View Full Version : Fitness Fridays #6: When you expect success, your mind focuses on success.

08-06-2006, 10:25 PM
Here we are - another week!!! Can you believe, 6 weeks??? This is great! You all did great last week. I wish I could have posted more, but I was reading & lurking & keeping up with everyone, I have just not been able to post as much . . . but hopefully this week, will be back in there with you. :)

I got a new recipe book this week!!! So I'm hoping to try out some of those recipes & share some of my favs :)

One thing I noticed was that some of you mentioned before & after pictures? In our original thread, we posted before & after pictures and they were quite inspiring. I highly suggest that you post before & after pics if you have them - they're a great motivational tool for others!

I'll get you started with those before & afters in the next post . . .

08-06-2006, 10:27 PM
before & after
(about 55lbs lost)


08-07-2006, 08:48 AM
Wow, Christa, that is an amazing difference, but I have to say that you look beautiful in your *before* as well as your *after*. I know you feel a lot better at the *after* weight though and the difference it will make in your health now and in the future is beyond calculation.

In respect to sheer outward appearances, even those who look beautifully plump, beware: As one ages, fat can turn to flab, and flab is never attractive.

On a positive vein, I did manage to lose another pound last week. I did a lot of physical work over the weekend which was good, but I made a number of poor choices in my eating, probably because I was so hungry. I think my mistake was to try to continue with my much smaller portions when I really needed a bit more due to the extended physical activity. Then the hunger got the best of me and I ate some extra things that weren't the best selections.

Christa, you mentioned two weeks ago that sometimes it takes a while to get started. I like to refer to that as *building a base*. I know that not everyone runs up on that, but for those who (like me) do, the idea is not to give up. Just keep plugging at it, and like Christa says, eventually the weight will drop.

08-07-2006, 08:56 AM
On a positive vein, I did manage to lose another pound last week.

Congrats on the pound lost . . . just keep up what you're doing & you know that it will pay off. :D How many times a day are you eating? Try to eat more often - just stick with the SMALL portions. It's best to eat small portions about 6 times a day!!! :eek:

08-07-2006, 08:58 AM
Calf Raises are a great exercise to strengthen, tone and define the calf's and lower legs. You can use a chair to balance during the exercise if you like. Remember to stay in your comfort zone and move the legs slowly and smoothly.

• Stand behind the chair with both hands on the back of the chair.
• Keep your legs straight and body upright.
• Slowly move onto your toes lifting your heels off the ground until you are on tiptoes (as long as this is comfortable for you).
• Hold yourself up on your toes for 3-4 seconds.
• Slowly lower your heels back down and return to the starting position.
• Repeat the exercise 5-10 times at first, but this can be increased if you feel comfortable.

Make calf raises a HABIT! Do them while you're brushing your teeth - while you're cooking - while you're doing the dishes!!! :D

08-07-2006, 09:34 AM
before & after (about 55lbs lost.Wow, you look great! How long has it taken you to loose it?

08-07-2006, 09:35 AM
Calf Raises are a great exercise to strengthen, tone and define the calf's and lower legs. :D

Love it! It's one even I am not intimidated by - simple and doable. Thanks for the suggestion.

08-07-2006, 09:45 AM
Wow, you look great! How long has it taken you to loose it?

Started in Feb of 2004. I know - that seems like a long time, but it was more of a lifestyle change for me - I wanted to get HEALTHY more than I wanted to look skinny or athletic. Concentrated on eating healthy & exercising and I am finally to a point where I am really proud of myself & really happy in my skin. :) Sure, I still have some problem areas, but who doesn't?

08-07-2006, 05:59 PM
Well, another weekend of eating all the wrong foods. I have been so hungry and I still am today. Its driving me crazy! I've gained 3 or 4 pounds back. I just don't think I will ever be able to do this and finally look like a normal person. I really don't like myself right now. Sorry to be such a downer but that is how I feel.

08-08-2006, 09:25 AM
Well, another weekend of eating all the wrong foods. I have been so hungry and I still am today. Its driving me crazy! I've gained 3 or 4 pounds back. I just don't think I will ever be able to do this and finally look like a normal person. I really don't like myself right now. Sorry to be such a downer but that is how I feel.

This is known as a set back, Robin, nothing bigger or more significant than that. So, lace up your tennies, and hook up the dogs (though, I might have seen something in doggie about this?), and W-A-L-K! A set back can't be a set back any longer if you do ONE positive thing forward. So, get out there and move!!!

08-08-2006, 02:05 PM
Robin, Cataholic is right! You can't give up!!! . . . It took me 2 years to get to where I'm at! That's a long time and you've got to remember that your goals won't happen over night. You can't expect them to.

Just keep in mind that you want to be healthier.

Set realistic goals for yourself.

Do something for yourself every day - so you'll feel energized.


There were so many times that I wanted to give in to my temptations - and so many times that I did! But I didn't fall off the wagon or give up - I kept trucking and I feel so much better for it.

Just keep doing this for YOU. Do this for your health! And we're all here to support you in every way we can. :D

08-08-2006, 05:02 PM
I know I said I was starting days ago, but I didn't. :o

The good news is...my husband and I have decided to start out on our exercising spree today!

