View Full Version : How do people do it?

08-05-2006, 08:52 PM
I had to baby sit again tonight and Cam was very fussy. He's usually happy when I take him for a walk so I said "Ok, Bubba, lets go for a walk"... and Nicki heard me. So then I had a 100 pound dog jumping for joy (she hasn't jumped for joy in a looong time) and a little fussy baby who simply missed his mommy.

After twenty minutes of trying to figure out how to set up the stroller while Nicki barked her head off saying "Ma! You told me you'd take me for a walk.... whats the holdup? WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK!"

I finally got the stroller up from the collapsed postion, straped Cam into the stroller, managed to get it down the steps without tripping over a still leaping dog, leashed her, got on my shoes.... and off we went, with Nicki yanking my arm off and the stroller following some jet stream I couldn't see. Nicki NEVER pulls (but then again she never jumps and leaps about anymore either).

What an interesting walk THAT was! By the end of it, Nicki finally understood that she was not in competition with the stroller and my arm was back into its socket. The baby was happy the entire time and he actually slept for half an hour after we returned.

How do people do this all the time? How do people do it with PUPPIES? I see half the people coming into the store have babies and puppies at the same time. Are they mad? Did they loose their mind when they decided to adopt a puppy while they had an infant at home? I was almost knocked down by an arthritic 12 year old dog... no way I'd be able to handle doing things with the baby AND an energetic puppy.

Sigh.... there go my dreams of having a puppy any day soon.

PS: Here's what he looked like most of the night

Of course, now that Ashley is home, he's quite happy and content :rolleyes: I get to babysit him all day tomorrow too. I hope he comes to realize I'm a nice guy and he doesn't have to cry around me anymore!

08-05-2006, 09:15 PM
You are one wonderful baby sitter, I'll say that!!!
Your post made me remember those awkward dog/baby moments in my life!!!!

What a pick me up!!!!!!

08-05-2006, 10:33 PM
just a thought....

I don't have children, but I do have a nephew who was a very colicy baby -
turns out that he has acid reflux disease and his parents didn't discover this until he was 12 years old :eek:

Just something to consider.

08-05-2006, 10:45 PM
just a thought....

I don't have children, but I do have a nephew who was a very colicy baby -
turns out that he has acid reflux disease and his parents didn't discover this until he was 12 years old :eek:

Just something to consider.
Nah, he only does this with me. He's cool and happy whenever mom is around. He never fusses or cries... only when she's gone.

08-06-2006, 05:06 AM
You are amazing! (I can just imagine Nicki jumping around impatiently...LOL)

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-06-2006, 05:26 AM
You are a great mom, you handked this perfectly!!

But, are you sure Cam isn't "producing" something ;) :D

08-06-2006, 07:32 AM
Kim, when my first grandson was still a toddler my daughter brought Dale (Swissy #1) into their home as a puppy. All I can say is that as I watched the housebreaking process alone it was hectic. You are just not always able to whisk a dog outside to go potty when you have a toddler on the floor. Fortunately now with grandson #2 here and still a tiny infant, Harlee is quite the well behaved lady. It should be a *piece of cake* as they say. :)

I remember when my children were crawling, if I didn't get the dog bowls up off the floor, if there was any leftover kibble in them they would eat it! :p :rolleyes: :D Ah, yes, you have brought back some memories!

P. S. I LOVE your new signature! :cool:

08-06-2006, 07:33 AM
But, are you sure Cam isn't "producing" something ;) :D
Yes, a lot of noise... which is what he's doing right now. Ash went to work 15 minutes ago and the tears started within 5 minutes of her leaving. Sigh

08-06-2006, 08:52 AM
I know this probably sound silly but how about recording her voice? would that help? :p

08-06-2006, 04:44 PM
I'm so glad I never tried to have a baby AND a puppy at the same time.
Really would be hectic around the house. Does the baby use a pacifier?