View Full Version : Dogs in Cars!

08-08-2006, 02:14 PM
I'm not sure what it is with dogs -- some love the car, and will take any chance they get to hop right in, and others hate the car so much that trying to get them in is a huge challenge!

I was taking the dogs down to the pond to cool off an play around, and wanted to get the camera from out of the car to take a few pictures - as soon as the door opened they were both inside with no intentions of ever leaving! :rolleyes: So, instead of pond pictures, i have happy dogs-in-car pictures.

They eventually decided that a cool down in the pond was more interesting than sitting in the unmoving car, but it took a good 20 minutes of door opening and attempted bribery to get them out.

Anyone else have cute dog in car pictures / stories?


08-08-2006, 02:16 PM
Roxy loves the car. She sticks her head out the window and looks like Bat dog :p.

08-08-2006, 02:21 PM
AAAAAWWW...poor doggies. They almost look like their just not too sure about getting out of the car. Was the a/c on? Perhaps they liked the a/c better. Can't blame them. :D

Fenway loves driving in the car. He just looks around and then settles into his little cubby and takes a nappy.

I can get him out of the car anywhere except at home. He just lays there - won't move. I have to pick him up & carry him out! Talk about spoiled! :D

Cute picutes btw.

08-08-2006, 02:46 PM
I once met my friend's boyfriend's dog before I ever met him! She and I were going out, and we went to pick him up. I was driving, and stayed in the car, while she left her door open and went to the door of his house. His front door opened, and out bounced a happy Golden Retreiver, who made a beeline for my car, and hopped right in, licked my face once and settled comfortably in the passenger seat like we'd known each other forever. I didn't even meet the boyfriend that night, as he backed out on going with us, but I liked his dog!

08-08-2006, 02:52 PM
AAAAAWWW...poor doggies. They almost look like their just not too sure about getting out of the car. Was the a/c on? Perhaps they liked the a/c better. Can't blame them. :D

You're right about the not-too-sure about getting out part - but they were totally disappointed that we weren't going anywhere interesting. The car hadn't been on - so no AC. They just decided that since the doors were open it was a fine oportunity to get my newly-cleaned car upholstery covered (again) with fur :)

Maggie (the Black and White dog) almost always makes that face -- shes perpetually worried looking (except when shes making the happy-muppet-face).

Sweet Sixy
08-08-2006, 08:34 PM
Cochise LOVES the car. When he hears it unlock he gets so excited. The funny thing to me about him in the car is he ALWAYS falls asleep. He gets in the car, streches out and takes a nap. He couldn't care less about the windows being open or the other cars driving by. Here is a couple pics of how he sleeps in the car, and of him trying to drive :D
Yes, he sleeps in the passenger seat with his head on the arm rest. I think it's so he can keep on eye on me, haha.

08-08-2006, 08:50 PM
My 2 love car rides.. They love to stick their heads out the window and watch the other cars..Chloe howls at motorcycles, she HATES them, its hilarious.. ive had some strange looks at stop lights though lmao, especially when mali has his tounge out of the window and is panting as loud as another car lmao..its very entertaining driving around with a dane, some people are petrified of him and wont make eye contact, they just roll up the window and scoot to one side (like hes going to jump out at them :rolleyes: ), and then others ooh and aww out the window at him, i had this lady get OUT of her car to pet him at a spotlight :eek: i dint even know what to say..i feel like i have a celebrity in my back seat..and im just his chaperone lmao :rolleyes:

08-09-2006, 08:52 AM
How adorable! Your story reminds me of my Bower, like today I took him on his morning walk so he wouldn't tear the house up when I ran to the store but he wouldn't let me leave without him. This was the first time he actually picked up his leash and brought it to me and then wouldn't let me out the door. I got out the door but he ran straight for the gate and from there to the car....I didn't think he'd like car rides so soon after his last one, getting neutered at the vets :) But he loves the car, he has to stand on the floor to get his head out because he is so long and can't sit comfortably...it's funny but cute all the same....

08-09-2006, 08:57 AM
Jenny always goes in the CRV. So it has a .... what do ya call it.... hatchback? I think that's right. Jen always goes back there.

Jen always hops right in if you open it because she doesn't want to be left behind. Usually we go to my grandmothers, Jenny especially likes that because then she can sniff Stumpy all day through the door cracks. :rolleyes:

08-09-2006, 09:49 AM
LOL! I love the look on Maggie's face in that middle photo! She got that poor-doggie look down!
My two love car rides. The each have their spot. Sherman likes to ride sitting with his back to the window so the wind blows his fur- it's so cute. I do have a funny story- Sherman has very poor eyesight (juvenile cataracts), especially in low-light. I had just given my old station wagon to my son, so this was the first trip to the dogpark in my new car, a Subaru Outback wagon. I always pull in head-first into the garage & open the back end, then let the dogs in from the other end of the garage. Sherman ALWAYS bee-lines at full speed around the car and and leaps in. I had backed the Subaru into the garage (back door now facing where the dogs come in) and opened the gate for them - Sherman raced by as always and jumped up....right onto the hood of my car! I could see him thru the windshield- spread-eagled on the hood with a puzzled look, like "what happened???"...and then he started slowly slipping off, leaving claw marks the whole length of the hood!!!!!!
*sigh* why couldn't it just be pawprints?

Here we are, filling up. Star is watching the gas pump numbers spin around.

Suki Wingy
08-09-2006, 04:00 PM
Niņo will hop in right away exept if he sees luggage (because he knows he's off to the kennel) but once inside he whines a lot and I refuses to sit or lay down and I think he gets carsick. :( The only time he relaxed was this one time we went camping when he was a few years old.
sorry for the crappy image quality.