View Full Version : To my lovely Inka

08-05-2006, 07:31 PM
Hello there, beautiful Inka! How are you today? I often like to snuggle up with Meowmie to watch television with her. We've been seeing on the news that there is record breaking heat just about everywhere, even in Belgium. Is it still very hot there? Are you okay and staying cool & comfortable? How are your purrents and your sisters? It's still very hot here in Trenton, a few days last week it was over 100 degrees - one day was 106 and another day was 108! Meowmie and Soncat leave the air conditioner on for me when they leave for work then Soncat comes home at lunch break to check on me and give me fresh cool water. So I haven't really been bothered by all this nasty heat. I've also been wondering about all our PT kitty friends in this weather. I hope some of them will let us know what they've been doing to stay cool. Well dear Inka, once again it's time to go. I hope to hear from you soon.

Purrs, headbumpies, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses,
Your Groucho

08-05-2006, 07:40 PM
Inka and Grocho can take a break in Southern Ontario where its in the low 80s, and not that
humid,and we have lots of Fun Things planned including Romantic Cat Dinners for two at Shakespheraes, our Very Best Romantic Restaurant.
Lots of fun, and food for EVERYONE!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-06-2006, 05:43 AM
Ohhhh, a thread for me only??? What an honour!!
Yes, we had that heatwave here too! It was sooooooo hot.....! Of course, I found lots of ways to "air out", and meowmie made sure we had lots of cold water!!http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/hot7.jpg

The heat is gone now! In fact it is perfect for me now! I love to play in our garden, chase flies and butterflies, getting a tan, etc... . Hey, how about jumping on a plane and joining me here??? Together we would catch lots of goodies!!!

Love, from your INKA

08-06-2006, 01:29 PM
My dearest Inka, How wonderful to hear from you! According to the weather reports the heatwave is over but it sure doesn't feel like it outside. Today is something like 88 degrees and tomorrow is supposed to be 90 degrees again. Meowmie says it's still too darn hot so she and Soncat say they won't go outside anymore today. Right now I'm waiting to hear from the airline and plan to be on the next air conditioned flight to Belgium. It sounds so nice and I have seen pictures of your beautiful garden. Mr. Catmandu has invited us to visit the Found cats, Porchies, and the Kitten Trio for some party time in cool and comfortable Ontario. I'm on my way and will be with you soon. Meowmie even got us some Cosmic Country Catnip but said to be sure and share it with your sisters.

Purrs, headbumpies, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses,
Your Groucho