View Full Version : Puppy Mills

05-23-2002, 09:16 AM
Yes, it is time for the Swedish to flaunt her stupidity again :rolleyes::

What are puppy mills?

I see people mentioning puppy mills in some of their posts; always with a negative tone. I'm sure I could do a search for it on the net, but I think it's easier if someone here explains it instead of having to browse around.

Thanks :)

05-23-2002, 09:49 AM
Puppy mills are basically breeders who are in it for the money and not the betterment of the breed. A lot of times they'll have an obsene number of dogs in deplorable conditions, often several different breeds. They don't check health or temperament before breeding. If you go to puppy mill rescue sites, the pathetic shape of the overbred unhealthy dogs will make you cry. Some sites have pictures of puppy mills that are in such disgusting condition you would not believe it. Pet stores that sell puppies get them from puppy mills.

05-23-2002, 12:09 PM
Yes, unfortunately Aly is right. Just like saw mills, grain mills, etc. puppy mills mass produce puppies for profit. :( You can read more about it at www.nopuppymills.com

Most puppymills are located in the midwest United States...specifically Missouri (or rather, from a puppy's point of view..misery)


05-23-2002, 05:06 PM
Horrible places, Ann!!:( A place of torment and suffering. Luckily, there are many organizations fighting to have these misery factories shut down for good!


05-24-2002, 04:56 AM
Oh my... that IS awful!

Thank God we don't have any of those in Sweden...

Thanks for explaining

05-24-2002, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Slave of 15 Dogs
Here in Indiana the Amish are nortorious for puppy mills. Two of them have been shut down that i have heard about, But They will shut down one and another starts up. usually by one of the sons of the criminal that got caught. I sometimes go through the amish country and will stop at any house advertising puppy's for sale. If it is a mill I report it and check back later to see if the police have done anything, if not, I call again and again.:mad: :mad:

OMG OMG!! That's awful!! I wouldn't have even thought!! Is Amish country further up north in Indiana, like Napannee(sp)?? **hugs** to you for stopping at places advertising puppies for sale and reporting them to the police. I really wish they would take things like that seriously and check them out as soon as you report them though! :mad:
I never thought about that, but now when I see a sign like that, it really will make me wonder and I may have to stop too! There are ALWAYS puppies for sale signs along I-5 when I go down to see my friends in LA. Do you think I should stop and check it out? How do you usually approach them??
You and Mugsy are the greatest! I would very much love to meet your whole family sometime! I would be in doggie heaven! ;)

05-27-2002, 01:44 PM


Now that i got that off my chest, good day everyone.:)

05-28-2002, 08:54 AM
Another website with puppymill info and a chance to rescue some of the puppymill dogs. www.puppymillrescue.com

Came across this too http://hometown.aol.com/amtfool/pl.html

Here's the website of the kennel where McKinny came from. Does it look like a puppymill to you? www.petpuppies.com

Here is a question...maybe not one I want to know the answer to.......What happens to the pet store puppies that don't sell? I know they won't keep them once they get a bit older, they don't want them if they aren't cute and cuddly puppies anymore. :(

05-28-2002, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Here is a question...maybe not one I want to know the answer to.......What happens to the pet store puppies that don't sell? I know they won't keep them once they get a bit older, they don't want them if they aren't cute and cuddly puppies anymore. :(

I'm not sure if this is correct, but I believe the animal is sent back to the mill it came from. Most likely it will be penned and breeded to death as the cycle starts all over again. :(