View Full Version : Drinking out of the toilet???

05-23-2002, 06:59 AM
Have any of yall caught your babies drinking from the toilet??? My hubby caught Dutchess doing that this morning. I thought only dogs did that!! haha :D


05-23-2002, 07:02 AM
No I haven't, thank God for that!

Can that really be healthy??

05-23-2002, 07:32 AM
I have a habit of always putting the lid down. I use chemicals in my toilets, therefore, I'm cautious about that.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-23-2002, 09:46 AM
You mean like this?

Tubby and Peanut have been drinking out of the toilet since I've had them. I've tried everything to get them to drink out of a bowl like normal kitties, and they even have one of those water fountains that has constantly running water - and they prefer the toilet. :rolleyes: EXCEPT about 2 months ago or so, I left a glass of water on the table next to the bed, and the next thing you know they were climbing over me all night long to get to the water glass. I have since moved the glass to the floor, and keep it filled, but they still drink out of the toilet, Tubby more than Peanut now. Over the years I have wanted to use those chemicals for the toilets, but didn't dare knowing that was the favored source of water. And after the cleaning lady comes, we make sure and flush quite a few times before letting the kitties back in the bathrooms. It's worked out just fine for 15 1/2 years now, so even though we may think it's unsanitary and icky, I really don't think there's a problem with it - as long as the toilet is kept clean that is.

Here's Peanut with her new favored source of water.

05-23-2002, 10:08 AM
Sydney never does that !!! He is curious and wants to look as I press the flush-button ....... but no drinking !

By the way , I also think it is unhealthy to drink that water , so I also close the lid !!!

05-23-2002, 11:04 AM
Tubby & Peanut's Mommy..

Those piccs are so cute!!! :) And yes, we are starting to keep the toilet lid down now :D


05-23-2002, 03:30 PM
I've caught Onneka, Converse, and Chance all taking turns at the toilet.

Sometimes Chance will jump in the tub after I've showered and will lick away.....

I try to remember to put the lid down, but we have three toilets in the house and I'm too lazy to run around and make sure they all have the seats down. *laughs*

05-25-2002, 01:26 AM
I also keep my toilet lid down. My roommate sometimes forgets. She caught Sunny playing with the water in the toilet. I don't think that he was drinking it though. :)

06-15-2002, 09:31 PM
Yes I have, My first cat that owned but I had to have her put down. I caught her drinking out of the toilet and I took picture of her, the reason she was drinking out of the toilet because she had kideny problems. Now I keep the toilet down and I don't leave the toilet seat up.

06-16-2002, 09:46 AM
My cat drinks out of the sink actually, she wouldn't drink out of a bowl for some reason.

That picture of the cat with its paw in the glass reminded me of my friends cat. If there was milk in a glass, she'd stick her paw in, take it out and lick it off. It was cute lol.

06-16-2002, 12:16 PM
Peanut is sooooo adorable. I keep the lids down here as best possible. [Sometimes it's hard to keep reminding guests...]

I've just had the plumber in ... grr :mad: ..., which is sure to disappoint Cassy. Previously we kept having to take the tank lid off and pour water in regularly, to Cassy's abiding fascination. We used to joke that he 'had the soul of a plumber'. It got challenging trying to pour water OVER a cat head or worse, between two cat heads and assorted paws. Now that the plumber's been here, one less fun thing for poor Cass! **evil mommy strikes again!**

maxx's mom
06-17-2002, 12:09 PM
Maxx prefers to drink out of the toilet and has since she was big enough to reach. We always make sure the lid is up, the toilet is clean, and we always flush a few times after cleaning the toilet.

Here in Canada, there are regulations that the water in the toilet must be potable (drinkable) in case of emergency (earthquake, etc) so as long as you don't use a toilet cleaner in the tank, your furbaby should be fine drinking it.

06-17-2002, 12:17 PM
Yes, in my house we have a "toilet lid down" rule. My boys love drinking water out of any place that isn't their own water bowl.
They even like to drink out of Yertle the Turtle's swimming pool! Silly kitties! :rolleyes: