- Im Caustrophobic
- I have lived in California, Arizona and Georgia
- Im a cruise addict (going on another this summer :))
- Im terrified of spiders
- My first childhood dog was a Cocker Spaniel
- I want to go sky diving
- I love to draw, but am NO good at it
- Im starbucks addict
- I LOVE to Jetskii!!
- I dont want children and dont plan on having any
- I have 2 siblings
- I would love to have horses

08-17-2006, 06:49 PM
It's interesting that dyslexia came up because I'm right/left dyslexic and have met quite a few people who have the same problem. When giving directions, I used to tell people to look at my hand and not listen to what I'm saying :D My right hand will be out as I describe which way to turn, and it's correct, but my mouth is saying "left". Now I've accepted the problem and glance down at my hands before I say the direction.

08-17-2006, 06:54 PM
A few more things.
-I have a very very strong obsession with POTC and POTC2
-Jack Sparrow is.. *dies*
-I also looooove Lost and have a seriously bad obsession :p.
-I'm a shipper of J/E from POTC, and Jate from Lost :D

08-17-2006, 06:57 PM
A few more things.
-I have a very very strong obsession with POTC and POTC2
-Jack Sparrow is.. *dies*
-I also looooove Lost and have a seriously bad obsession :p.
-I'm a shipper of J/E from POTC, and Jate from Lost :D

That's about the exact same thing, just remove the stuff about Lost.

Bri, you got the siggy before me! :p

08-17-2006, 07:12 PM
That's about the exact same thing, just remove the stuff about Lost.

Bri, you got the siggy before me! :p
;) MY SIGGY! *hugssiggytightly* I need to resize it though.

08-17-2006, 08:00 PM
He He He, nice siggy ;)

08-17-2006, 08:03 PM
He He He, nice siggy ;)
Mine. *shiftyeyes* ;)

08-17-2006, 08:04 PM
It's interesting that dyslexia came up because I'm right/left dyslexic and have met quite a few people who have the same problem. When giving directions, I used to tell people to look at my hand and not listen to what I'm saying :D My right hand will be out as I describe which way to turn, and it's correct, but my mouth is saying "left". Now I've accepted the problem and glance down at my hands before I say the direction.
I also have this problem. :o

08-18-2006, 10:27 AM
OK, I tried to do this and got lost.... :rolleyes:

\I did to at first, now that I get it though.... It's cool. ;)

08-18-2006, 10:33 AM
There's an easier way to do it though.

example: 4x9=

one under four is three.

All numbers in the 9x equal 9.

SO....3+6 ( it has to be 6 so that it equals 9 )


It's sorta hard to explain.....

Just take the number, make it one lower, than add what is needed to make it nine.

08-18-2006, 11:24 AM
There's an easier way to do it though.

example: 4x9=

one under four is three.

All numbers in the 9x equal 9.

SO....3+6 ( it has to be 6 so that it equals 9 )


It's sorta hard to explain.....

Just take the number, make it one lower, than add what is needed to make it nine.

HUH??? :confused:
(reaches for calculator!) ;) :p

10-02-2006, 02:20 PM
-I'm about 10 pounds overweight
-I love Grays Anatomy
-I hate my sister-in-law
-I'm a little afraid of the dark
-I look tougher than I am
-My dogs are my life
-I have 2 nephews
-I recently turned vegetarian
-I'm 17
-My mom is dieing :(
Maybe i'll post more later.

10-03-2006, 04:13 PM
-I'm about 10 pounds overweight
-I love Grays Anatomy
-I hate my sister-in-law
-I'm a little afraid of the dark
-I look tougher than I am
-My dogs are my life
-I have 2 nephews
-I recently turned vegetarian
-I'm 17
-My mom is dieing :(
Maybe i'll post more later.

