View Full Version : 6 months old! (*11 pics*)

08-06-2006, 12:27 AM
Buck turned 6 months old on July 27. I cannot explain how perfect this dog is for me. He's so obedient, so smart, so funny, so energetic, so loving, and everything else :) Between him and Nova I don't know if I could ever get a better dog for me.

4 weeks old

7 weeks, his first raw meal!
LOL I love Nova's mouth hanging over the camera in the last picture

2.5 months

3 months

Earlier tonight ...

More coming ...

08-06-2006, 12:29 AM
I had tacos for dinner tonight and let the dogs split a tortilla shell. Buck didn't eat his, but just kept it in his mouth. I noticed it when he had a buldge in his mouth.

"I dun got nuffin in mah mouth!"

"Oh yeh, Ah forgot to swallow!"

"Whaddya mean it's still there?"
It was there for 30 minutes before he decided to spit it out and let Luka eat it. LOL

And finally, how much he's grown ...
10 weeks (12 lbs) ..................................... 6 months (60ish lbs)

That's all :)

08-06-2006, 12:41 AM
Happy 6 months Buck!! I love the tortilla pics, what a goof. ;) 60 lbs at 6 months, thats how much Nebo weighs full grown...how big do you think he will get?

08-06-2006, 12:53 AM
Happy 6 months Buck!! I love the tortilla pics, what a goof. ;) 60 lbs at 6 months, thats how much Nebo weighs full grown...how big do you think he will get?
I think he's going to be 75-80 lbs. :)

Nova was 60 lbs at 6 months, and she's only 67 lbs now.

08-06-2006, 12:56 AM
aww happy 6 months Buck!!!
wow have you gotten into a big boy! Cute pictures!!

08-06-2006, 01:20 AM
Buck is so handsome, I can't believe he's already 6 months old! His coat is so glossy, and he has really pretty eyes! http://smilies.vidahost.com/otn/love/luvlove.gif

08-06-2006, 02:06 AM
I can't believe that Buck is 6 months old now, but in a way it seems like he has always been a part of PT.

Happy 6 months to you, Buck!!! I'm sending lots of hugs your way, big boy. :)

08-06-2006, 05:46 AM
Oh my goodness, Buck is so adorable! I can believe how he's grown. Are you sure that's the same rug? :p

08-06-2006, 11:18 AM
He is soooooo cute! I love his eyes. I'm glad that he turned out to be such a fantastic addition. Happy 6 months, Buck! :)

08-06-2006, 11:21 AM
They grow up so fast ;) He is one little cutie.Love his name

08-06-2006, 12:10 PM
He's such a goofy boy! He reminds me of my uncle's dog. He must be perfect! He's grown sooo much!

08-06-2006, 12:19 PM
he's a doll ! :) I just LOVE black labs of course i have one :D he has to be one of my favorite dogs here on PT :D

08-06-2006, 12:28 PM
WOW, 6 months already? :eek:

Buck is so big now, it seriously seems like only three months ago I saw those baby pictures. He's growing into such a beautiful and magnificent boy. Great pictures, Sarah! :D I love them all.

08-06-2006, 03:55 PM
Such a shiny, happy boy you've got there - and boy does he have the "puppy dog eyes" look down pat!

Happy half-birthday, Buck!

08-06-2006, 03:57 PM
Hahahaha!! I loved the tortilla pics, that is too funny. He sure is a handsome boy!

08-06-2006, 04:35 PM
Happy 6 mos B-day Buck!!!!

08-06-2006, 04:50 PM
Thanks everyone :D

08-06-2006, 04:57 PM
Happy 6 months, Buck! You have grown into such a handsome man :D.

08-06-2006, 08:30 PM
He sure is a handsome little guy! And I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your puppy!

08-06-2006, 08:33 PM
Awwwwww !

08-07-2006, 09:02 PM
What a handsome guy! Happy 6 motnhs!!

oh, this pic is just the CUTEST thing!!!!


Ginger's Mom
08-08-2006, 08:59 AM
Oh too too cute! :D Happy 6-month birthday Buck. He sure is growing into a very handsome young man. The tortilla pictures made me lol. He didn't want it, but he didn't want to give it up either. How cute. :)

08-08-2006, 09:07 AM
Very nice post!!! Buck is looking sharp and some great pics of him as he has grown! :D :D :D

08-08-2006, 09:17 AM
How funny! He didn't really want to eat it at all! He just didn't want any of the others to eat it!! How funny!
What a cutie he is!

08-08-2006, 09:47 AM
handsome baby Buck.........well not so baby now........heīs just too cute and such a goof..........I canīt help but laugh at that silly face....so inocent..........smooches to you Buck, happy half birthday!!!!

08-09-2006, 09:09 PM
Thanks everyone :D

08-09-2006, 11:12 PM
WOW! Time fli....ies!!! Buck's such a goober! A gazillion more years of happiness and laughs together!

08-09-2006, 11:19 PM
Aww Buck is so big now!! :eek: It seemed like yesterday he just came home to you. He is so adorable and such a goof. I always love seeing pictures of him :D

08-09-2006, 11:24 PM
Buck is SO adorable. :D You are so lucky to have found a dog so perfect for you, I hope I can always be so lucky. :D

08-09-2006, 11:47 PM
What a cute dog! Labs are some of my favorites. I can't believe how much he's grown. Great pics.

08-10-2006, 05:09 PM
Q: How long does it take him to eat his raw meals?

:) ( Buck you are adorable ) :)