View Full Version : Ear Bumps

08-07-2006, 09:12 AM
My friend has called me about her cat, Punkin, who has suddenly developed bumps on one of his ears. Punkin is almost a year old, neutered, but is an indoor/outdoor cat (not MY idea!). He has gotten into a few scraps while exploring the big outdoor world, and she says that these bumps do not seem to indicate a fight. She says the insides of the ear are fine, just some bumps on the outside... like poison ivy! Can a cat get poison ivy? She says he is not itching, and is not acting any differently than usual, except that he is more velcroish! Punkin is a long haired orangie, and we were also wondering about sunpoisoning? Could that be a possibility? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. She is trying to avoid another vet trip, but will take him in if the advice on here suggests she do so. Thanks for your help.

08-07-2006, 11:42 AM
Punkin sure sounds adorable.:) I don't really have any advice to offer except that my Pearl also had a bump on one of her ears when she was still a kitten and she's an indoor cat. I asked my vet about it and she wasn't too concerned because she's young. I just kept an eye on it and it eventually disappeared. I think it was just a pimple. She's also had feline acne and a pimple on her lip too. I hope it's nothing serious.

08-07-2006, 01:27 PM
Thanks for your input. I had thought about acne also, especially since it is just on the one ear. I think that at this point, she is just going to keep an eye on it, make sure it doesn't spread, and get worse (like start bleeding). Thanks again!

And yes, Punkin IS adorable! He is such a cutie. His full name is Punkin Patch Raptor. "Patch" because the farm where they got him also had a pumpkin patch and "Raptor" because he jumps out of nowhere and pounces, which the kids think is like a raptor! I will try to get pictures sometime soon.

08-07-2006, 04:42 PM
Since he's allowed outside, the bumps could be insect bites. My dogs get bumpy ears from black fly bites this time of year.

Hope it's nothing major.

08-14-2006, 01:55 PM
I agree with Glacier in that it could possibly be insect bites. Is Punkin on a flea preventative? Can you see any black specs anywhere in his fur or on his ears? I hope he's doing ok:)


08-14-2006, 03:13 PM
Well, Punkin seems to be better! I babysat Saturday (for the kids, Punkin and Roxie, the dog) and you can barely feel the bumps now, and you cannot see them at all unless you get real close!

Wolflady, my friend does give him some sort of flea prevention, as he has had some fleas in the past.... but nothing too bad.

He is such a sweet little orangie... he amazes me at how great he is with the kids! He lets them carry him around, and he loves it! So tolerant!

Thank you all for your suggestions and good thoughts!

08-30-2006, 08:25 AM
I'd vote for insect (mosquito) bites. My gircat, Dinah Lee, one summer got several bites on her ears. They were hot and swollen. Once again, Cortaid the wonder cure came to the rescue. Just a dab and rub it well in.

10-10-2010, 11:04 AM
My cat developped bumps on his ears recently and I had great success in completely eliminating them with "Bach Rescue Cream" an homeopathic remedy that I have used on myself and my whole family for skin abrasions, cuts and even burns. It is a wonderful cream, along with the other Bach products available in health stores ($14.99 CDN for 30 grams).

Put a small amount on the tip of your finger and gently (these bumps seem to be painful) rub on the exterior of the ear until completely absorbed. The area will still appear "wet" when you're finished but dries out shortly. Do this twice a day (once in the morning, once at night) for about 1 week and all the bumps should be gone by then. Should they ever come back, repeat the procedure. It also works wonderfully on cat acne and either procedure takes very little cream, is safe to use and does not contain chemicals. I have used it on my dog as well on skin irritation where he scratched himself too vigorously. I have yet to see it NOT WORK in restoring and soothing any skin surface, be it human or animal.

10-10-2010, 07:02 PM
Bristow...I suggest you post this as a separate thread instead of attaching it to one that is 4 years old.

The cat in the above story RECOVERED without the product you are pushing.

10-10-2010, 07:41 PM
I get the opinion Bristow is an employee for that company. Sounded more like a sales pitch rather than advice to me.

10-10-2010, 09:15 PM
Same here, Catlady. ;)

10-11-2010, 02:25 PM
Bristow7495 - I got a copy of the PM you sent another member.

I apologize, but I think you need to know why I had suspicions. First - this is the first post you make on the board, and you mention a product by name and list the price. Second, instead of posting it as a separate thread - which would have been totally fine, as you state your own experience with it - you look for a related thread which is 4 years old. That also struck me as a bit strange.

We are all pet lovers here - and it would be great to see pics and info on your kitty(ies) in Cat General or in the Introduction area in Other/General.

10-11-2010, 09:55 PM
Bristow7495 - I got a copy of the PM you sent another member.

I apologize, but I think you need to know why I had suspicions. First - this is the first post you make on the board, and you mention a product by name and list the price. Second, instead of posting it as a separate thread - which would have been totally fine, as you state your own experience with it - you look for a related thread which is 4 years old. That also struck me as a bit strange.

We are all pet lovers here - and it would be great to see pics and info on your kitty(ies) in Cat General or in the Introduction area in Other/General.

Same here.

I also appologize for accusing you of being an employee. For the same reasons as Catty1 I also was under a different impression for the same reasons.