View Full Version : Teddy is hurt again

08-07-2006, 10:32 AM
Yep you read that right. he is hurt AGAIN. and it's a paw injury of course.

He has basically ripped a big chunck of the pad off of both front paws. No bleeding or anything they are just raw. right now I have them wrapped with neosporin on them.

All he was doing was playing at the park in the dirt and his pads ripped. I don't know why his paws are so sensitive.

Is there anyway to "toughen" the pads up or will i just have to make him wear boots whenever we go out?

08-07-2006, 10:38 AM
My husband was laughing at me when I said, outloud,"Teddy is hurt AGAIN?"

Poor Teddy. Looks like boots are made for walkin alright. I'm going to google up some information about canine pad injuries.

So sorry poor Teddy has re-injured his feet :(

08-07-2006, 10:41 AM
LOL Dorothy. I know it seems never ending. Thats what we kept saying to him last night "poor boy what a rough summer it has been for you, heck what a rough year it's been for your feet" I met another woman that had a coonhound mix and she told me her dogs pads were the same way. Very sensitive. he already has winter boots :D Now he just needs some summer boots lol. I feel so bad for him :( I wish there was more I could do for him.

he really is like having a little boy, always coming home with ouchies.

08-07-2006, 10:46 AM
Aww poor Teddy! I hope you can find some summer boots heh! I hope Teddy will feel good soon and won't have any more ouchies anytime soon.

08-07-2006, 10:48 AM
Many of the sites I visited suggested using moisterizers, like Bag Balm, continuously to keep your dogs' pads from drying out and causing friction. I did find a product called "Tuf Foot" - http://www.tuffoot.com/about/index.htm

08-07-2006, 10:53 AM
I'm cracking up about the Tuf Foot product. Aborigini Tribes use it, Come Teddy, if they use it, it has to be wonderful!!! :D :D .I can just see his face now, :eek: :D

08-07-2006, 11:02 AM
Add some zinc to his diet. There is a product called ZinPro that many mushers swear by for toughening up pads. It comes in a powder or biscuits. My guys like the biscuits. Muskwa gets the powder on his food. (He has zinc responsive dermatosis--a common problem with huskies)

Hope Teddy is feeling better soon.

08-07-2006, 11:02 AM
LOL I might actually give that tuff foot a try :D lol I just hate to put boots on him in the summer time when it's already hot and their feet is one of the few ways they can regulate their temperature.

I might try that stuff :D what do I have to lose? I doubt it will make them any worse lol.

I was kinda wondering too though, he has been spending a lot of time in the water, could that have softened up his pads too?

I mean they are sensitive all the time but they haven't ever been skinned like this before. He usually gets cuts.

Where would I get this Zinc stuff :D

08-07-2006, 11:16 AM
I would be inclined to think that "yes", excess water can dry out his pads over time. I don't get the "zinc stuff" you mentioned, :D , but I found out how much Tuf Foot costs.

Of course, his recent injury will have to heal some, so, I'd try the " boot camp" method , Neosporin /gauze, , then, try to stay ahead of the dry pad problem with specific moisturizers, or, balms.

I had a Dalmation who would injury his pads, but , he never ripped them open!!! :eek:

08-07-2006, 11:26 AM
Where would I get this Zinc stuff :D

I get it at the local feed store. There are lots of places to order it on-line too. If you can't find it, you can just give Teddy a human zinc pill--same kind you would buy for yourself.

08-07-2006, 11:36 AM
Ok thanks Galcier and Dorothy. We are going to order some of the tuff foot tonight and probably get some zinc too. I am willing to try anything to help him with this problem. Right now both feet are bandaged and no playing for a while, He is in a lot of pain I can tell. he is limping quite a bit, but that makes him rest so thats a good thing.

I just hope this gets better. Poor guy

08-07-2006, 12:27 PM
Oh Poor Teddy boy!!! :( ,

Please keep us tuned in on your Teddy, and , let me know if "Tuf Foot" helps him .

Thank-You too, Glacier, for explaining Zinc suppliments.

08-07-2006, 08:44 PM
Teddy!! What are we gonna do with you? You cant keep hurting yourself :( Your too cute for that! Get better soon, and please try and stay out of trouble ;)
keep us updated on how hes doing please! poor boy