View Full Version : need food help!!

08-07-2006, 08:15 PM
ok so i am in college now, and am having one heck of a time trying to come up with things to eat for breakfast and lunch. i have hardly any time to make anything to eat in the morning, and i am in school all day, so i can't come home to make food. so i guess what i am asking is, does anyone have any suggestions on what i can eat for breakfast, that is fast, and lunch, something i can make that i can keep in my backpack without worrying about things going bad....both of which are somewhat healthy too....

i'm going to make my own breakfast burritos and freeze them, so i can microwave them quickly in the morning as i'm getting ready, but i don't want to eat just those, and get sick of them...and as for lunch, i've been bringing ravioli to school and just eating it there, but thats not too healthy. and some sandwhiches just don't last too long in a backpack....

so if any one has ANY suggestions, let me know in a message or something!!!

thanks guys, you rock!

08-07-2006, 08:57 PM
Peanut-butter/banana sandwiches - yummy, non perishable, really, and pretty sturdy.

Cheese and crackers.

Fruit - oranges fare better in a backpack than apples or bananas.

Cereal/make you own trail mix - dump various ingredients - cereal, nuts, raisins, whatever - in a ziploc bag, it'll self-mix getting tossed around in a backpack.

08-07-2006, 10:01 PM
I've always found a bowl of cereal the quickest thing to eat.

critter crazy
08-07-2006, 10:03 PM
Peanut-butter/banana sandwiches - yummy, non perishable, really, and pretty sturdy.

Cheese and crackers.

Fruit - oranges fare better in a backpack than apples or bananas.

Cereal/make you own trail mix - dump various ingredients - cereal, nuts, raisins, whatever - in a ziploc bag, it'll self-mix getting tossed around in a backpack.

all of those sound yummy!!!!!

08-07-2006, 10:05 PM
Cereal for breakfast. For lunch I bring healthy "snacky" type things. Some canned chicken, carrot sticks, yogurt, fruit, cheese sticks, beef jerky - not all at once - I mix it up and/or eat small meals throughout the day. Hard boiled eggs are portable too. HTH

08-07-2006, 10:30 PM
Cereal for breakfast. For lunch I bring healthy "snacky" type things. Some canned chicken, carrot sticks, yogurt, fruit, cheese sticks, beef jerky - not all at once - I mix it up and/or eat small meals throughout the day. Hard boiled eggs are portable too. HTH

is yogurt perishable???

08-07-2006, 11:16 PM
Yes, you'd have to have a refrigerated or insulated pouch.

08-07-2006, 11:26 PM
At my school's union they had healthy choices that were pretty low cost- maybe your college offers the same thing. You could get packages of fruit or veggies anywhere from 75 cents. I think they tried to offer healthy choices at a fairly inexpensive cost to encourage students to eat that over, say, Pizza Hut.

If that's not an option raw fruits and veggies transport well. There's always dried fruit, too, or trail mix, granola bars, and one of my favorite "on the go" snacks is popcorn. Even pre-popped it is still low-calorie and high-fiber. If you bring a small container of peanut butter you can dip your fruits & veggies too, or if you want something really tasty, one of my favorite treats is pretzels dipped in a little Nutella. :)

08-08-2006, 12:11 AM
For most things, if you make a sandwich, etc in the morning before school and eat it that day, it's not going to go bad by lunch time. I bring Yogurt to work every day and it doesn't sit in the fridge, just a thermal lunch bag, and it's fine when I go for lunch.

Also you can make pasta and sauce, divide it into lunch size tupperware and bingo - you have on the go lunches that you can reheat really quickly!

08-08-2006, 09:21 AM
For most things, if you make a sandwich, etc in the morning before school and eat it that day, it's not going to go bad by lunch time. I bring Yogurt to work every day and it doesn't sit in the fridge, just a thermal lunch bag, and it's fine when I go for lunch.

Also you can make pasta and sauce, divide it into lunch size tupperware and bingo - you have on the go lunches that you can reheat really quickly!

I do the same thing. While I do sit in an AC office, I still think 4-5 hours is not going to do too much.

I would pack PBJ on whole wheat. Or, the Zone bar- which is soooooo yummy.

08-08-2006, 01:55 PM
is yogurt perishable???
I have an insulated lunch bag. It isn't icy cold by lunch time, but it doesn't go bad.