I wouldn't think that about ANYONE on PT. :p

10-04-2006, 10:46 AM
-I can't sleep in an unmade bed
-I never learned to cook until I was 23 and had met my husband
-I was born with juandice
-My husband is the tallest man I've been with
-I have a degree I don't use
-I tried to join the armed forces but was turned down by all five branches because of my psoriasis on my right leg
-I applied for my job to get me through college, but fell in love with it.
-I don't have very many friends and the ones I do have live far away.
-I have lived in 27 different states
-I'm obessive compulsive

11-10-2006, 06:00 PM
Just thought of a two more interesting things. :p

-I'm allergic to mayonaise

-I have one deformed wenis :o (it got deformed at ballet. And people tell me competitive ballet doesn't count as a contact sport :rolleyes: )

11-10-2006, 07:03 PM
ok some more about boring ole me:
-I usually fall asleep with the light or tv on
-a love dvd box sets

11-11-2006, 08:48 AM
okay- I am a 46 year old woman, married the first time for 20 years to an abusive idiot, remarried to the best man in the world. I have been in dogs since before I can remember.
I am early retired from the post office as a SDO ( supervisor of distribution operations) and trying to find a new life in a early retirement. I love to talk on the computer ( duh as my daughter would say) as it sits in the main great room of the house... I also love to read, love music ( !!!) and my fondest memories are singing in the Westminster choir at the NY Met etc.
I have a terribly soft heart- been accused of caring too much for people and overly try to help even if not needed.. lol..
Proud parent of a 20 year old daughter- who- of course can do no wrong.
Love animals in any form ( except snakes... williessssss on over load) and have tried to rescue wild animal babies as well.
I am somebody that has friends for yearsssssssssssssssss with long term relationships are common. Active member in my church, taught sunday school etc and a devote Christian. I get worried on distressed emails when someone is in trouble and have drive in a heartbeat out of state to help a friend.. ( my husband now says I dont know how to mind my own business but I just want to help..)
I have a gift with dogs. I have recieved countless "hopeless cases" and within months you never know its the same dog... Active member ( retired VP) to our local human society, and check in alllllllllll the time although I stated I had retired from this.. ( uh huh.. yea right as my daughter says...)
Never active in politics until our step son ended up in Iraq and believe our troops needs support with the stories we heard about people putting explosives in baby carriages for God sake..
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- thats about it I guess.. Ohhhhhhh we have a ghost in our house- doesnt worry me as a calm spirit but we just have to say things like " leave the door open please" orrrrr please leave the light off so we can sleep... lollllllllllllll...

11-27-2006, 01:42 PM
okay, let's see ...

--I won the junior high spelling bee when I was in the 8th grade;
--I'm good at crossword puzzles and terrible at sudoku puzzles;
--I hate loud popping sounds (firecrackers on Independence Day; latex balloons and the like);
--I play the flute;
--I'm a nurse;
--Cassie Cat is my first cat, and my second pet (my first pet was a parakeet);
--My soft drink of choice is Tab -- yes, the one in the pink can. It does contain saccharin but now also aspartame. They still make it! If Tab is not available I'll take a Diet Coke, please.
--I'm a total night owl - even before I got out of school; I rotated between the second and third shifts for years. You've heard the saying, 'I don't do mornings'? I don't do mornings.
--a few TV addictions: M*A*S*H reruns on the Hallmark Channel; Forensic Files on Court TV; anything narrated by Bill Kurtis on A&E; and anything with Law & Order in the title but especially SVU;
--It's almost 2 PM and I haven't had lunch yet today;
--I'm hoping the Pet Talk members in Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana can have a get together at the dog show at McCormick Place in February (see related post) - not my idea but maybe some of the dog people will teach me what to watch at a dog show because I love the one on USA every winter;
--One of the things I like most about Pet Talk is the things I have learned not only about cats, but also about dogs, birds, bunnies and other pets!!;
--I'd like to tell you I'm the spitting image of Cindy Crawford but that would be a huge whopper of a lie. I'm closer to Carnie Wilson (before) but I'm working on it!

11-27-2006, 01:46 PM
Newly attained POTC fan. :p