View Full Version : Max got in a dog fight.

08-05-2006, 12:51 AM
Today Max ran outside. Makayla & I ran after him to find him in a fight with an older un-altered GSD, we pulled him off and told him what a bad boy he was. Later in the night, about an hour ago, we saw some blood above Rupert's left eye. It was some kind of bite, and we supposed it was from Max because they were together and there was really nothing else he could get it from. When Makayla & I were eating dinner, we looked out the window and Max had his hair bristled and was trying to pin down Rupert. It's almost like he's all of the sudden went vicious :rolleyes: Why is this happening!? There was nothing we did to make him do this.

08-05-2006, 12:54 AM
Yep, that was scary. Maybe he got into that dog fight with the un-alerted GSD to find out who was boss of the neighborhood or something? But who knows why he was being aggresive towards Rupert. It sure didn't look like they were just playing to me. And that scar across above Rupert's eye definetley looks like a dog bite.

08-05-2006, 08:32 AM
This might sound kind of stupid...but is it possible he could have rabies? I'm not too sure on that, but I think being touchy is a symptom. ?? :confused:

08-05-2006, 09:24 AM
It sounds as if Max decided since he had a quarrell with a nother dog that it was time to remind Rupert that he is still the Alpha around the house. Steel already knows he is but from time to time he thinks he needs to remind Brutus with a small quarell of his own. Hopefully he has it out of his system for a while. The ealier fight probably put him in a bad mood. Dogs have feelings too.

08-05-2006, 03:33 PM
This might sound kind of stupid...but is it possible he could have rabies? I'm not too sure on that, but I think being touchy is a symptom. ?? :confused:

Yea that is what i'm thinking has he gotten his rabies shot latley?

08-05-2006, 03:35 PM
No, it's not rabies. He's got his rabies shots and has no aggresion towards people.

08-05-2006, 03:42 PM
No, it's not rabies. He's got his rabies shots and has no aggresion towards people.

hmm that's odd... then its something that they are thinking about and is probably mad and got a little over board and attack your other dog. If you get what i mean.

08-05-2006, 06:06 PM
I think he was just on end from the earlier fight.
Rabies? Really, in this day and age? You'd see a lot more symptoms if he had rabies, like he wouldn't be able to eat or drink or swallow. Rabies is a disease that CAN lead to blind rage, but not often. More often the animal dies of dehydration before it even shows any anger.