This morning, we both woke up, and went to the gym together. We worked out for about an hour...first on the elliptical, then worked with weights, then, did stretches. We also ate a light but nutritious breakfast, AND...I packed him a salad for lunch. Of course I got salad for lunch too. ;) So...hopefully, I will now be back on schedule. Its great having someone to work out with. Makes things so much easier. We had to start today. The LAST thing we want is to gain weight right after marriage. That isn't fun at all. ;)

08-08-2006, 07:11 PM
I just don't think I will ever be able to do this...You're not alone Robin, me too. Maybe you & I can just plod along and keep each other encouraged along the way. I lost a few and gained them back, so I'm back where I started, which is 10 lbs. heavier than last year at this time. I'm hoping to just start making better choices and not worry about my weight, I know it'll start coming off when I change my habits. I'm telling myself that just today, I won't eat ice cream. So, I didn't eat ice cream last night, even though I wanted to. Don't plan on eating any tonight either.
It's a start! ;)
(may seem like a simple thing, but my husband LOVES ice-cream and it's always around)

08-09-2006, 11:08 AM
Thanks for the support!

I may not be eating very well right now, but at least Tori and I have been walking the past few days. Today we walked for an HOUR! I don't know if anyone remembers but I had mentioned a hill that I used to walk up a very long time ago, well today Tori and I tackled that hill :eek: . I probably shouldn't have tried to go all the way up but once I started I was determined I was going all the way. We made it to the top and I was sucking air and wheezing so bad. I had to stop and calm down and catch my breath. It is a beautiful neighborhood up there and normally I would walk all around but I only went down one of the side streets nice and slow to help catch my breath still. Going back down wasn't so bad but I could feel a whole other set of muscles being used. I have a feeling that I am really going to pay for this tomorrow. Tori is laying beside me completely pooped..lol. I'm going to give her legs a massage and then hop in the shower. It felt good to accomplish something today.

Oh, just wanted to add that Katie hasn't been walking with us because she has a bad leg and has been ordered to rest. I posted about it in dog general.

Again, thanks for all the support!

08-09-2006, 02:22 PM
Robi, I just wanted to add my encouragement for you not to give up. Everything you do in the direction of eating healthier and exercising does make a difference, even if it doesn't show up like you want it to. I really sympathize with you because I too experience the sheer hunger you have spoken of.

This week I've had to acknowledge that there are certain foods I just cannot have in the house. There is no way that I am able to eat one cookie, once or twice a week as a treat. I just cannot have cookies in the house because it will be one or two after lunch and two after dinner, every day. But on the plus side, there is ice cream in the house and I haven't touched it. Now if I had one small scope, I know all bets would be off. I'm like an addict. Cybersides, have your husband hide the ice cream way in the back of the freezer. He may have to dig for it, but if you don't see the box, it helps. :p

Another approach I am taking is not thinking about the big goal, but dividing things up into little goals. Right now I'm not even going to think about wanting to lose 25 pounds but asking myself do I want to lose 6. Yes, I would be elated to lose 6 pounds and do a happy dance, so that's my goal. If I make it to that, then I can decide if I want to do more or not. Small goals whether it be in how you exercise or how you eat, do not seem so overwhelming.

08-09-2006, 02:48 PM
Someone please slap me! I need help. I am going through so much stress, and food is like a drug for me. It heals me and is like a bandage for me. I just can't stop snacking, and their not healthy snacks. I really want to loose the weight but I just need the stress to stop. I watch all the losing weight commercials and they make it seem so easy. Once you get going does it get easier? :confused: Sorry.

Toby's my baby
08-10-2006, 08:04 PM
Wow Christa, you look GREAT!!

I'm not doing so good today...I had 4 pieces of pizza today...:rolleyes:

...I went the the dentist today though, and he said my teeth looked WONDERFUL, which adds up to I must be eatting better.

I also went the the doctor to have a Physical, and I weighed in at 123, and 5'4" tall... The nurse said I am in great shape, and would kill for my body... *secretly gleams inside* :p I guess I'm doing something right!! :D

08-11-2006, 08:43 AM
Wow Christa, Your before and after pictures are inspiring.
I still haven't taken the before picture even though I am continuing to lose weight. I have lost about 12 lbs. and hope to lose more. I have been struggling this past week but have kicked myself in the butt to do better.
You look great.

08-11-2006, 09:40 AM
Someone please slap me! I need help. I am going through so much stress, and food is like a drug for me. It heals me and is like a bandage for me. I just can't stop snacking, and their not healthy snacks. I really want to loose the weight but I just need the stress to stop. I watch all the losing weight commercials and they make it seem so easy. Once you get going does it get easier? :confused: Sorry.

I too use food to *medicate* myself, also to help me sleep. Once you get over the carb addiction, it does get easier. For me, it takes four days or so. But if you cheat, you have to start all over again. I ran across two candy bars that I didn't know were in the house, and I've eaten them both. The good part is that I didn't eat them both on the same day. I've gained back the pound I lost last week, but I think now that the candy bars and cookies are out of the house, I'll be okay. We go shopping tonight. I'll have to ask my husband to monitor what gets put in the shopping cart.

08-11-2006, 08:18 PM
Hey guys!!! Thanks for the compliments but I was hoping that more of you would post before & after pics. I know that we've done it before in . . .

THIS THREAD . . . (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=107190)

Just in case you wanna see . . . :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-12-2006, 03:41 AM
Thanks for keeping us all on track Christa.....

I am doing pretty well so far - have lost another 15 lbs since June, for a total loss so far of 23 lbs, so I have 27 lbs to go to get to my goal weight of 132lbs!!!

All my size 16's have now been packed away, and my size 14's are hanging down around my backside (NOT a very flattering look - if makes me look like I have a huge dirty diaper on LOL).

My Harley Davidson hipsters (which I could only close 2 buttons in June) - now fit better than they did when I fisrt bought them, and will SOON be too big!!!

I am REALLY treating myself this week - I have a horrible keloid scar across my belly button from my surgery last year - this Wednesday I have an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon to revise the scar and re-stitch the incision to get rid of the UGLY scar! When it's all healed up, I'm getting my belly button peirced! :D