View Full Version : Hi Gary!

08-05-2006, 07:13 PM
Hi Gary! How are the Found Cats, Porchies, and the Kitten Trio dealing with this awful heat? Actually, I've been wondering about Doris. Does she still come around at all? How is she doing? The picture of her you shared with us was great, she looks like a real sweetheart. I hope she's okay.

08-05-2006, 07:19 PM
We had two really hot days, but now its in the high 70s, and actually down to the mid sixties at night!
Doris has been groomed up a bit, and someone bought her a flea collar, probably the Lady who took Ragnar with her.
Shes not happy that Doris is let out, and may help Doris find a new home, but she doesnt want me to be suspected of stealing Cats.
She told her folks that she took Ragnar, as they thought I did.
They just have Cats, and dont care for them.
The Found Cats will get a Power Dinner Kitty Bag, and will they love it!!